Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 638 Zaifu’s dream of ruling the world

"A year of weakness, so that's it. No wonder the president is unwilling to take the injection." Zaifu muttered in a low voice.

When he came, Wang Linchi had already solved the protagonist, and the destiny level was directly superimposed to the 201st level. It was not that he had killed sixty-four protagonists, but that the protagonist he killed had sixty-three levels of destiny. After he killed the other party , all of which were superimposed on Wang Linchi.

That's right, killing the opponent will superimpose the opponent's destiny level.

After that was done, the Prime Minister came. Wang Linchi pretended to be harmless and repeated what he had said to the President.

"It's indeed a good plan to escape with serious injuries, but it's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. No one thought that this group of people would be so powerful." Zaifu laughed, and he laughed very freely.

Fortunately, he struck first. Otherwise, if he had waited until the president completed his plan and returned, even if he was still alive, he would have become the object of sacrifice.

Wang Linchi watched quietly as Zaifu laughed wildly. He laughed for three minutes before he stopped, and his sharp eyes like an eagle fell on Wang Linchi.

"I can give you a chance to convince me not to kill you." Zaifu looked at Wang Linchi and said this. In fact, Wang Linchi would take action no matter what he said.

As for the problem with Divine Evolution Potion Type 10? How is this possible? The president has already verified it for him. If there was really a problem, Wang Linchi would still be alive to this day.

"What if I lied to the president by saying that the Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 was defective?" Wang Linchi was not nervous at all.

Zaifu had already expected that this was the only way to break the situation, so not only was he not surprised by what Wang Linchi said, but he also laughed.

"There's nothing new at all. I didn't expect you to be at the end of your rope. I thought you would take out some magical tool to deal with me." Zaifu's laughter echoed.

Wang Linchi was also a little regretful: "I would also like to have it, but unfortunately it means there is none."

"In that case, go on your way. Everyone in the entire base will be buried with you, and you don't have to worry about being lonely after your death." As he spoke, Zaifu pinched Wang Linchi's neck.

In his eyes, Wang Linchi was just an ordinary person who had never even been injected with life-span medicine.

"Goodbye. In your next life, be careful and don't know too much."

"Otherwise...it will not end well."


After Zaifu finished speaking, he crushed Wang Linchi's head with a calm look on his face.

After doing these things, he did not stop, and then killed everyone in the entire base before activating the self-destruction program of the base.


Seeing the flames of the explosion flickering in the distance, Zaisu injected the Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 into his body without hesitation.

"I won't make the same mistake as the president again."

"Timing? Fake death to escape? Oh, no need. The sooner I complete the transformation, the sooner I can rule the world."

Zaifu said with a disdainful expression.

The possibility that there might be a problem with the Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 was not within the scope of his consideration. Wang Linchi was already dead anyway, and no one could solve the subsequent problems.

All he had to do was make a desperate move. If he really listened to Wang Linchi's words, wouldn't he have to be controlled by Wang Linchi?

He wants to dominate the world.

If Wang Linchi listened this time, there would be a next time, and the next time, wouldn't he become the opponent's puppet?

So he naturally sent Wang Linchi on his way without hesitation.

After the injection, he felt the coldness of the black liquid of Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 flowing through his body.

The cold feeling is also accompanied by weakness, but because it has just been injected, the feeling of weakness is not very strong, but slightly absent. It will only continue to get stronger as it transforms.

Naturally, he didn't care about this, because he planned to leave Longcheng and take a year's rest somewhere else.

As long as he escapes from this maelstrom, he can ensure his safety.

"If it weren't for the fact that the level 5 large-scale life force field is only in Yingguo, it would be safer for me to go directly to other countries." Zaifu was a little regretful.

The limitation here is that the directions he can choose are very limited.

However, no matter how limited it is, the only place that is chaotic is Dragon City.

However, due to the chaos in Dragon City, there were actually a lot of disturbances in the entire Ying Kingdom, but no problems have been exposed yet.

