Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 484 Jiujue Shrine, founder across history

"This Emperor Jing's brain circuit is quite novel." Wang Linchi also learned about the conversation between Emperor Jing, Li Zheng, and Zhang Lin. Especially when he heard that he was going to be dug out and used to threaten the enemy, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Everyone has rebelled, unless he comes back to life, otherwise, let alone bones, there is nothing that can be done with a golden body.

Zhang Lin's intention was to use Wang Linchi's righteousness to relieve external pressure and buy enough time for internal adjustments. Unfortunately, Emperor Jing did not think of this at all, but even if he thought of it, it would be of no use because he did not know what to do. How to do it.

As for letting Zhang Lin go, he is so busy now that his feet are not even touching the ground. How can he have the extra time to do this?

"I thought that without Dai Temple, the belief in incense would be in the doldrums for a while, but I didn't expect that the belief in incense would not be reduced, but would instead reach a peak." Wang Linchi thought happily.

Not only that, his role as Lord of Death began to increase significantly, allowing him to advance faster in this stage of cicada transformation.

"War is not a good thing, but by using war as a ripening agent, you can get a lot of things. It's just killing the goose that lays the egg."

Wang Linchi doesn't like war very much, but he needs enough benefits.

He knew he was wrong, but he just didn't change it.

"Yuan Lin has successfully returned to the northern grasslands. For now, it would be interesting to temporarily serve as a leading soldier under a certain northern rebel army." Wang Linchi checked the situation of Qianlong Yuan Lin again. So far, it is still unremarkable, without any traces. A place of excellence.

Of course, if he revealed that he was a Class B believer, many rebels would treat him as a guest, but he did not say it out loud.

But he has his own plan.

"In the dormant stage, it seems that the world will be in chaos for a long time."

"The follow-up must deepen the bond with Yuan Lin, so as to consolidate the status of the future Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren." Wang Linchi has already begun to put memories into Yuan Lin's side, and his ability is average.

Later, we will also invest in memories of temple blessings, believers and other types.

In the end, these people will sacrifice themselves in the name of their faith.

Living is nothing. Only when you die can you become the white moonlight for a lifetime.

Wang Linchi's main theme is a regret.

If Yuan Lin can become a Grade-A believer in the future, Wang Linchi won't mind increasing investment, such as playing for him personally.

However, it is not that easy for a Grade A believer. Even a third-level Grade A believer must be a fanatical believer at the very least.

This is quite difficult, at least you have to believe in him wholeheartedly.

If he wants to succeed, he must be in the hidden dragon stage and not in a high position. Otherwise, facing him as a god, Yuan Lin will use and cooperate more than believe in him.

It is better to provide help in times of crisis than to add icing on the cake when you are rich.

The plan is progressing step by step. If it goes well, the possibility of Yuan Lin becoming his first-class believer is not small.

Wang Linchi mobilized a large amount of manpower and material resources just to cooperate with such an unknown person. If the other party could really detect or resist, then Wang Linchi would admit it. After all, Wang Linchi didn't think he could control a person with such ability.

In terms of beep number, he still has it.

In fact, he has been studying Yuan Lin these days.

If the Son of Destiny, who has the destiny of heaven and earth, is the same force of heaven and earth, then Qianlong Yuan Lin, who has the destiny of all living beings, is more like being unable to control himself due to the general trend.

If he hadn't wanted to refuse, nothing would have happened.

There is a high probability that the destined son will get a prince and princess and live a happy life, but Qianlong is likely to be a tragedy. From the loss of his family to the loss of his wife and son, it will be a bumpy journey.

Yuan Lin is in this situation now, completely blinded by hatred.

"For at least half a year, Yuan Lin should focus on development."

Yuan Lin is studying now. He knows that he can't do anything if he doesn't study. Even if he wants to kill, he must have someone under his command.

As for the person who taught him how to read, he was naturally one of Wang Linchi's memories.

He plays the role of a private school teacher who is forced to follow the uprising, but is upright and kind, and believes in the Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren. From time to time, he explains to Yuan Lin the changes before and after Wang Linchi came, and after his death, and exerts a subtle influence on Yuan Lin. Brainwashed, Yuan Lin is currently regarded as the candidate to inherit his mantle.

