Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 451 How to die famously

"The north has been decided. It's time for me to fight against the bandits."

Wang Linchi looked at Emperor Jing's edict in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

Li Zheng stood aside, not daring to speak.

"I'll give you a thousand Iron Wings. Are you sure?" Wang Linchi looked at Li Zheng.

"This...isn't good." Li Zheng really didn't expect that Wang Linchi would dare to give him military power.

This is truly unexpected.

"Is it difficult?" Wang Linchi asked back.

The rogue bandits are different from the barbarians. The main reason for their rampage is that there are people who support them. They are essentially a group of bandits. The reason for their strength is not that they are like the barbarians, but because they are good at running away and someone has tipped them off. If they really want to fight head-on, Not an opponent at all.

Otherwise, one is a barbarian and the other is a rogue.

The Hulu family has become an official dynasty.

"It's not difficult. It's just that there is a noble family here. I'm not your lord, so I'm afraid I'm not strong enough." Li Zheng naturally knew his weight.

He is not as good as Wang Linchi. If he is really held back, he may not be able to defeat the opponent.

"Then let's go and do it. Whoever dares to reach out will be killed." Wang Linchi said calmly.

He became more and more unscrupulous, which made Li Zheng a little unable to adapt.

"This... is, my lord, then you..." What Li Zheng means is that since you are not going, do you have to explain it to Emperor Jing to avoid any misunderstandings?

"The northern grassland has fertile water and soil, and there are war horses, cattle and sheep. I plan to develop this into Dajing's farmland and pasture. Once it is completed, Dajing will have no worries."

"I will write a memorial about this matter to express to His Majesty." Wang Linchi said.

It means he won't leave now.

To be honest, if Wang Linchi had not dared to delegate power and even obeyed the court's orders, Li Zheng would have doubted whether Wang Linchi would rebel.

"Forget it, seeing how worried you look, I'll write the memorial first. You can submit it and help me ask His Majesty for money." Wang Linchi said, picked up the pen and started writing.

This writing took more than half an hour, and the paper was as thick as a finger's width. Li Zheng's eyes twitched when he saw it.

Wang Linchi definitely wouldn't just write down what he wants to do. He also has to write down the corresponding plan, the pie to be drawn, the rate of return, etc. If you go to attract investment, you can't see nothing.

Coupled with the specific implementation and various detailed materials required, there are many more by accident.

"Go ahead. With this memorial, if you go south to conquer the bandits, your Majesty will not only not stop you, but will also help you." Wang Linchi said.

Emperor Jing was not stupid. He must have known why the Southern Expedition had been so difficult. Li Zheng could just go and fight. After Wang Linchi gave out the plan for the development of the north, the rogue bandits were basically useless compared with them.

"Yes, sir." Li Zheng had no choice but to take the memorial from Wang Linchi and left the camp.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi breathed a sigh of relief and finally got the matter out of the way.

The reason why he did not leave the northern grasslands was naturally because of his big plan.

The methods of demon gods and shamans can definitely help him, and the help is not small.

The first is that if he becomes a god, then the divine spiritual gift in the spiritual man will be able to work and take effect, and it will also be able to further perfect his body.

Spiritual bones, spiritual veins and spiritual methods formed his skeletal meridians. After becoming a god, divine power would fill in and become his flesh and blood, making him more human.

However, there are two difficulties in achieving this.

The first is that he needs enough faith. The best destination is the Northern Hulu, most of whom believe in the Sky Wolf.

Therefore, Wang Linchi needs to completely cut off the belief in the Sky Wolf and then replace it with himself.

In other words, Wang Linchi's plan to develop the north, the Heavenly Wolf's cruel and bloody methods of offering sacrifices and offerings, were a burden to all tribes.

If Wang Linchi gives them a good life, he will gradually form a contrast in an indirect way and destroy the reputation of the Blue Sky Wolf by throwing dirty water, framing, framing, etc., or even labeling him an evil god.

Between a nihilistic faith and a substantial life, anyone can choose the latter.

When the time comes to publicize that these lives were brought about by Wang Linchi, then this belief will come from all directions.

The north was vast and sparsely populated, so Wang Linchi asked Emperor Jing not only for various materials and money, but also for population.

