Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 442 A pair of divine gifts

Within three days, the Zeng family was severely beaten, and Zeng Xin's affairs were exposed. Not only was his reputation ruined, but he was also directly cut off by justice from the Zeng family.

Kicked out of the house and eliminated the family tree, in order to save the Zeng family.

Wang Linchi didn't know how the Liu family operated, but with a lot of money, the other party worked very hard.

As for Wang Linchi’s source of money? No one cares about this matter at all, it’s easy to talk about it once the money is obtained.

Although he gave up his car to save the handsome man, other aristocratic families did not give up and instead suppressed him further.

Wang Linchi's life was very easy. The night after Zeng Xin was kicked out of the house, he sent him on his way.

After the killing, police officers also came to inquire. However, Wang Linchi had a sufficient alibi and a memory. It would be extremely easy to find someone to prove it to him.

Due to Wang Linchi's identity and the proof, the police officers did not dare to take action. In the end, they could only rule out the suspicion and continue to look for the murderer.

But it was just a show. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Zeng Xin was the victim of this family struggle. It didn't matter who killed him, but it made the struggle become more intense. It could have ended, but it can't end now.

Because of the fierce internal fighting in the family, no one bothered Wang Linchi anymore, which made Wang Linchi feel much more relaxed.

Until the exam started, the whole process was peaceful.

In the examination, after another set of procedures, he successfully won the first place in the examination and became Huiyuan. This incident also greatly reduced the intensity of the fight among the aristocratic families.

Wang Linchi, who had received the honor of being a tribute scholar, was already a big shot at this time. The aristocratic families in the prefecture did indeed have the highest-level honorary titles, but they would not offend Wang Linchi because of this.

Liande Anshou, Jieyuan, and Huiyuan, this achievement must have attracted the attention of the imperial court. More importantly, he did not have a family background. He was placed above the imperial court. He was definitely the emperor's favorite lone minister. In addition, If you have the ability, success is inevitable.

If he wins the top prize again in the palace examination, and after winning three prizes in a row, when he joins the officialdom, he can be directly mentioned as a second-grade official, and it will not be a problem to work for a first-grade officer for another two years.

This kind of character no longer wants to suppress or intercept.

Can't this kid stay?

The family has become such a mess and you still think you can't stay, for fear that the other party might come back and kill your whole family.

Therefore, there are only two ways of treatment: drawing in and staying away.

In this regard, Wang Linchi didn't care about these things at all. He always felt that things were not that easy to solve.

This time, the limelight was really big, and it became famous throughout Lizhou.

Zhou Mu even personally arranged a group of soldiers to escort Wang Linchi. After all, Wang Linchi also had a history of being intercepted and killed. He was worried that some aristocratic families would not be foresight and would do it again.

If this happens, then he, the state pastor, will have to deal with it to the end.

After Wang Linchi returned, he looked at the two spiritual gifts that appeared this time. The spiritual gifts he obtained were a bit strange.

[Confucian Xianbao: Divine Affinity +100%]

[Wenchang Silu: Divine Strength +100%]

He knew that these two passive skill spiritual gifts were two treasure seals, but why did he enhance divinity? He had no such thing as divinity at all.

If it were given resistance, he could still understand. As a result, whether it was affinity or strength, he would be 0. If it was 1, even if it was 0.1, he could get an increase. Unfortunately, if it was 0, there was nothing he could do.

"It can't be a series of entries, right?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this.

We can only wait until the last spiritual gift appears to see the situation.

"The literary spirit has become stronger again, which is good."

Wang Linchi watched as this literary spirit once again gave birth to a new effect, which was the growth that Wang Linchi needed.

The growth before could only be regarded as an improvement in quantity at best, but the growth now is an improvement in quality, with a variety of qualitative changes.

"After I become a Jinshi, I should be able to complete it, and then I can consider the issue of balance."

Then he turned his attention back to divinity.

"When it comes to God, I really know where God is."

At this time, he thought of the Hulu in the South and the North. They made offerings to the demon god. So is this divinity related to the demon god?

These spiritual gifts actually have a certain amount of luck involved.

Otherwise, this is unlikely to happen.

