Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 501 Three years later, Taishan was granted Zen status

Three years later, Yuan Linyi relied on his reputation as a Grade-A believer, plus the Yin Soldier Transit Technique and the Heavenly Soldier Protective Chart in his hands, as well as other spiritual patterns and divine spells acquired over the years, to move south based on the north. In the end, the entire world was pacified and a country named Heng was established.

During this period, the reputation of Wang Linchi, the Holy Emperor of Tianqi Ren, could not be higher.

Ninety-nine percent of the world will be his believers, and 40% of them will be Class B believers. The rest will be equally divided between Class A, Class B and D.

For most people, reaching Level B is actually the limit, and only a few will become Level A. As for the two levels Bing and Ding, they are just temporary people who go to the Holy Emperor if they have something to do, but just ignore it if nothing happens.

"The Taishan Fengchan ceremony is about to begin."

As a Class-A believer, Yuan Lin naturally wanted to ascend the throne after establishing the Daheng Dynasty, and in order to show his legitimacy, this time he planned to do so on Mount Tai.

And it is still on the birthday of the Holy Emperor, so it can only be said that he is really serious.

After this time, Wang Linchi was able to gain a large amount of faith.

Since the first birthday of the Holy Emperor, Wang Linchi has reached the third stage of time, dismemberment, allowing himself, the Holy Emperor of Tianqi Ren, to take another step forward.

In addition to the two priesthoods of life and death, it has also evolved a series of new and old phases, which stabilize the country and the people; prolong life and become immortals; bring fortune and official positions, high and low; the period of life and death, the system of ghosts, etc. A brand new sub-priesthood is released.

In short, more and more people are adding expectations to him, and then gradually evolved out of the original two priesthoods of life and death.

He can even handle the business of begging for and giving away children, and he also treats infertile infertile B-level believers every year.

Because of him, Taishan has become the place where all things flourish, and is honored as the ancestor of all mountains. It is even rumored that the sun rises from him. It is the first mountain in the East, commonly known as Dongyue.

This scene made Wang Linchi numb. If the number of settings continued to increase, wouldn't he become the God of Creation?

Well, this kind of outrageous statement actually already exists, but Wang Linchi is so outrageous that he can't even read it.

"...conferred the title of Saint Emperor Dasheng Ren of Dongyue Tianqi...conferred the title of unifying the three hundred and sixty-five gods in the world...controlling the seventy-two divisions of the underworld..."

After Yuan Lin ascended the throne, he began to add a large number of official settings to Wang Linchi, and these settings will be the most popular.

The next step is to build a temple for Wang Linchi. Anyway, at least every city needs to have a Dai temple. This is no small project.

Wang Linchi was stunned for a moment. Are you so brave?

Not to mention the difficulty of construction, this expenditure alone is enough to strain the Daheng Dynasty.

We have just finished the activities in the last years of the dynasty, and everyone is extremely poor. As a result, you have given such a big project right now, which can be said to be a waste of people and money.

"Yes, as long as you like it, I don't care anyway." Wang Linchi actually didn't care much about the belief in incense now.

The underworld has been built, and the next step is the human world.

He wanted to build it together, but the problem was that he didn't have the ability.

A world embryo has a limited capacity to carry it. The next step for him is to successfully transition from the zombie immortal to the ghost immortal. At the ghost immortal stage, he has got rid of the restrictions of the belief in incense and can only be used as a small snack at most. If so, he wouldn't be able to use it.

It's just that it's a bit far away from ghosts and immortals at the moment.

But it doesn't matter, the Dajing Civilization will be swallowed up later, and it will completely allow me to successfully cross this step, and maybe even have a surplus.

It was his first time eating it, and he seemed a little excited.

‘How to show that it is not the first time to devour civilization, waiting online, urgent! ’

The reason for the urgency is naturally because the Jiujue Divine Palace next door has already begun to take action. They have begun to activate the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation, and the entire world is covered in it.

An invisible vortex enveloped the world, and except for Wang Linchi, no one else noticed it at all.

However, Wang Linchi had no time to spare. Although he had not climbed out of the coffin under Mount Tai, he had already connected his golden body, the Holy Lord, to the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation as a port.

