"What's going on with you?"

At noon the next day, Li Xijian broke the shadow space barrier in Wang Linchi's office and saw a headless corpse and a bored Wang Linchi.

"Oh, my colleague is from the Shadow Alliance. He attacked me, and then I killed him." Wang Linchi summarized the situation.

Li Xijian did not question how Wang Linchi fought back. He could see at a glance that the headless corpse had not undergone any training and was only at the stage of white porcelain level.

As for how Wang Linchi managed to hit his head and splash it everywhere, he didn't ask in detail.

Wang Linchi can even master the soul forging method. What's so incredible about changing a soul seed? Every year, many non-combat awakeners become combat awakeners through illegal means, but there are very few who hide like Wang Linchi. Without any effort.

"The Soul Seed Division is becoming more and more useless. A shadow space barrier has been set up here for twelve hours, but no one found it." Li Xijian snorted coldly and expressed his dissatisfaction with the Soul Seed Division.

Forget it if it was twelve minutes, now it is twelve hours.

"Maybe it's their latest Horcrux." Wang Linchi casually threw the shadow amulet to Li Xijian.

This thing is useless to him. First of all, it cannot be controlled by himself after it is released. Therefore, it will either wait for the energy of the shadow space barrier to be exhausted and disappear, or it will be shattered by an unbearable force attack.

This thing is really strong. He smashed it dozens of times with Soul Seed Page·Xin Yuanyima, but there wasn't even a crack.

If he uses it, even if he kills the enemy, he will have to be imprisoned for ten days and a half. If he fails to defeat the enemy and still uses it, it will be even worse. He will be directly caught in the enemy's jar. This thing cannot trap anyone, so he Derived from the center.

"Well, I'll give you a credit this time." Li Xijian didn't make a big deal, but really gave credit to Wang Linchi, but this credit belongs to the Shadow Talisman, not to Wang Linchi who killed the Shadow Alliance to find out for the Soul Seed Division Traitor, this credit was given by the director of the Soul Seed Department, but the director hasn't come to work yet. He must have been having fun last night.

"Did you pry anything out of his mouth? If so, I will remember you again. Six Gates can give you two more heavenly materials and earthly treasures that break the upper limit of white porcelain-level mental power." Li Xijian came again. Such a sentence.

"Ten pieces must be top-notch. This news is absolutely shocking!" Wang Linchi said directly.

"Tell me first, if there is such value, Six Doors will not be stingy." Li Xijian did not bargain this time. In his eyes, Wang Linchi was not the kind of character to talk nonsense.

He is not the kind of person who only talks about things but doesn't give actual results. If he wants people to work for him, he must provide substantial benefits at any rate instead of just paying lip service, especially when it involves major events.

Wang Linchi then told Ruan Tian's words, which concealed the death of his parents. Whether it was done by the imperial court or the Shadow Alliance, this was something he could not resist now. The best way was to ignore it and wait until he If you are strong enough, you can investigate slowly and then find trouble with the other party instead of showing it now.

Once exposed, he might die of illness.

After finishing Ruan Tian's information, Wang Linchi also added: "I'm not sure the authenticity of these things, and I don't have the ability to identify lies, but you can go to the Peacock Sword Sect to confirm."

"Fang Cheng must have given a complete account, and the soul seed containing the key information is also in their hands."

Li Xijian was silent for a long time. He did not expect that a super giant secret realm would be involved, and if there was a key, this super giant secret realm could be controlled by the imperial court.

"Aren't you unwilling at all? After all, if they hadn't interfered, this super giant secret realm would have fallen into your hands." Li Xijian asked.

"Are you a fool? Even the Peacock Sword Sect has not been able to get the super giant secret realm until now. Why should I get it?" Wang Linchi felt that this guy was trying to trick him. He really didn't have any tricks at all.

"Don't say it's me. If it were you, how sure would you be to control this super giant secret realm?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"There is none in Chengdu. Maybe Mr. Zhou Mu can do something." Li Xijian is also very sincere. He is an awakened adamantine. There are so many awakened adamantines in the Peacock Sword Sect who can't do anything, let alone him.

"Then if it falls into my hands, I'm just a white porcelain grader, not a morning star grader." Wang Linchi complained.

"Well, this information is indeed very important. The ten top-notch treasures that break through the upper limit of white porcelain-level mental power are not enough. If you want anything else, you can ask, provided that there are six doors." Li Xijian can become a gold medal catcher In addition to his own strength, the leader is able to rise to the top because of his willingness to share meat with his subordinates.

"I said I wanted a legendary soul seed, but the six doors must be gone."

"What do you think I can give you?" Wang Linchi pushed the question back.

"How about the Horcrux? I'll help you choose a better Horcrux among the six doors." Li Xijian said.

Horcruxes are equipment, and the Shadow Talisman is a type of Horcrux.

Like storage treasures, they are actually a type of Horcrux.

Some Horcruxes increase attributes, and some Horcruxes have special effects and are additional things.

The difference is that Horcruxes can only be used and equipped through the soul phase, and cannot be used by non-awakened people.

"Okay, it's best if it can improve the efficiency of cultivation or temper the spirit, soul, and soul. Secondly, it can also improve thinking logic and learning ability." Wang Linchi did not refuse.

Since the other party said so, Wang Linchi made his request unceremoniously.

"That's really a bit difficult to handle." Li Xijian also couldn't laugh or cry, and then said: "I will try my best to find something for you, but there may not be anything that suits your needs."

There are many Horcruxes in the Six Gates, but most of them are for combat, tracking and the like. There are indeed few of these types that Wang Linchi wants.

Even if there is one, it is personal.

"That's okay, just do your best. If you don't have it, you can give me a Horcrux that increases my defense or gives me the ability to escape." Wang Linchi took another step back. If that doesn't work, just save his life.

"That's fine. I will give you priority in finding Horcruxes to improve your cultivation efficiency." Li Xijian had no intention of dealing with Wang Linchi.

He dealt with Wang Linchi this time, and Wang Linchi might deal with him next time if he has any clues.

He still has his own set of standards when it comes to conducting himself in society.

"Then let's keep it like this for now. I'll call you to inform you that the director is back, so that nothing happens to you again." Li Xijian has also thought everything through. With the director of the Soul Seed Division, who is at the fine gold level, in charge, he will be much safer.

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