Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 59 On the eve of the bait plan, Gaosheng’s former dean

Wang Linchi was actually not very satisfied with the things sent by Liumen, especially the three treasures of heaven and earth, all of which were of the lowest quality.

Including the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that he had obtained from Qinghe Academy using the derived soul skills and soul seed cooling, he had a total of four pieces in his hand. Theoretically, they could increase his mental power from the upper limit of 100 points to the limit of 104 points, but In fact, it is just a theory. He estimates that it can only reach about 102 points at most.

Due to quality issues, the first item can help him reach 101 points, while the next three items can only allow him to reach a little more.

Every additional point of extreme mental power will enable you to have a stronger mental upper limit capacity when you next break through. This was learned by Wang Linchi after he arrived at Yining Mansion and purchased a large number of books on the black market. .

If a normal black iron level can be broken through with 100 points of spiritual power, then the upper limit is only 1,000 points.

But for every additional point of ultimate mental power, the black iron level can reach an additional 100 points of maximum mental power.

If it is equivalent to 101 points of mental power and breaks through to the black iron level, then the upper limit of the awakened person's mental power at the black iron level is 1100 points.

Currently, the maximum spiritual power of the white porcelain level is 110 points. No matter how much more it is, it will not be able to bear it. However, even though it is only 10 points, the amount of natural materials and earthly treasures consumed cannot be underestimated. What is more important is the quality. When it reaches a certain level , it cannot be stacked up with quantity, it requires sufficient quality.

Otherwise, not only will the effect be reduced, but it will be directly ineffective.

The only pity is that the mental power in Wang Linchi's Nine Turns Golden Pill is not included in the mental power limit. After all, the mental power limit of 110 points is no longer possible.

If his 1,000 points of mental power were taken into account, he would be invincible immediately.

The mental power of the Nine-turn Golden Pill is more like the soul and the book of records, but the two are one, so it also belongs to Wang Linchi. However, if he really breaks through the judgment, he will be the main one.

If Wang Linchi can break through the black iron level with 110 points of mental power, then the black iron level effect of his Nine-turn Golden Elixir will not be 1,000 points of mental power capacity gained every time he rebuilds, but 2,000 points.

After all, ten times of rebuilding the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir will bring him 20,000 points of mental power. When combined with his own 2,000 points, that's 22,000 points. Even the geniuses are not as outrageous as him.

Maybe the mithril level can't defeat his black iron level with the nine-turn golden elixir.

What's more important is that if you break through to the Black Iron level with 110 points of mental power, then the original 1100 mental power limit breakthrough of the Black Iron level will become a 2200 limit breakthrough. As you accumulate step by step, the gap will get bigger and bigger every time. The bigger.

And this is the gap between geniuses with background and power and ordinary people without background. The difference in basic mental strength alone is countless times, not to mention that they have better education and environment.

In Qinghe City, it is very likely that only aristocratic families and some high-level officials in the city know about such rare and common techniques, while the lower levels and even the black market tightly cover up this kind of information.

Wang Linchi can be sure that whether it is King Yama or the original geniuses, they must possess the secret technique of soul phase and break through with 110 points of mental power. Otherwise, how can they widen the gap?

He wasn't jealous, after all, his family background was there, so it was useless for him to be jealous.

"Within two years, there shouldn't be many problems." Wang Linchi calculated the number in his mind.

Now he still has a gap of 8 points of extreme mental power, but it is not impossible to get it together.

Isn't there still a King of Hell here? After he boils the fourth generation of soul seeds, he will take out some matryoshka-like derived soul skills and exchange them from him.

With the power of the Hades Palace, there is a high probability that it can be exchanged completely.

The premise is that King Yama does not change the map and leaves during this period. If he really changes the map, then where will he find people?

"There is really no comparison between people."

Wang Linchi sighed. He had delayed five years for this, just to have a better future.

People can just reach out and have it, no need to work hard, no need to calculate or sell knowledge.

Dong dong dong~

He had just finished sighing when he heard a knock on the door. He thought it couldn't be Ruan Tian, ​​but someone else. If it was Ruan Tian, ​​he would have come in directly.

"Please come in." Wang Linchi responded.

Then he pushed open the door and walked in. Former dean Xu Shou came.

"It's been a long time, Dean. It was good and bad back then. Not only did nothing happen, but I was promoted." When Wang Linchi saw the other party, he also stood up to greet him.

The other party has a son-in-law like King Yama, so even if he is taken to Yi Ning Mansion for tea, nothing will happen to him.

At first, the most he could do was to get a level promotion, and then he could save money in the officialdom again, but now it is different. He was directly promoted to one level. Judging from his appearance, he should still be a real figure.

What happened to Xu Shou back then was most likely the work of the Peacock Sword Sect. After all, this was a necessary means in order to obtain the soul seed more reliably.

"I have to thank you for your help, Xiao Wang, otherwise, I would have no chance of promotion." Xu Shou no longer regarded Wang Linchi as a student at this time, so he also sat down and exchanged polite greetings.

Then he whispered: "We will start taking action tomorrow afternoon. Li Jinzhang has already caught some traces. I will protect you then."

Apparently, the relationship between Xu Shou and him was exposed by Six Doors, so he was named by Zhou Mu as a contact. Although it was cross-department, it didn't matter, and it was converted into performance.

Xu Shou never thought of saying no. He was at the fine gold level and could be considered a master even in Yi Ning Mansion.

Except for Zhou Mu, the Morning Star Awakener, there are not many people who can match him.

"For what reason?" Wang Linchi also replied in a low voice.

"Xiao Wang, you don't have a girlfriend or family. Come to my house tomorrow night and I'll set up a table to thank you. Without your help, I wouldn't be able to get promoted to this official position." Xu Shou's voice no longer sounded when he said this. Only Wang Linchi could hear it, but in a normal tone.

Wang Linchi's heart tightened. This behavior showed that there was someone from the other party in the Soul Seed Department.

Otherwise there is no need to say this.

He was also cursing in his heart about this. This state capital was really a waste, and it was actually infiltrated by the other party.

"Okay, it's not too much to deprive the dean of one month's salary for my great contribution." Wang Linchi also said in a mocking tone.

"Don't say it's a month, it's a year. Even if I blink my eyes, I'm sorry for your research results." Xu Shou said immediately.

The two chatted for about half an hour, and then Xu Shou stood up and prepared to leave: "I'll pick you up tomorrow, but don't go on a date with the little girl then."

After saying that, he walked out of Wang Linchi's office with a hearty smile.

Wang Linchi felt a little helpless. The plan was successful, but he seemed to be in more danger.

What secrets are involved in that set of rainbow series soul seeds? It actually involves so many forces.

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