Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 480: Class B good believer, with the help of Taishan Dai Temple

Yuan Lin rushed to Dai Temple after a long journey. Looking at the magnificent temple and the huge golden body of Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

The priests and servants of Dai Temple did not discriminate or make fun of Yuan Lin because of his appearance.

If the last person who wanted to be a third-level, sixth-level, or ninth-level person in Dai Temple was reincarnated successfully, it would have been almost three months now.

The one who took action was naturally Wang Linchi. In front of him, everyone was the same level of leeks. It would be better for you to want his leeks to be divided into fields.

If the number of leeks could be increased, Wang Linchi would just let it go.

As a result, according to his calculations, after being divided into three, six or nine grades, the income of Dai Temple will increase, but his belief in incense will decrease.

Well, if you work together to make a profit for yourself, then he will be taken advantage of, right?

So I sent him away without hesitation.

After that, everyone calmed down.

The previous methods of making money are not suitable here in Dai Temple.

There is really a spirit here, and the other party can easily take you away.

Therefore, everyone is treated equally.

"Sir...how do you sell this incense?" Yuan Lin asked.

You definitely can’t use your own to burn incense, you have to buy it from the temple, so it’s called incense money.

The incense in the temple also varies, ranging from ordinary sizes to ones that cannot be hugged.

"I've seen donors. They don't charge money for incense in the temple. It depends on their sincerity." Temple Zhu's service is still very good. He immediately replied: "The more sincere your heart is, the bigger the incense you can pick up."

This surprised Yuan Lin. He thought he was going to bleed a lot, but he didn't accept the payment.

"Then I take it directly?" Yuan Lin was not polite at all. As for the incense money, we will talk about it later.

"Please." Miao Zhu said with a smile.

Yuan Lin first picked up an ordinary size one. When it fell on his hand, it was as light as nothing.

After putting it down, I tried another one and it still felt light.

However, as I tried, the fragrance on my hands became stronger and stronger.

He actually felt that the weight of the incense was not the weight of the object, but his own piety.

When Miao Zhu saw Yuan Lin walking towards the largest incense stick, the smile on his face gradually stiffened.

If someone is more pious than a temple priest like him, what should he do next?

Wouldn't it be worse?

Therefore, he immediately thought of killing the other party. Fortunately, he suppressed this idea as soon as it arose.

You can't do this. I really think that Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren is blind.

Fortunately, Yuan Lin did not pick up the largest incense stick, nor the second to last one, nor the third to last one, and finally settled on the seventh to last one.

Moreover, when Yuan Lin was putting up the incense, it was very difficult, obviously because his piety was barely up to standard. In order to put up the incense, Yuan Lin even turned red in the face.

Fortunately, the result was very good, Yuan Lin successfully finished the incense.

The seventh-to-last incense stick is very rare, but not everyone can do it.

"Huh~huh~" Yuan Lin gasped, looking tired.

A group of servants and servants quickly rushed over, pouring water and wiping sweat.

"Thank you... thank you..." After Yuan Lin took it, he did it himself.

"Unexpectedly, I saw another Class B devotee today. I would like to ask the devotee to have a good rest in the temple today." A temple blessing came out and said.

"Class B believer?" Yuan Lin was a little confused.

"Exactly, there are four levels of believers in Dai Temple. If you use those three sticks of incense, you are a Class A believer." Miao Zhu said, pointing to the three largest incense sticks, one, two and three from the bottom.

"As for the stick of incense you moved, good believer, it is in the second grade. If you encounter anything in the future, you can go to various Dai temples for help. The temple ministers in each temple will do their best to help you." As he spoke. , Miao Zhu took out a very rough-looking amulet.

"This was given by the Holy Emperor. It seems simple, but it is a divine thing that hides itself."

Yuan Lin took it with joy, and after storing it solemnly, he asked: "A Class B believer can get the best help from Dai Temple, so wouldn't this Class A believer..."

As he said that, he looked at the golden body of King Tianqi Rensheng in Dai Temple. Doesn't this mean that he can get help from King Tianqi?

"What the believer thinks is true. If you can be pious to level A, the third incense will be blessed by the Holy Emperor, the second incense will be blessed by the Holy Emperor, and the first incense will be even more magical. Whether it is turning bad luck into good luck or being blessed by the Holy Emperor, Rescue is a piece of cake." Miao Zhu said.

