Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 45 The Dragon Worship Cult intends to intercept Hu’s achievements

Facts have proved that the Peacock Sword Sect really only came here for the Rainbow Series Soul Seeds.

In the past month, there has been no major action, but they have actively maintained the operation of the entire Qinghe City.

Wang Linchi also chatted with Xun Cong twice more. Once, the other party came to make insidious remarks about Wang Linchi's parents. He came back disappointed.

After all, Wang Linchi's parents died one month after he was born. How could he know his life situation after he became an orphan?

The second time, he notified Wang Linchi and confiscated all the books and various things left by his parents at home, leaving nothing behind.

As for compensation, there is definitely no such thing.

Although Xun Cong seemed to have a gentle attitude towards him, in fact he didn't take him to heart at all.

The reason is also a cliché. Wang Linchi is not a combat awakened person. In the eyes of awakened people, he is not considered a person at all.

This made Wang Linchi feel unhappy for several days.

Those books were indeed of no use to Wang Linchi, but they were still his property after all.

This caused Wang Linchi's favorable impression of the Peacock Sword Sect to drop to the extreme. He originally thought that the sect would be better, but now it seems that he has the same moral character as the imperial court.

But it’s not all bad news, there is good news too.

That is, the Peacock Sword Sect no longer cares about itself at all.

It means that he has completely escaped from this vortex.

Others did not have such good luck. Everyone in Qinghe City was controlled and secretly plundered by the disciples of the Peacock Sword Sect.

Qinghe City, which was already a bit withered after being harmed by King Hades, became even poorer.

These things have little to do with Wang Linchi. The only thing that does matter is that there seems to be no chaos. Then his plan to take advantage of the situation will be scrapped, which makes him a little unwilling.

"It's better to stay safe, lest..."

When Wang Linchi was about to give up this plan, he shuddered suddenly, and then compared it through the soul seed and thinking palace, and instantly found something wrong in the air.

"Someone is holding it back, no, there is a force that can't hold it back anymore?" Wang Linchi actually saw that in this month, the Peacock Sword Sect has almost done everything it needs to do, so the evacuation only takes these two days. .

Therefore, if you want to intercept the other party's achievements, you'd better do it now, otherwise if it is too late, the other party will return to the sect's base with the results, and it will be a bit of a loss if you want to take them by force.

Wang Linchi walked to the window, looked up, and saw a bloody sky covering the entire Qinghe City.

In the blood, a demonic dragon loomed, solidifying little by little.

"Ah... doesn't it mean that all the Dragon Worship Cults in Yongzhou have been eliminated? Why did this happen again?" Wang Linchi complained.

He could tell at a glance the origin of the bloody sky and the demonic dragon, which was the blood dragon lineage in the Dragon Worship Cult.

How come this thing is like an invincible Xiao Qiang, but he jumps out to act as a villain again.

With the appearance of the Dragon Worship Cult, Qinghe City also became chaotic.

It’s not like everyone only has three seconds of memory. Naturally, they still remember the massacre that occurred in the secret realm during the three-city joint examination.

"Sure enough, the news is not trustworthy." Wang Linchi stuffed all his belongings into peach charms for storage. Fortunately, there was only a small part of the soul seeds left in his belongings, and most of the soul seeds were used by him. Experiment, so there aren’t many left.

In the research and development of the soul phase secret technique, in addition to referring to the soul phase secret techniques in other soul forging methods, soul seeds are naturally indispensable as experimental samples. After all, the soul seeds are to be absorbed to improve the soul phase.

And unlike the previous research on soul seeds, every experiment was destructive, so there were not many left.

After cleaning up, I planned to find a safer place to stay.

The target of the Dragon Worship Sect will definitely not be him, nor Qinghe College, but the Peacock Sword Sect, otherwise why would they come all the way here.


Suddenly, a dragon roar erupted, which was the opponent's sonic attack.

Wang Linchi was so shocked by the roar that his scalp went numb.

Fortunately, it was far away. If it had been closer, he might have been shaken to pieces on the spot.

"Another fine gold level, this small place is one after another." Wang Linchi complained, and quickly found the location of the treasure house of Qinghe Academy.

The treasure house has been closed. It is not easy to open it. It takes some time.

After the dragon roared, the battle began.

Wang Linchi was farther away but could still see a little.

As an adamantine-level awakener, Xun Cong, a sword shadow turned into a peacock behind him was entangled with the third-generation blood dragon envoy of Yongzhou, the Dragon Worship Cult, who turned into a blood dragon in the sky.

"The core soul of the Peacock Sword Sect, the Peacock Feather Sword Heart." Wang Linchi quickly recognized the shadow of the peacock sword behind Xun Cong.

Just as the colorful light is the core of his original set of rainbow light series soul seeds, the sword-attribute soul seeds of the Peacock Sword Sect require the Peacock Feather Sword Heart as the core in order to exert their complete power. .

The battle between the two sides was much bigger than the last confrontation between Captain Qinghe and the unknown disciple of the Peacock Sword Sect.

This time, it directly affected nearly one-fifth of Qinghe City.

Calculated by calculation, it is roughly equivalent to a peak combat power and a first-time entry level, and the destructive power produced is naturally different.

"Dragon Worship Cult entered the academy?" Wang Linchi saw a group of Dragon Worship Cult followers coming in from a distance, led by several Mithril-level cultists.

Strong is strong, but there is still a big gap between him and the disciples of the Peacock Sword Sect. Xun Cong is not the only one who can fight in the Peacock Sword Sect, other disciples are also very good at fighting.

This time, the Peacock Sword Sect arranged for three fine gold-level disciples to come over. One was Xun Cong to handle the affairs of the academy, and the other two were to take over the government affairs.

They haven't come to support them yet. It's possible that they were transferred away from the mountain or were held back.

In addition to the three core gold-level disciples, there are also ten mithril-level disciples as assistants. There are only two in the academy, and the rest naturally go to the government office.

Therefore, when being besieged by several mithril-level disciples of the Dragon Worship Cult, with the help of the teachers and directors of the college, they could only hold on, as the numerical gap between the two sides was large.

Wang Linchi tried his best to adjust the soul barrier to hide himself more tightly.

Go out to support? Seek death, even if he has the golden elixir, the most he can do is reach the black iron level, or just one.

Not to mention the mithril-level ones who were restrained, there were a lot of orichalcum-level ones on the other side, and there were only a few black iron-level ones even if he drained the spiritual power out of the golden elixir.

It's better to just hide.


A disciple of the Dragon Worship Cult was beaten to his side. He struggled twice and couldn't get up. After being hit by a last hit, he lost his breath.

Wang Linchi thinks this seems like a good opportunity?

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