Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 531: The city is not easy to break, Qianlong charges into the battle

The sacrifices to the Tenramandao Dog Gods began on time. Even if Kyoto was in crisis and chaos, the court had to grit its teeth and get it done. After all, this matter involved the demon gods.

No matter how small the demon god's affairs are, they are big things. No matter how big the court's affairs are, they are just trivial matters in front of the demon gods.

Not to mention this kind of million-level sacrifice, which is even more important. Not to mention the outside being surrounded and sabotaged by someone inside, even if Emperor Heng died today, this sacrifice must be completed.

There was a chill in Pei Jiang's eyes. His soldiers had already begun to attack the city. It was not that he wanted to advance, but that it was too late. He was already exhausted just by rushing. If he started in a state of fatigue, not only would he not be able to If we try to capture Kyoto, we might even lose all of our own people.

So I had to take a day off before starting at full strength.

Many royal soldiers such as the Forbidden Army, the Royal Forest Army, and the Weitian Camp have already been prepared. These soldiers are all the best among the best.

Today is different from the past. Except for the Central Plains, there are wars everywhere in Daheng. Therefore, these royal soldiers are not ordinary soldiers. They are all veterans who have experienced the battlefield and survived the battlefield. Although the colorful world of Kyoto is a bit If you confuse their eyes, it will only affect one or two points of combat power at most, and will not turn into waste.

Therefore, when the rebels under Pei Jiang attacked, Kyoto's defense and counterattack were also very fierce. At least there was no way to enter Kyoto in a short period of time.

And even if they enter, it won't be easy. Street fighting will follow. The opponent neither surrenders nor is at a disadvantage. How could they not resist after entering the city.

Pei Jiang was shocked when he saw this. If the imperial court had sent these people to destroy him instead of recruiting him, he would not have made the next move.

The reason why they were not sent was naturally because the princes were afraid that they would not have enough force to defend Kyoto, so they stood still.

For them, Pei Jiang and others are simply out of their sight, so there is no need to send out their own personal troops.

Facts have proved that the princes in the court may have underestimated Pei Jiang, but they have never ignored the force around them.

"Lord, we really miscalculated this time. With the current situation, even if we use all our talismans, we can only break through the city gate within an hour." The middle-aged man on the side couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

They still underestimated the gap between the two sides.

The soldiers here in Kyoto are not comparable to their rebel army in terms of weapons, armor or combat experience.

Their weapons and armor are inferior to each other, and their fighting experience is even less than theirs. In addition, they have favorable geographical location and supplies, as well as temple blessings to help them. No wonder the court is indifferent and concentrates on the million-dollar sacrifice.

Pei Jiang naturally saw his situation. It was impossible to use all the talismans. This was just the beginning. He would have to deal with the demon gods and temple blessings in the future. Without the talisman as a trump card, how could he fight?

If they really hit him head on, he would definitely die.

"The leader of the Human World Society said he wanted to help, but there's been no movement yet." Pei Jiang actually had a back-up plan.

Li Qinglian had contacted Pei Jiang before as the leader of the Human Society, saying that he would help break the city. However, now, he was frozen and did not see any movement from the other party.

This made him a little dissatisfied. Logically speaking, with such a big noise, the other party should have heard it no matter what.

"It's not that easy. Although the leader of the Human World is called the God-Slaying Lord, how can he help when facing such an organized army of soldiers?" The middle-aged man didn't mean to blame Li Qinglian. This was not the case in the first place. What can be done by one person requires at least enough manpower.

However, he had also heard about the situation in the human world. He could only say that it couldn't be colder. The other party should have helpers. However, he would not estimate the number of helpers more than ten people.

There is really a limit to what ten people can accomplish in the huge city of Kyoto.

When Pei Jiang heard this, his expression didn't change much. In his eyes, the Human Society was just a nuisance.

"When does the big festival start and end?" Pei Jiang asked again.

"It's not clear yet, but it should have started now. The imperial court is very strict about keeping secrets in this regard." The middle-aged man said confidently, but this is normal. They have only been rebelling for a long time and they have only arrived in Kyoto for a long time. There is no time to do it. Much preparation.

