Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 48 Space System/Psychic System Soul Seed·Teleportation (Epic Level)

Wang Linchi threw the soul skill away casually, and this thing could actually enter the secret vault, which shows its importance.

After all, it can increase the soul seed effect by 70%, and the intensity of the increase is self-evident.

He suspected that the Soul Seed Cooling Soul Skill, which could repair the soul seed damage caused by Soul Seed Boiling, was also in the secret library. After all, only with this soul skill could the Soul Seed Boiling series of soul skills be taken to a higher level. .

Just when he was about to continue groping, a sudden and terrifying aura made him pause.

It felt like someone's heart was being pinched, and he could die on the spot at any time.

"This...this kind of power..."

Before Wang Linchi finished speaking, he felt that the ground suddenly became unstable.


The ruins were blown away along with him.

The good news is that he finally escaped, the bad news is that he is in heaven now.

A large number of ruins just passed by his ears. He also saw some followers of the Dragon Worship Cult. They should be the same ones who were trapped in the treasure house like him. The orichalcum-level ones were still alive, and the black iron-level ones were already there. He was completely dead, which means he was lucky enough to find a small space, otherwise he would have died as well.

At the same time, he also saw a figure forcefully tearing apart the entire blood dragon barrier.

The entire Qinghe City was torn to pieces at this time.

Fortunately, almost everyone was dead, otherwise I don’t know how many people would have been injured.

There was also a demon dragon rolled up in the violent hurricane. Wang Linchi knew that demon dragon as the third-generation blood dragon envoy.

Because he transformed into a blood dragon, he is particularly thick-skinned.

The blood dragon barrier broke and turned into nothingness, but the blood dragon envoy was still shouting: "The Dragon God will surely come, and these mere human ants..."

Before the words were finished, they had already turned into pieces.

In the government office, Xun Cong saw the hurricane and did not hide. Instead, he rushed out with a large number of Peacock Sword Sect disciples and began to strangle the followers of the Dragon Worship Sect.

This time, with the addition of higher-end combat power, the original situation was reversed in an instant.

Wang Linchi also fell to the ground, but his injuries were serious.

He was originally hit by the shock wave, but luckily he was cushioned by the Soul Seed Page·Xin Yuanyima when he landed, otherwise he would have been thrown to death on the spot.


As soon as he got up, a corpse fell next to him. It was the senior cultivator of the Dragon Worship Cult who forced him to enter the treasure house.

There wasn't a good piece of meat on the opponent's body, and only the bones were left after being picked off by the wind.

Wang Linchi couldn't help feeling a chill, and then looked at the figure in the sky.

It was obviously the work of the other party, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why everyone in the Dragon Worship Cult died so miserably, but Wang Linchi, the unlucky guy, not only landed safely, but also did not suffer any harm.

Falling damage definitely doesn't count.

After landing, Wang Linchi didn't know what would happen next.

Soul vision can actually see a lot of energy fluctuations, which are special fluctuations formed during battles.

The problem was that the screen was full of flowers and colors, and he couldn't see anything.

In the end, I could only find a safe place to wait for the results, and see if there was any way to treat myself.

"The physical strength is not enough, so we have to arrange a healing ability in the plan." Wang Linchi felt uncomfortable all over.

He estimated that fractures and concussions would be the least serious. He was worried that internal organs might also be injured.

The dust should have settled this time. With such a fierce person taking action, even three generations of Blood Dragon Users were sliced ​​into sashimi by the opponent. The remaining Adamantine level can't make any big waves.

Wang Linchi suspected that the other party was an awakener from Morning Star.

After finding a safe place, Wang Linchi sat down, took out this epic soul seed and began to examine it.

[Space System/Psychic System Soul Seed·Teleportation (Epic Level)]

[Psychic Jump: Deeply focus on the mind, able to instantly move to the target with a mind]

[Swift Strike: After using telekinesis, you will gain additional attack speed bonus for a short period of time]

[Dimensional Shield: When using telekinesis, you will gain a short-term shield effect and reduce damage from attacks]

[Spatial Perception: Enhance your perception of space and be able to choose your destination more accurately]

[Psychic Observation: Able to observe the surrounding environment when using telekinesis to eliminate ambushes or dangers]

The epic-level soul seed has five effects, and the increase value is doubled compared to the sophisticated level, from the original 10% increase to a 20% increase.

The speed bonus, shield effect, spatial perception enhancement, and shuttle observation all work together to make this epic soul seed telekinesis an extremely powerful assassination method.

It would be better if it was a pure space system, but it's a pity that it's also mixed with a psychic system.

This caused the original teleport to become a positional jump. As long as you can sense someone with a mind, you can jump over.

The limitations are naturally perception and mental power. The stronger these two attributes are, the wider the range of this soul seed will be.

For Wang Linchi, it is quite useless. Of course, it is different when it is placed on an assassin. Combined with the two effects of spatial perception and psychic observation, it is enough to judge danger in advance, and the swift strike and dimensional shield can even improve Attack efficiency and protect yourself.

Positioning and teleportation are useless to Wang Linchi, but in the eyes of assassins, it is different. Their original purpose is to locate the target.

So in fact, in the eyes of combat awakeners, this is a powerful soul species that integrates attack, movement, protection, and amplification.

After checking the soul seed, put it back into the peach charm. After the Dragon Worship Cult invasion comes to an end, you can find a quiet place to study it.

He didn't think much of this soul seed, but was very interested in the structure of the epic soul seed, so that he could use it to upgrade his own sophisticated soul seed.

Once he succeeds, he will be able to get two more entries, and the effect of the soul seed will be improved again.

20% is just a small number for him now, and he has a weak foundation. But for him in the future, it will be 20% out of thin air.

Half an hour later.

"You're not dead yet. I thought you died on the way." came a slightly joking voice.

Wang Linchi looked up and saw an old man with a fair face but skin and bones.

"Thanks to the help of seniors, otherwise I wouldn't have survived." Wang Linchi recognized this person. Although his voice had changed, he was sure that he was the 'former dean'.

"Can I still leave?" the other party asked.

"I can walk." Wang Linchi struggled to get up. The pain was a bit painful, but it was still bearable.

"As long as you can walk, let's go. Qinghe City is over. There is no place to treat you. I don't have the soul seeds to treat you. You have to be patient for a while." The other party said calmly.

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