Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 540 Hit it off in the palace

"Bah, even you are worthy of catching me." Meatball lurked in the palace, saying that if it hadn't run so fast, he would have been chopped into pieces.

It's true that its recovery ability is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it can't recover after being chopped into a pulp. Then it will really die.

And as the Tribulation of the End of Law gradually becomes stronger, its strength has been further weakened, and this weakening is still very obvious.

Not only it, but other demon gods also felt it, and Li Qinglian was naturally no exception.

Nowadays, Li Qinglian goes to various places to kill demon gods in order to strengthen her own spirit-devouring body. This situation makes the fleshballs very greedy.

If I had known it would not have taken action at that time, otherwise it would not have fallen to this point.

In fact, what Meatball doesn't know is that it's not a big deal for him to do something. Pei Jiang still values ​​him very much and can help mediate the situation. However, he didn't expect Meatball to become anxious and even want to kill Pei Jiang. This is very important. Problem.

So he almost didn't get beaten to death.

Tenra and all the dog gods don't dare to confront the army, let alone Meatball, so it's pretty good to escape and ascend to heaven.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard movement coming from not far away, and he looked like he was sighing.

"Damn Pei Jiang, didn't he just use some mud legs to sacrifice to the demon god? He actually spoke so badly of me and dared to be so rude to me." Emperor Heng sat alone in the imperial garden and looked at the beautiful scenery around him. , he didn’t have any appreciation at all. At this time, he didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem.

After Pei Jiang came to power, he directly liquidated everyone in the court and changed a management team, which was equivalent to establishing a new court. All the eunuchs and maids around Emperor Heng were reviewed, as long as they were related to demons and gods. One of them can be solved one by one.

Kyoto is the center of power in a country. Pei Jiang does not allow anyone to reach in, it can only be in his hands.

"Are you dissatisfied with Pei Jiang?" The meatball suddenly jumped out, which scared Emperor Heng.

"You...you...why are you here? Someone, come and escort me!!!" Emperor Heng screamed and backed away. He accidentally fell to the ground and rolled around trying to get away from the meat ball.

He naturally recognizes Meat Ball, he was part of the group that killed the Ten Luo Wandao Dog Gods, and he seemed to have a quarrel with Pei Jiang, and he didn't know why.

But it is certain that such a monster will definitely kill him.

"You seem to be afraid of me?" Meatball felt a little amused. It had indeed never encountered such a situation.

Mainly because it didn't even wait for people to get scared before eating them.

When Emperor Heng saw that Rouqiu did not attack him immediately, part of his original fear dissipated, and then he plucked up the courage to ask cautiously: "No, no, I don't know what business you have with me, warrior."

"Actually, it's nothing. I just saw that you are a little dissatisfied with Pei Jiang. I happen to be the same. Why don't you and I join forces?" Rouqiu said.

It is naturally not a fool and understands the meaning of Emperor Heng.

The great justice that other rebels need lies in Emperor Heng. No matter how useless Emperor Heng is, as long as the symbolic meaning of him is not removed, it will be useful.

When he fell into the hands of Pei Jiang, Pei Jiang had two great righteousnesses, one was the Holy Emperor, and the other was Emperor Heng. In the future, he only needed to obtain the abdication of Emperor Heng first, and then go to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen. Then the change of dynasty would In this matter, he is orthodox and did not obtain it through illegal means.

Therefore, whether Emperor Heng is in Pei Jiang's hands or not, many interests are involved.

"What do you want to do?" Emperor Heng's brain circuit is indeed very different, but he also understands the issue of interests and how important he is.

Even though there was no one protecting him, there was actually a circle of people outside the Royal Garden.

It's just to give him enough respect to prevent Pei Jiang's reputation from being affected. Therefore, in addition to having no power, he has always been given the treatment and respect he deserves, provided that he is not shameless.

However, Rouqiu's words gave him a glimmer of hope.

If he could successfully escape, he might not be able to make a comeback. With his ability to 'control' the court, it would not be a problem at all to raise an army of his own.

"Of course you are causing some trouble for Pei Jiang. If you are willing, I can help you escape from here." Rouqiu didn't care what Emperor Heng wanted to do. He just wanted to give Pei Jiang a good look.