When Yuan Lin heard this, he suppressed the excitement in his heart. Unfortunately, he was still far behind.

"Isn't that like a spiritual warrior or a shaman?" Yuan Lin asked quickly.

"How can these two be compared with the Holy Emperor?" Although Miao Zhu did not show disdain, he looked down on these two systems: "When the Holy Emperor was alive, he was the number one spiritual warrior and could kill the wolf in the sky. These two How can we compare?"

"If you can really get the blessings of the Holy Emperor and the divine power of the Shinto, you can destroy it with a flip of your hand."

This is really not bragging, after all, Wang Linchi can really do it.

"It is really so magical..." Yuan Lin couldn't help but yearn for it, and asked: "Then how can this piety be improved?"

"This matter is your fault, not mine." After Miao Zhu said this, he added another reminder: "Don't imitate those noble gentry from aristocratic families, thinking that donating money and materials is piety. What’s the use of an emperor?”

This means that Yuan Lin understands that external objects are not the focus, but the faith that comes from the heart is the real faith.

"Thank you Miao Zhu for your answer." Yuan Lin thanked him.

"I don't dare. I have to thank the devotees for coming here. I have another second-class devotee in Dai Temple." The temple wishes him a happy life. As long as it's not the last stick of incense, it doesn't matter. What's more, this is still considered a blessing. his performance.

"Excuse me, how many Grade A's are there in our Dai Temple?" Yuan Lin asked curiously.

"As of now, there is not even one Grade A person, but including you, there are thirty-seven Grade B people who believe in you."

"Most of the people here are in the C-level, and those princes, nobles, and children of aristocratic families are in the D-level. They are really unpopular." When he said this, Dai Miao Miao Zhu clearly showed his dissatisfaction.

"Humph, that's true." Yuan Lin also expressed his resentment, and then rolled his eyes. Dai Miao Miao Zhu had obviously come into contact with many people. Why not ask the court about the recycling of steam machinery first, and he would explain the cause and effect like this .

After hearing Yuan Lin's description, the priest of Dai Temple was also stunned. He didn't expect that the other party came from the northern grasslands, and even made a long circuit to Mount Tai to offer incense.

"I don't know much about this matter, but your county magistrate didn't lie to you. What he said was all the truth."

"All this is done by the royal family. This is justice, let alone you. Even if we are willing to help, we can't get it back."

"The royal family is inherently cold and immoral. If you go there, you will definitely escape death." Miao Zhu warned.

Yuan Lin was prepared in his heart, so he did not express too much shock at what the court did, but asked: "Why do you do this?"

"Of course it's because it's profitable. If you have the things in your hands, they will get less." Miao Zhu said helplessly. Looking at Yuan Lin's appearance, he asked again: "If the faithful don't give up, can they stay in Dai Temple?" , this secular world is not something you and I can fight against. It is better to go to the dragon pond and tiger den to congratulate one temple and serve the Holy Emperor in the temple."

"However, I am not willing to let the prosperous age that the Holy Emperor created for us be ruined by them." Yuan Lin said bitterly.

Temple Zhu didn't know what to say for a while, and finally he could only say: "Since the believer has made up his mind, I can't stop him. If he encounters a disaster, he can go to any Dai temple to escape. The Dai Temple will do its best to protect the believer. of disaster.”

Hearing this, Yuan Lin couldn't help but feel moved.

"If it weren't for the large number of affairs in Dai Temple and the lack of manpower, I would accompany the believer on a trip to Kyoto. Even if this fails, I can still protect the believer's life." The temple Zhu said this with regret.

But Yuan Lin didn't care about this. He also knew that Miao Zhu didn't mean to shirk what he said, but that there were indeed many people on Taishan Dai Temple, and it was not that easy to escape.

Of course, if I were a Grade A believer, I believe that the other party would definitely abandon Dai Temple to help me, but unfortunately I am not.

"Thank you, but it's not appropriate to involve Dai Temple and the Holy Emperor in this matter. It can be borne by me alone." When Yuan Lin went south from the northern grassland, he never thought about asking others to help.

I felt that it was very involved before, but now after listening to Miao Zhu's words, I naturally know how deep the water in this matter is.

"Now that the incense is finished, I'll take my leave first." Yuan Lin cupped his hands and turned to leave.

"I will send the faithful down the mountain." Miao Zhu must have received corresponding treatment.

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