As for planting spies and doing detailed work, it was even too late.

Besides, even if they wanted to, they couldn't. Those who could become high-level people were all blessed by the Demon God and had corresponding beliefs in the Demon God.

If Detective Xizuo really wants to become a temple priest, he will directly rebel and become a member of the demon god's side.

You can pretend to believe in something like this, but how can you hide it from the demon god who is the main body.

"If that's the case, then prepare to attack by force. Under the premise of not using the talisman, break the city for me at all costs!"

"Give me armor." Pei Jiang said coldly.

When he said that no matter the cost, he naturally did not mean that he would use his words and let the people under his control fight to the death, but that he also had to fight with him as a means of boosting morale.

There is no need to worry that he will be shot to death or targeted by Liu Ya, as he is protected by a talisman.

This is indeed a bit of a double standard, but as a leader, you also have some privileges.

And he just went to break the city. Since ordinary power couldn't do it in a short time, he would use the talisman. As long as the city was broken, he didn't believe that the Tianluo Wandao Dog could still sit on the Diaoyutai.

"Lord, this is absolutely necessary..."

"If you don't go now, it will be too late." Pei Jiang interrupted the other party. He came here to save people, not to conquer the city.

Of course, selfishness is inevitable. If he successfully destroys the Million Dollar Festival and saves so many people, then his reputation will not go to the next level, but directly to the top. By then, he will be the embodiment of righteousness and win the entire Daheng is not a problem at all.

Taking the lead can make him even better on this basis. This kind of thing is worth a gamble.

The bet is whether you can achieve this hegemony.

Before he accomplished anything, he wanted to change the world. As more and more people gathered under his command, he would be forced to move forward on many things. However, as he moved forward, his ambition became bigger and bigger. Now I want to replace it.

Otherwise, he would not have used the banner of Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor.

The middle-aged counselor finally sighed, did not continue to dissuade him, and quickly helped Pei Jiang put on his armor.

The armor is not gorgeous, but it is very troublesome to wear. There is armor on the outside and inner armor on the inside. It is also thanks to the power talisman of nine cows and two tigers that Pei Jiang has been blessed with, otherwise he may not be able to move. .

Pei Jiang was originally more interested in internal affairs and management, and his training was relatively sparse, relying entirely on the power of talismans to support him.

After putting on the armor, he put on a special giant heavy hammer.

Dali should use blunt weapons to bring out his strength. What's more, he is going to attack the city this time, so he can't use a knife to chop down the city gate.

It's not as convenient as using a giant heavy hammer.

Pei Jiang rushed out of the camp like an armored monster.

This eye-catching appearance naturally attracted the attention of the Kyoto defenders immediately, and arrows poured towards him densely.

If you don't hit him if you are so conspicuous, you will hit anyone. And with this momentum, you can see that he is a trump card. If you don't kill him, he will kill anyone.

Not to mention the protection of the talisman, the protection of Pei Jiang's armor alone cannot be broken by arrows.

Wearing armor and not wearing armor are two different difficulties, not to mention the special armor Pei Jiang wears.

Under the rain of arrows, Pei Jiang immediately began to charge, running with meteoric strides, and his whole body was no different from turning into a ferocious bull.

The Strength Talisman of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers is indeed mainly about increasing strength, but it is not just about increasing strength. People are inherently a whole. The increase in strength will inevitably lead to the increase in other structures of the body, that is, physical fitness, agility, etc. will also follow. It's improved, but it's not that powerful compared to the increased power.


The heavy hammer hit the city gate, smashing the entire city gate into cracks like spider webs.

The Kyoto defenders were horrified when they saw this scene. Is this definitely something that humans can do?

However, soon after the second hammer fell, the entire city gate could no longer bear it and began to teeter.

Before the defenders could take any further action, the third hammer came down, and the city gate was smashed into pieces by Pei Jiang.

In just a blink of an eye, everything happened.

But this is just the beginning. Breaking the city gate does not mean occupying Kyoto. The fight will continue later.

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