Of course, what is needed are refugees and refugees. When the time comes, let them take root in the grassland. Once completed, a large amount of memory will be mixed into it as a propaganda port. Then, it can be promoted and developed at the same time.

The first difficulty will take time to solve, but the second difficulty is a bit more difficult.

Because Wang Linchi needs to die.

Only after death can you consecrate gods, build temples and build golden bodies. How can living people do this?

Wang Linchi made two preparations for this.

The first one is to use Yue Fei's unwarranted plot. This requires him to be famous all over the world, which is already available, but there is still a lot to be done. At least it must be such that his death will cause harm to the interests of the entire Dajing Kingdom, including the lowest common people. can achieve the effect he needs.

The second natural thing is to fake his death and get away. He definitely can't really die.

Furthermore, it is really not that easy for him to die, there are a lot of ways to resurrect him.

To sum it up, he must die in a famous way, and someone must worship him after his death.

Use this as a foundation to further improve yourself.

"In this way, the first stage of the system is called corpse analysis."

In fact, Wang Linchi had already made preparations. He had unified all the body systems and integrated them into the first stage. At present, it still needs to be slowly perfected, and it is still just a concept.

To dismember one's body is to die.

Wang Linchi planned to use the method of military relief to die. The divine position he wanted was naturally of a type with strong martial virtues. Of course, the higher the position, the better.

As for the responsibilities, what he wants is to focus on life and death as the core, and the others can be filled in.

That’s why I chose autopsy.

For him, corpse disintegration is only the first process, and there are two stages of cicada sloughing and emergence.

As for whether there will be a new stage in the future, it depends on the subsequent information.

After completing the three stages, you can be called the Zhijie Immortal and become the underground master.

The reason why there are two titles is naturally because humans and gods are separated. Wang Linchi is the corpse-removing immortal, and the god is the underground master.

There is no detailed division of the demon god system in this world, only simple and crude divisions based on the number of beliefs, but Wang Linchi naturally cannot be willing to stop there.

The main reason is that if he wants to go further, there must be corresponding divisions for him to better collect and summarize data.

"After finishing the matters at hand, we can start dealing with the Wolf of the Sky." This idea came to Wang Linchi's mind.

He also needs samples, so as the main belief of the Hulu, the Sky Wolf is very suitable.

"In the future, we can also use the Sky Wolf as a target to further break the faith of the northern Hulu."

Wang Linchi must make the best use of everything, and he can't just say it's over when it's used up.

"I have to exchange interests with the aristocratic families of this era, and I also need a corresponding personality to ensure that my status can be steadily improved in future generations."

The Wolf of the Sky was not the Wolf of the Sky at the beginning, but was gradually attached with a lot of meanings by Hu Lu. These meanings eventually formed various responsibilities, and only then did he possess this power.

Therefore, Wang Linchi not only needs to guide his beliefs through public opinion, but also needs a corresponding personality.

It is best to have two characters: loyalty and righteousness. In this way, for the sake of their own stability and Wang Linchi's popularity among the people, later generations of the court will further seal him, so as to promote loyalty and show his own magnificence.

Conferring a title on a dead person is nothing at all, even conferring a title on him as a king is no problem.

Guan Yu can become the Guan Sheng Emperor, and Wang Linchi has a big plan to be the mastermind behind the scenes. It's not too much for him to become an emperor-level god.

After all, this divine position does not really need to have the power of an emperor or a god emperor. It still has to be sealed by the mortals and then promote the incense belief.

"Then let's do this first." Wang Linchi checked his plan again.

"For the time being, we have decided to make it a century-old plan. I hope the world can be stronger and endure for a hundred years."

In fact, he doesn't insist that all the details are 100% successful, as long as the general principle does not deviate.

Wang Linchi knew that he was not good at this, so he could only adapt to circumstances when the time came.

Moreover, this plan cannot be implemented so quickly. At least it will have to wait until the three stages of his corpse dismemberment, cicada sloughing, and emergence are completed before the plan can be officially launched.

"There is also a jade seal. Later, when Emperor Jing goes to mourn and supports a puppet emperor, Wan Yangou, they can get it together to show that the other party is unorthodox." Wang Linchi muttered.

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