Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 636 Why are everyone thinking about hiding everything?

The reason why the president came to him was simple. It was naturally the story about Wang Linchi's kidnapping that was spread in Dragon City.

As a result, I met the suffering master unexpectedly.

However, the president did not come to ask questions, but wanted to ask who was framed Wang Linchi.

"How do I know this? Otherwise, you start investigating from the people I have offended and offended me?" Wang Linchi looked innocent.

From the beginning, the President thought that Wang Linchi was framed. After all, Wang Linchi was in the base from beginning to end and never took a step outside. But if you said that he kidnapped people, why didn't you say that he was successful? God.

Furthermore, even if Wang Linchi did it, a scapegoat would be introduced to block the attack instead of Wang Linchi actually helping.

The President is still waiting for Wang Linchi's Type 10 Spiritual Evolution Potion to take the final step for him.

"I have no clue about this matter, but I can confirm that it was done by our internal personnel."

"It's just that what I don't quite understand is why these people were chosen. They don't have anything in common." The president also collected information about all the protagonists, but the intelligence was mediocre and there was no problem at all. .

Wang Linchi also glanced at the information and was shocked: "Are you sure?"

The protagonist's resume formed from this intelligence information, if you take out any one of them, it is extraordinary, but the president actually thinks it is ordinary. This is a bit too arrogant.

"Of course, none of them are my enemies." The president said proudly.

"Yes, President, your strength is indeed invincible." Wang Linchi thought about it. If it were him, if he didn't know how outrageous the protagonists in front of him were, he would have the same mentality as the President.

After all, a bunch of little bastards are worthy of taking action against him?

"You can leave the Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 to me. The level 5 large life force field has been constructed and covers the entire Ying Kingdom." The president suddenly changed the topic and spoke directly.

"So fast? It's only been less than half a month." Wang Linchi was also a little surprised. Logically speaking, it should be at least a month.

"I'm not sure. This time, most of the obstruction seems to have disappeared, which is why the popularity is so fast." The president is actually quite confused about this matter, and logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

And Wang Linchi quickly thought of the reason. It was probably because the protagonists had left, causing all the original villains to stop their corresponding activities or reduce the frequency of their activities.

In addition to this reason, even though it has been popularized several times before, those extraordinary forces did not dare to interfere too much. This is why the speed of popularization is so fast this time. It can only be said that it is a mistake.

"In that case, let's give it to you, the President." Wang Linchi said, handing a bottle of black potion to the other party.

"Why is it black?" the president immediately questioned. It had gradually transitioned from colorless to gold, but this time it turned black. This made him suspicious and felt that Wang Linchi was trying to harm him.

"The gold color is too rich, which causes the color to appear visually different. In fact, it is still gold, but you need the corresponding tools to view it."

As Wang Linchi spoke, he took out a drop from the potion, placed it under the microscope, and then motioned to the president to take a look at it himself.

The president looked through the microscope and saw that under the originally pitch-black water droplets, there were dense golden spots, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This light spot is the composition of the divine evolution potion. This is not the first time he has seen it, but this time the shape is different.

There was basically only one light spot in a drop before, but in the Type 10 Divine Evolution Potion, there were countless light spots densely packed in this drop, which shocked him.

No wonder it allows him to gain power beyond the limits of the lower realm.

"Are you relieved?" Wang Linchi asked.

"I have always trusted you, Xiao Wang, and I have no worries." The president said shamelessly.

Next, we have to rely on Wang Linchi, and he can't kill him, so he can only show his good intentions.

"Although you have obtained Type 10 potion, now is not the best time to take it." Wang Linchi said suddenly.

The president was also caught off guard, and then quickly asked: "Why?"

"It's unstable. Although the large level 5 life force field has covered the whole country, there are still some problems."

"For example, destruction from outside the country, jealousy of some people, etc." Wang Linchi's meaning was obvious. No one inside or outside would let him break through until he was properly prepared.

As long as it succeeds, the president will become the eternal ruler.

Especially when the insiders learned that only a hundred years could create such a type 10 god, and also learned about the president's character, everyone knew what would happen if the other party really broke through.

A cold light flashed in the president's eyes, and he felt that Wang Linchi was right.

For such a discerning person, it is a pity that he has mastered too many of the techniques that led to his rise. If he is not killed, it may become a possible comeback in the future.

If he didn't have to kill him, he would be reluctant to kill Wang Linchi and let him serve him until his death.

"Then when is the right time?" the president said coldly.

Since it's your question, please give me a solution.

"Just take advantage of this kidnapping case." Wang Linchi said a plan that surprised the president.

“The president can bring everyone together and point the finger at someone else, muddy the waters, and then walk away.”

"When other people are entangled, the president can pretend to be seriously injured and escape, and then he can inject Type 10 medicine."

The President thought about Wang Linchi's suggestion and found that it was still very feasible. However, there was a problem, and that was why it was so troublesome?

"I can just inject the medicine to transform. Why bother?" The president suspected that Wang Linchi planned to use himself to divert the conflict.

"Type 10 of the Divine Evolution Potion is different from the previous Type 9 potions and cannot complete the transformation in a short period of time."

"The overall time, even with the qualifications of the president, will take at least one year. If the president is confident that he can control the situation for a year while being weak, then there will be no problem." Wang Linchi showed no concern. look.

"A year of weakness?" The president's heart sank. This time was indeed beyond his expectation.

The previous Type 9 potion only took three hours, but Type 10 took a year.

"Yes, and this time is just an estimate, it will only be longer, not shorter."

"The reason for the weakness is that the transformation is too strong. It is the process of transforming from human to immortal. Type 9 was still in the human stage before, so it is naturally faster." Wang Linchi said calmly.

This made the president hesitate. One year of weakness really needed a reason, and it was a reason that could not be doubted.

It is indeed a good way for Wang Linchi to escape under the pretense of serious injury. At that time, he can even temporarily hand over the power to Zaifu to enhance his credibility.

The only insider is Wang Linchi.

According to his idea, he must be killed, but at this moment the president was hesitant, mainly because he was worried about whether Wang Linchi would be left behind if he killed him.

What if I don't tell you and the secret is leaked?

"I understand. Just follow your plan and I will help divert attention." The president made a decision and finally chose to trust Wang Linchi for the time being.

There is no need for the other party to kill him, and if he wants to harm him, it is impossible to give him the 10-type divine advanced potion. He has already leaked it to others. By then, others will confront him. Wang Linchi even Able to make profits from it.

He didn't do any of these, which shows that the credibility is still relatively high, and he can wait until he successfully breaks through before killing.

"It's just that afterwards, I need all the divine evolution potions from type 1 to type 9, and I want to leave here." Wang Linchi suddenly gave his conditions.

"No follow-up?" The president was also surprised. He naturally wanted stronger power.

"Unless Mr. President you ascend or break the void and leave, you can only reach this point and cannot become stronger. This is the limitation of heaven and earth."

"But don't worry about lifespan. You can achieve immortality after a successful breakthrough." Wang Linchi explained.

There was light in the eyes of the great president, and he was thinking that if this was really the case, his idea of ​​not killing him, which had been shaken to the point of not killing him, was once again shattered. He is the only one who is immortal and strong.

"No problem. Once it's done, as long as I don't die, no one in the world will dare to touch you." The president agreed boldly.

It is true that no one in the world would touch Wang Linchi, so the President took matters into his own hands and sent Wang Linchi on his way.

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