Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 461 Gold and silver mountains are in the palm of your hand

"You have to keep an eye on these things. If you make any mistakes, the loss will be gold and silver." Wang Linchi asked Zhang Lin to move a large number of memorials that had been reviewed.

Zhang Lin looked at this scene with helplessness on his tired face.

"I still don't understand. It's clear that the Ministry of Household Affairs has been spending, but the money is not less, but more and more. The income of each family is rising, and the people at the bottom are getting better and better." Zhang Lin was a little confused.

It can't be born out of thin air.

"The money has never changed, it's always been the same, it's just that it's in the left hand instead of the right." Wang Linchi sat down and said slowly.

The entire Dajing has entered a high-speed development mode. From top to bottom, everyone is making a lot of money, making Dajing's national power as strong as stepping on the accelerator without braking when going downhill.

Anyway, even the wheels of the car were running away and smoking.

Wang Linchi said this, but he concealed a very important point.

That's productivity.

The series of steam engines he developed went through a series of magical modifications. During these times, the crazy fission turned into a powerful productivity.

Coupled with the corresponding food planning, through the family's first investment and profit sharing, combined with continuous benefit feedback and other methods, everyone can ultimately benefit.

It seems like it was born out of thin air. In fact, it was only after productivity increased that Dajing experienced such a prosperous era.

There are also disadvantages. Wang Linchi is the largest capitalist and controls the complete means of production. Once he leaves, Dajing will collapse directly. Moreover, because productivity cannot match the output, the original continuous benefit feedback will become high-level Squeeze the bottom layer.

So needless to say, he must have rebelled against Dajing.

Because it is really possible that they don’t even have enough to eat, so who will rebel if the people don’t rebel?

"The money hasn't changed, so what was born out of thin air?" Zhang Lin is very smart. Otherwise, he can become the head of the Nan Zhang family and the chief minister of Dajing. He has the ability.

"How could anything be born out of thin air? Your family, together with the imperial court, have been squeezing the people from the beginning to the end, making them exhausted."

"However, what this kind of exhaustion will achieve is that the people will not make any profit. Once there is a problem with the climate, not only will they not make a penny, they will even lose everything. They will buy their children, sell their daughters, or even sell themselves."

"If you exchange an inexhaustible mountain of gold and silver for a few taels of silver, something is born out of thin air." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sneered.

"That's not right. Even if you are a slave, you don't have to work." Zhang Lin was keenly aware of the problem in Wang Linchi's words and quickly found the key.

"It's different. There's an issue with output. If I work for you, what I produce cannot be circulated."

"You should go to the ground floor for this kind of thing yourself instead of asking me here." Wang Linchi gave the other party a hint, saying that he didn't want to talk about it anymore and should get out of here.

The other party is indeed aware of the productivity issue, but this matter may not be so easy to replicate.

He had the technology of steam technology in his hands. Without Wang Linchi, not to mention other things, just smelting would make them stuck in the first step.

Even with the help of spiritual men in Dajing, the development is actually not very optimistic.

Seeing that Wang Linchi didn't show much interest, Zhang Lin naturally stopped asking further questions.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Zhang Lin said, stood up and left.

"Remember, we must do a good job in this matter. All those unruly aristocratic families and wealthy gentry must be dealt with. What you are doing is building a mountain of gold and silver. You cannot let these people destroy your eternal wealth." Wang Linchi He gave another instruction.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I know this well." Zhang Lin responded. He had been saying this tirelessly since Wang Linchi came to power and began to control the government.

The fact is, as Wang Linchi said, a group of small aristocratic families are really short-sighted. They really think that the present is still the past, and they can forget about cheating and dare to act randomly.

With their little ability, they are not worthy of playing tricks with the team built by Wang Linchi. The data on the report can reveal the problem at a glance.

You can get away with it by keeping it the same as what you turned in before, or if you want to enclosure and play your own game.

These things can affect the data, and you can tell at a glance that something is wrong with you.

Then the next step is to hold people accountable and put pressure on them.

This matter will be divided into the hands of the Nan Zhang family and the fifth surname Qi Wang, who will then investigate the responsible persons within the scope.