Whether the subsequent plot will be a direct death or increase the drama depends on the development.

Wang Linchi's observation of the fate of all living beings has a sense of grasping the general trend of the world. However, he can only observe the general trend, and cannot detect the small trends. It is estimated that it must be combined with the fate of people.

It is a pity that he does not have the corresponding means of human luck and heaven and earth luck. Unless his ability goes further, he can only briefly perceive it, but cannot reach the level of observation.

If Yuan Lin wants to rebel, he definitely can't do it as soon as his mind is hot. He must have enough knowledge. Otherwise, his mind will be empty and he will be no different from the current group of rebels. Sooner or later, the game will be over.

Wang Linchi quickly turned his attention to another place.

With a large amount of memory, he can know the world's affairs without leaving home.

"The royal family, no, it should be the Jiujue Palace, a deeply hidden organization." Wang Linchi is also investigating the royal family.

In the eyes of Li Zheng and others, the royal family had indeed escaped, but in Wang Linchi's case, the traces left by the other party were extremely obvious.

In order to deal with this organization, Wang Linchi directly arranged the game characters.

The Holy Master was serving as a gold statue for him in the Taishan Dai Temple, and the only thing he had free time was the game characters. As for arranging the memory to go there, he actually wasn't too reassured.

Although the Jiujue Shrine destroyed 365 Dai temples in the Central Plains, they did not take action on this one on Taishan Mountain. They seemed to be afraid of it, so they preserved it.

The game character has not found any specific information about the Jiujue Shrine at this time, but has already infiltrated it and is now migrating away with the opponent.

At present, it can be known that the dynasty is inseparable from the Jiujue Shrine.

The characters in the game also made some indirect inquiries. To sum up, these mysterious people who call themselves Jiu Jue Sect are all extremely arrogant, acting like they are the boss of heaven and me, and looking down on everyone in the world.

Of course, this kind of arrogance is not the kind of person who always has their nostrils in the sky wherever they go. If they are performing tasks, they will also restrain their arrogance. For certain tasks, they can even play the role of flattering servants, dirty servants, etc. beggars and so on.

Otherwise, if I really look like I am very noble, how can I remain mysterious and continue to do so?

They have an arrogant attitude toward everyone in private and are very dedicated when performing tasks.

Wang Linchi also found out some information. This group of people seems to be extending the entire world.

Each time, civilization and extraordinary systems were sacrificed to provide corresponding nutrients for the world, and they were guided by someone, so they did this, and it continued for many generations.

This time the time has come, ready to sacrifice Dajing.

As for who this person is, Wang Linchi also knows that he is a person named Jiu Juezi. Otherwise, can the other party's organization be called Jiu Jue Shrine?

"But there's something wrong with this Jiu Juezi." Wang Linchi was thinking about this matter in his mind.

According to the information he found, this Jiu Juezi spanned several generations, and he existed in every dynasty. They were the same person but not the same identity.

If you live forever, this is unlikely.

After all, under the calamity of the end of law, the opponent has no possibility of immortality at all, and will only be killed by the calamity of the end of the law.

Wang Linchi is still alive because he is not a human being, but judging from the other party's description, Jiu Juezi is a human being.

"Another time traveler?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of Bai Changsheng. As a time traveler, with a golden finger, it was really possible to do these things.

"Dajing's Jiu Juezi has been born. We have to find a way to find out who the other party is. It will be much easier to handle after that."

If the other party can really walk in history, then Wang Linchi... he will be very greedy.

From a strength point of view, it will definitely not be very strong, but its ability must be very strange.

"There are too few clues and too many possibilities. It is estimated that we can only find out if we enter the Nine Jue Palace."

As a secret force that can directly lead the change of dynasties, Jiujue Shrine must have a corresponding location.

The location of its station is similar to special spaces such as the Dharma Assembly Space and the God Realm. If you want to enter, you must find the entrance. Wang Linchi can indeed find it by searching one by one, but the efficiency is too slow.

It's better to keep an eye on the group of Jiu Jue people he discovered and just follow them to the door.

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