Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 466 Monk, Demon, Dharma Assembly

"It's been another year." Wang Linchi looked at the bright sky. Just now, he discovered that the calamity of the end of the law was becoming more and more serious.

The upper limit of his game character level suddenly dropped from the original level 32 to level 29.

At first glance, it seems that it is just a drop of 3 levels, but this means one thing. Level 30 is a thing of the past, and no one can break through to this level.

"What caused this..." Wang Linchi was also a little puzzled as to why the calamity of the end of the law was suddenly strengthened so much.

"Unless it falls according to the realm?"

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this.

"Then, can I still start the final trial?"

When Wang Linchi realized this, he didn't really care about it. Anyway, he had found a new world. For him, this was just a small matter.

In the worst case, you can just run away when the time comes, there is no need to follow him to death.

As for whether the world can survive the end of the world, he actually doesn't care much about it.

It’s not like we haven’t experienced world destruction before.

What he cares more about is naturally his own interests.

"Will the spiritual warrior be compressed in the final trial or become unable to break through?"

For now, the only spiritual warrior affected is Wang Linchi. Most of the spiritual warriors in Dajing are only level 29, which is just above the upper limit.

Naturally, so does Zhang Lin. Level 30 is another achievement. He did not participate in the final assessment, so naturally he can only be at this stage.

"Whether it works or not, I will give it a try."

What if it can be done?

"The devil is in my hand, and I have the iron coupon of the alchemy book as the key, plus the blood of Emperor Jing. Although there is no way to open it as easily as using the jade seal, at least there is no problem with the procedure."

Wang Linchi naturally had research results, otherwise, he would not have dared to take action.

"Whether it's telling the world or the exact time, it's actually all trivial."

"The imperial examination was originally supposed to be in the hands of the emperor, but after the passage of time, it changed from being able to be opened manually to now being opened at a scheduled time."

"Even the list cannot be interfered with."

"But to a certain extent, the legacy issues caused by this chronology make the promotion of spiritual warriors more fair."

In the past, Jinshi could be named by Emperor Jing, which was equivalent to losing the relationship. Later, because he lost the corresponding authority, even Emperor Jing could not further interfere. All selection and promotion were decided by the imperial examination system computer itself, making it possible to The big waves are looking for gold, and the best talents are screened out.

As for where the computers of the imperial examination system came from, Wang Linchi has not yet found any clues. It is likely that they were leftover from the previous dynasty or even the previous dynasty.

Wang Linchi immediately started the final trial.

There was no movement at all, and Wang Linchi was teleported away.

What he saw was the ruins and ruins all over the place, and Wang Linchi was stunned for a while.

"Isn't the gap a bit big? The first few are just the same house, but why did the back look like this?" Wang Linchi complained.

He didn't know what he was going to do next, but he was certain that the computer system of the imperial examination system was indeed a good one, but it was full of failures.

The dilapidated appearance is its true appearance, not the so-called splendor.

"Descendants of the Li family, come here." A voice came from a distance.

Wang Linchi quickly located the source of the sound and strode over.

The royal family's surname is Li, so naturally he is from the Li family. Wang Linchi used Emperor Jing's blood to fool the blood test process, so he must have been identified as a member of the royal family.

Soon, Wang Linchi saw the source of the sound. On a position similar to a high platform not far away, a mummy was sitting cross-legged. Judging from the clothes on his body, it looked a bit like the Dajing Dynasty did not exist at all. The monks had already disappeared along with the demons in the previous dynasty.

Taking a closer look at the surrounding environment, this is a Dharma assembly site, but it is in a dilapidated state. I don’t know whether it was destroyed by demons or because it fell into disuse over time.

Wang Linchi quickly approached the mummy of a monk without taking a closer look.

"No one has been here for a long time. Did something big happen to the Li Dynasty?"

On the forehead of the monk's mummy, a dim relic made a sound.

The other party has passed away long ago, but his Buddha nature resides in the relics, preserving his own life.

"Short life and early death, some things will be lost before they can be passed down to others." Wang Linchi said.

Hearing this, the relic flickered for a moment, as if he was thinking, or maybe he was silent.

After a long time, he finally spoke: "This is what you, Li Shi, should do. If you suppress the devil for a day, you will be a king for a day."