As for Emperor Heng raising an army to fight against Pei Jiang, this matter has nothing to do with Meiqiu.

"Seriously?" Emperor Heng didn't expect that the surprise came too suddenly, but he quickly realized: "It's just that this is simply impossible. The palace is heavily guarded inside and outside. You can come and go freely, but you can't bring me with you." Not necessarily.”

Emperor Heng was pleasantly surprised, but he also thought of reality.

When Rouqiu heard this, he was also stunned. This was indeed a question.

After all, he only thought about causing trouble for Pei Jiang, but he didn't think about how to carry out the trouble.

"Is there any secret passage in the palace? It's best to keep it secret so that only you know about it." Naturally, Meatball couldn't give up so easily.

If there is really no way to steal Emperor Heng and give it to other rebels or forces, then Rouqiu can only retreat and kill Emperor Heng directly, which at least can cause some minor trouble to Pei Jiang.

"Well, let me think about it." Emperor Heng began to picture the situation in the palace in his mind, and then quickly settled on a certain perspective, and then replied: "Yes, I just need your help. "

There is indeed a secret way to leave, but he is the only one who knows the secret way, so there is only one option.

"There is one in the royal study. It is passed down by word of mouth. Now the only person who knows about it is me."

"But it's not that easy to reach the imperial study. Someone will definitely follow." Emperor Heng said.

There was indeed no one watching in the Imperial Garden. After all, this place had been carefully inspected, and all the secret passages had been found and blocked, making it impossible to leave even if you wanted to.

What's more important is that even if there is a secret passage in the Imperial Garden, he won't be able to use it, because the direct location is a bit awkward.

On the contrary, the secret passage in the Imperial Study Room is much safer.

"Then why don't you escape?" Rouqiu was a little confused. For you, the emperor, the imperial study is not a very important place.

"Pei Jiang is working in the imperial study room..." Emperor Heng told the truth.

"Okay, I'll find a way to lure you away from Pei Jiang, and then we'll leave together through the secret passage in the imperial study." A glimmer of light flashed in Rouqiu's eyes, and it naturally followed and left.

Its previous behavior was considered a small fuss at best in Pei Jiang, but now it has taken away Emperor Heng, one of Pei Jiang's great righteousnesses. It will definitely offend the other party to death, and it will definitely fight to the death.

If you don't run away and stay in the palace playing in the dark, it's no different from seeking death.

Darkness under the lamp is not a panacea.

"Really?" Emperor Heng was also happy, but then he became cautious. The other party said it was to disgust Pei Jiang, but is this really the case?

But he quickly figured out that with the opponent's strength, he couldn't resist even if he wanted to kill him, so why go to such trouble to take him out of the palace and then do it.

As for if he died on the way, Emperor Heng would not regret it. It would be better than staying here as a puppet mascot.

"Of course, now you can go to the imperial study. I will go first and lure Pei Jiang away for you." Rouqiu is a man of action. Even if the plan seems weird and crude, he will implement it if it is feasible.

Originally, he didn't rely on his brains to make a living, so there was no need to worry if he was exposed. At worst, he could just kneel down and beg for mercy. Emperor Heng's life or death didn't matter, it wasn't his life or death.

In fact, if Rouqiu hadn't known that even if he defected to the past now, he wouldn't have had the same opportunity as Li Qinglian to kill demons and gods everywhere to become stronger.

More will just be hidden in the snow.

It also knows the reasons. Firstly, it is because of what it has done. Secondly, its character is too capricious. Thirdly, it is not a human being, so it cannot join the core group by nature.

Therefore, Meatball has no idea of ​​surrendering directly, unless it is really caught, then it will choose to surrender.

After seeing Rouqiu leaving, Emperor Heng also became hopeful, and immediately left the imperial garden, shouting: "Come, come to the imperial study."

You definitely can't walk. Even if you are a puppet mascot, your due treatment will not be reduced, so there must be corresponding ceremonial guards. Not to mention that this is a palace, and you must follow the emperor's rules to avoid getting out of trouble. It would be bad if Pei Jiang caught the mistake.

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