He couldn't use himself, it would be too embarrassing. He actually wanted to use the game character. Unfortunately, the game character was also a member of the Jedi Tiantong Formation. He really couldn't use it, so he could only use the Holy Lord first. With.

It's not a big deal anyway.

Civilization began to be cannibalized and sacrificed, and Wang Linchi could feel the blessings being passed on to him from the Holy Lord.

It's not quite right to say it's food. It actually tastes very good.

"When it's fighting, it's a bit like spicy noodles. When it's developing, it's like a Buddha jumping over the wall. The era of being a fool is a bit like jelly, sour and sweet."

Every time Wang Linchi swallowed a mouthful, he transformed it into his own Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and God. As the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and God improved, the embryo of his world also began to develop, and his body size naturally expanded accordingly.

Fortunately, he discovered this at the first time, so he shrank himself immediately. Otherwise, if the human-shaped colorful stone were allowed to grow, it would not only burst his coffin, but even the entire Taishan Mountain. There is no room for him.

His race is the world, and he is not an ordinary species, so his size is naturally not small.

"Something's wrong. We have to find another place to live. Otherwise, problems will occur sooner or later." Wang Linchi knew that this was not a long-term solution. Even if he shrunk further, when he grew up, he would not be smaller than Taishan at least.

Unless we find a space container for him.

However, in this age of Dharma-ending, where can he find a space container?

Special spaces such as the Dharma Assembly Space and the Imperial Examination Space have long been shattered due to the intensification of the Dharma Ending Tribulation.

The God Realm is even worse. Only Wang Linchi can come out as a whole entity. The other God Realms are actually illusory and require the help of believers to come.

"If it doesn't work, just bury yourself under Mount Tai." Wang Linchi felt that he would definitely not be able to find it if he tried to look for it, so it would be better to just bury him under Mount Tai.

He did as he was told, and soon climbed out of the coffin. His tomb was still very large, using the imperial system, and all kinds of burials and institutions were available.

"This thing actually uses such long nails, you are afraid that I will crawl out, right..." Wang Linchi complained, and then climbed out of the coffin.

Instead of leaving his tomb, he started digging straight down.

Fortunately, now that he is stronger, he doesn't need to dig with his hands, otherwise he would have to bring the Holy Lord back to do it.

On the other side, as the Dajing civilization was devoured by him, all the traces that originally belonged to Dajing were disappearing little by little, but others did not notice this at all.


"No, it seems a bit much." Wang Linchi suddenly discovered that his colorful stone body was filled with a large amount of undigested civilized liquid.

These liquids continue to expand.

"Indigestion is a bit bad at this time."

Wang Linchi felt that he was a bit unlucky, but he never expected that he would not be able to let go of so many things.

"That's not right. Dajing only lasted for two hundred years. I've already finished eating Hunjun. Where did the extra food come from?" Wang Linchi reacted instantly and asked Jingchao for this little shrimp. Why? It might be too much for Wang Linchi to eat.

"Damn it, the civilization of the first six dynasties is still there, and it has not been digested by the Jedi Tiantong Formation sent to the Tribulation of the End of Law!" Wang Linchi understood immediately.

For a moment, he was also damn extraordinary, what kind of thing was this?

I originally thought it was a roasted suckling pig at most, but now it's a roasted blue whale.

As far as Dajing is concerned, there is no way to compare it with the previous six dynasties. Especially because of the catastrophe of the end of the law, this world has shown a special pattern of being older and more powerful.

"If this is really the case, if they are all swallowed up, my Five Immortals will be perfect and can directly reach the level of the second level of civilization."

Wang Linchi didn't feel any fear, but was very excited. It was as if he was just dozing off and a pillow was given to him. His luck was really considerate.

The only drawback is that it may take a little longer.

"With the achievement of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, I can directly become a complete world!" Wang Linchi naturally wanted more.

"The problem now is that the second stage civilization of my Time History Book has not yet been developed, and it will be stuck at the level of the Five Immortals of Time."

Wang Linchi never thought that he could grab so many civilizations as supplies.

Originally, the only thing he was greedy for was the Dajing Civilization. He had never asked for more, but he got such a big surprise.

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