"Only by suppressing the demon can you take over the country?" Wang Linchi did not expect this to be the case.

"The agreement made between your ancestors of the Li family and us and other monks back then was that this demon is not only the responsibility of your Li family, but also the country of your Li family." Relic said.

"Then, now that I'm here, what should I do next?" Wang Linchi asked.

Jiangshan has little to do with him, he wants to know what to do next.

"You are here to pursue the final fame of the spiritual warrior. It is not difficult. You only need to bear the power of the devil." Relic said.

"The source of the spiritual warrior's power is the devil?" Wang Linchi asked immediately.

"Yes, the ancestors of the Li family were originally monks at Huaijue Temple. However, the Buddha's wisdom in the world faded, and the monks' Buddhist power gradually faded. The battle with the devil became increasingly disadvantaged. Later, the ancestors of the Li family returned to secular life and grew their hair, and then rose up again. Finally defeated your Dajing Dynasty."

"It's just that it was too late. The Buddha's wisdom ultimately failed to provide enough power for the monks, causing a large number of monks to perish. However, the devil used this breath to destroy all the monks in the world."

"My remaining breath was rescued by the ancestor of the Li family. Later, he cooperated with the ancestor of the Li family. He used the power of demons and the remaining Buddhist power to gather the former dynasty... Well, it should be the knife-catching method of the former dynasty. , transformed into a spiritual scholar, and allowed me to use many temple incense to open up the road to the imperial examination for spiritual scholars."

"After that, the ancestors of the Li family used Guo Zuo to suppress the demons and used the royal blood to control the demons."

"This has led to the current situation. It's just that the Buddha's wisdom outside has dropped to another level." Relic said a lot.

Wang Linchi also heard a rough idea.

Buddha Wisdom is the level here in Wang Linchi. In the previous dynasty, it should be the era of monks and demons. They relied on enough spiritual energy to be able to come and go. As a result, the environment suddenly became unsuitable, and they naturally perished. .

"Is there any inevitable connection between the change of dynasties and the decline of Buddhist wisdom?" Wang Linchi asked abruptly.

Otherwise, it couldn't be such a coincidence.

"I don't know, maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe it's really related." Relic replied calmly.

Since his death, he has been imprisoned in the Dharma assembly here, and occasionally only the descendants of the Li family will come to see him.

"Then do you know why every time there is a change of dynasty, there is an end to the dynasty? Nowadays, we don't know anything about the previous dynasty." Wang Linchi asked again.

As for the spiritual warrior's ultimate power, Wang Linchi is not in a hurry.

The magic city is in his hands, and it is precisely because of this that the jade seal is needed.

"The great catastrophe of heaven and earth is the cause of the demise of monks like us."

"My master once said that the heaven and the earth intend to re-train the earth, water, fire, and wind to recreate the universe. Therefore, although each dynasty is separated, there are still capable people rising up."

Relic expressed his thoughts.

"So, the Taizu of this dynasty is this capable person." Wang Linchi said.

But the relic added another sentence: "One."

"Then what?" Wang Linchi asked again. He didn't care at all whether he was the only one or one of them. It was all over anyway. He just wanted to know what benefits he could get from it.

"No more, I ask two questions as usual. Do you want the descendants of the Li family to continue to bear this responsibility, or do you want to end it." Relic asked.

"If we continue to carry it, Jingguo Zuo can add another ten years. If we give up, in less than ten years, the world will inevitably be in chaos, and then it will change hands."

"The former is power, the latter is liberation."

Relic asked calmly.

"What about you?" Wang Linchi did not answer directly.

"Me? This time the Buddha's wisdom has declined, even my relic can no longer carry it. In ten days at most, I will be wiped out. Don't worry." said the relic.

"Then let's get rid of it. I hope that the child will be stupid and careless, and will be free from disasters and diseases... and there will be no need for ministers." Wang Linchi sighed and said.

"You are very strange. Everyone who comes here has chosen to be Dajingguo Zuo." Relic, he really did not expect that someone would actually make a completely different choice.

However, he also respects Wang Linchi's choice. To him, there is no difference.

He can't survive, and neither can the devil. After all, in this environment, everyone is just a fish that landed on the beach.

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