"Is the future trend going to be demon gods?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this.

He will definitely not worship the demon god, but if others worship him as a god, it is indeed possible.

"It's just that the gap between the shaman system and the spiritual master system is too big. The two are not at the same level at all... No, no, I thought wrong."

"I chose the demon god system, not the shaman system."

"You can't mix the two together."

Wang Linchi quickly realized that the demon god and the shaman were not from the same system at all.

At best, shamans can only be regarded as the donors and derivatives of demon gods.

"After I get the Jinshi and the Jade Seal, I will go north to the grassland." Wang Linchi's first thought was naturally to grab it, but after thinking about it again, it still felt wrong.

"Emperor Jing sent troops south to suppress the bandits. After dealing with the rogue bandits, he will definitely attack the Hulu next."

"With Emperor Jing's ability, no matter whether they are rogue bandits or barbarians, they are no match for him. After they are all cleaned up, even if I get the magic of the demon god, I still can't do it."

"So the best way should be to use the power of Dajing."

Wang Linchi thought of this matter and taking advantage of the situation was the best way.

Otherwise, if you really rely on yourself, how much time will it take.

The southern and northern expeditions were definitely the purpose of Emperor Jing.

And he just had to adapt.

If it were someone else, there might be other factors to consider, but if it were Wang Linchi who won three yuan in a row, it wouldn't be a problem then. He would definitely be able to become the person in charge of the Northern Expedition.

As for him not being good at management, fighting, etc., that doesn't matter, he can cheat.

The nomads in the north will inevitably become good at singing and dancing after meeting Maxim.

"The next step is to go to Kyoto."

"If nothing else happens, we will indeed be able to catch up with this year's palace examination."

Wang Linchi was not sure that the protagonist's halo was willing to allow him to arrive smoothly.

This can be regarded as making Wang Linchi understand one thing, that is, the protagonist's halo cannot be snatched casually, as it is easy to get cheated.

When I took Ye Tian before, Ye Tian occupied a large share in the early stage, so Ye Tian held on. When I took them all away in the later stage, the world was on the verge of extinction and the luck was severely depleted, so it was okay.

This time, he took the halo of the protagonist in his heyday, which caused constant trouble.

For the time being, he didn't have enough solutions, so he could only put it aside for the time being. Fortunately, it was a low-martial world, otherwise Wang Linchi would have had a headache.

"Next time, if it's a world of high martial arts, the protagonist should not mess with it."

What he wants is good luck, but destiny brings not only rights, but also corresponding obligations.

As a result, he has been targeted. It was not obvious at the beginning. After all, there was not much involvement at the time, and you have to be logical if you want to target him.

His luck is not just a matter of course. As his fame grows and he acquires more things from this world, the interests involved will naturally increase. It is precisely for this reason that he gradually feels against.

"Although luck is useful, you have to pay a price." Wang Linchi wondered if he could block it.

He had the inheritance of the Destiny Demon God, but after reading through a lot of it, he could only use the corresponding method without shielding.

If Wang Linchi wanted to maximize his destiny, there would be no problem, but he didn't want to.

Because once he reaches the highest level, he will face more troubles next.

It's like pushing him along and not being able to make him stop.

Don't even think about overdraft. He has a lot of effect entries used to target this aspect.

As for using luck to resurrect after death to clear all the luck from the body, Wang Linchi did not consider this method of enchantment.

If the skin on his hand is broken, he will cut off the entire arm. He must be very weird to do this.

"We can only take one step first and see what happens next." Wang Linchi finally gave up interfering with his destiny and was ready to let nature take its course.

If it didn't work, he would use force to solve it.

After all, one of his ultimate goals is the Jade Seal, and there is a high probability that he will have to face Dajing in the end, so it would be better to be more aggressive in the early stage. This will help him gain the trust of Emperor Jing as a solitary minister, and he will be able to stab the opponent in the back more easily. Simple.

You can even send Emperor Jing on his way in advance.

Emperor Jing was a man of great talent and strategy, but the same cannot be said for his son.

Thirdly, Sun Tzu can do it too. When the time comes, he will be able to become Dong Zhuo or Cao Cao, holding the emperor hostage and commanding the princes.

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