Wang Linchi divided the entire Dajing into thirteen areas, and each aristocratic family was responsible for one area. Therefore, in Dajing, the reorganized thirteen aristocratic families were called the Thirteen Clan.

Therefore, when Wang Linchi has a problem, he goes to the clan. The thirteen clans in these thirteen areas are also divided into large and small areas according to the system provided by Wang Linchi. The people in charge of these areas are also aristocratic families.

If there is a problem in this area, the clan will go to the aristocratic family responsible for that area, and then there will still be divisions further down.

Anyway, Wang Linchi won't go find trouble for the small aristocratic family. He will just slap the clan in the face and scold you for how you are taking care of things.

The other party didn't dare to fight back, let alone scold him. He only dared to apologize to Wang Linchi and said: I will handle it to your satisfaction.

As for teaming up with the other twelve clans to fight against Wang Linchi, do you really think that the other clans are fools? You yourself have done something bad and harmed everyone's interests. You have lost face and you want us to lose money too?

Although everyone is from the same interest group from top to bottom, there are also factions.

Wang Linchi does not take benefits, but he is a person who shares benefits.

The benefits allocated to the thirteen clans plus the royal family every month are divided based on performance.

However, the royal family can receive a fixed 51% every month, and the remaining 49% belongs to the Thirteen Clans and various small and medium-sized aristocratic families in the area under their command.

It is equivalent to everyone having their own share of meat, which is still extra. In fact, with the development, the royal family and the aristocratic family's industry are also growing, and the dividends and their own income are two shares in total.

One is a golden mountain that will not be cut off as long as Dajing is immortal, and the other is naturally a silver mountain that they built themselves. However, these two mountains are all in Wang Linchi's hands. If he takes them back, Dajing will be beaten back immediately. original shape.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty invites you to come to the palace to play chess."

An eunuch who had been waiting for most of the day spoke after Wang Linchi sent Zhang Lin away.

What was discussed during this period was not hidden from the other party.

Wang Linchi knew that this was deliberately arranged by the new Emperor Jing to monitor him, but Wang Linchi didn't care about this little trick.

Even if the other party knew it, the new Emperor Jing would not be able to figure it out, and Zhang Lin would not even understand it, let alone him.

"What kind of show is this today?" Wang Linchi rubbed his temples. Emperor Jing was a good person and fun-loving, so he was treated as a traitor.

But his abilities are really limited, and even Luan Yiwei doesn't want to see him.

You know, the opponent had a lot of good cards, such as Luan Yiwei, but because Li Zheng had been following Wang Linchi for a while, he felt that he was not trustworthy.

Well, that's not really believable, but others are.

The result was good, he actually supported the deputy commander and started a political fight with Li Zheng, the commander-in-chief.

There was a smog inside, and most of Luan Yiwei was destroyed.

The Forbidden Army is directly at odds with the leader of the Forbidden Army, and I don’t know why.

It is also opposed to the royal family.

The patriarch of the royal family was the elder of Emperor Jing, and he was also an extremely capable person. He could tell at a glance that Wang Linchi's ability could protect Dajing for hundreds of years.

What Wang Linchi needs is nothing more than a reputation, so the best way is to delegate power directly like the late emperor, and then enjoy himself to his heart's content.

As a result, the new emperor didn't want to do anything, so he had to do micro-management by himself.

Therefore, the royal family, aristocratic families, ministers, and common people have been suppressing the new emperor.

Next, the other party was trying to think of ways to torment Wang Linchi, either asking him to drink or playing chess with him, and from time to time trying to induce him to say the wrong thing.

However, the new Emperor Jing was surrounded by people from his interest group, which led to Wang Linchi not even having to do anything and simply winning.

Anyone who meets such a God of Wealth must be polite to him.

"What we are playing is a small kind of chess." The eunuch said, and then whispered: "It is said that today I want to ask the king to leave Kyoto and unite the troops to destroy the surrounding countries."

"You are all His Majesty's people, let him calm down." Wang Linchi sighed: "Let's go."

It's true that the eunuch is a member of Emperor Jing, but his relatives outside are not. If you can't bribe the eunuch, you can't cut off this incense.

Because of Wang Linchi, even his relatives outside the palace were getting better.

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