After taking one last look at the fire left behind after the base exploded, he turned around and left without hesitation.

"When I come back next time, it will be time to end the chaos." A glimmer of light flashed in Zaifu's eyes.

Wang Linchi, on the other hand, watched the other party leave without any hindrance at all.

"Not bad courage." Wang Linchi praised.

The President did not leave immediately and inject the Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 because he wanted to retain his power.

This is both necessary and necessary. Unlike Zaifu, he understands that with only enough power, no matter how chaotic it is in the future, he can use powerful force to suppress it.

However, Wang Linchi felt that the prime minister was also forcing him, otherwise how could he use it now.

If it were him, he would have to leave Dragon City before using it.

Zaifu was probably worried that the anger in his heart would vent and he would never have the courage to use it again.

Because Wang Linchi's words about the Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 being defective and deceiving the president would make him hesitate like a nightmare.

"It's just that you don't know that what I said is true."

"The Divine Evolution Potion Type 10 is not defective, but there is a problem." Wang Linchi looked at Zaifu's leaving figure and also smiled.

He didn't mind if Zaifu killed him, he just regarded it as a reward for the other party. After all, the other party had to sacrifice himself to fulfill Wang Linchi, and the other party did not have the ability to resurrect.

"The next step is to deal with all the protagonists as soon as possible, end the struggle for luck as soon as possible, and make room for the next experiment."

"Otherwise, a lot of protagonists will be messing around and having fun."

Wang Linchi knew that after this time, the world's leading trade would probably come to a standstill, and the best case scenario would be to start over again. After all, all the resources had been cut off by Wang Linchi.

These more than 600 protagonists, but the foundation of the entire world, if they were all harvested by him, it would be equivalent to all the savings being wasted.

There may be a little bit of savings left for the world, but under the devastation caused by his karma experiments, it is estimated that this savings will not be enough for medical treatment.

"Then isn't this world the end of the world again?"

Wang Linchi's mind twitched as he suddenly thought of this matter, and his mood suddenly exploded.

We agreed that it wouldn't be the end of the world, but in the end, it was still the end of the world, and this time it was all under his control.

This made him somewhat unacceptable. Could it be that he was born with apocalyptic attributes and could make the world explode wherever he went?

"Damn it, if it happens too many times, wouldn't it become a fixed impression?"

"It needs to be reversed. Otherwise, if the news spreads, I won't be welcome everywhere." Wang Linchi's expression became more and more ugly.

"This time it was an accident. It was definitely not my intention to target the world."

"Although I was the one who took action first, but putting aside the fact, isn't there nothing wrong with the world?" Wang Linchi decided to throw the blame to the world, but after thinking about it again, if he put aside the fact, what else could he do? What to talk about.

So we can only change the way of saying it, otherwise the world will not be able to shoulder the blame.

"Okay, even if we talk about the facts, if we take a step back, doesn't this world have no responsibility at all?"

Wang Linchi felt that with this scapegoating method, the world would definitely take the blame.

"No, the number of steps back is a bit small, otherwise one hundred thousand... one million would be one hundred million."

He was afraid that if he took 10,000 steps back, this pot would still not be considered a non-stick pan, and Wang Linchi would still be responsible for it, so he very rationally chose to take 100,000 steps back.

"Well, I feel more at ease this way." Wang Linchi felt that he had fully learned Ah Q's self-comfort spirit.

Rather than causing internal friction, it is better to blame others. This is much more convenient and faster than doing good deeds to atone for oneself. Besides, atonement may not necessarily be successful.

If divided according to karma, the evil released from Wang Linchi would probably be no less than the calamity of Dharma and the disaster of annihilation.

"But when it comes to dealing with the protagonist, it's not appropriate for me to do it myself. Recently, I've been dormant for a while. After raising the Gu to raise the Gu King, I will kill the Gu King directly once and for all."

"I still have to run around here and there, and I might even be targeted by the world."

What Wang Linchi wanted was to catch them all in one go, rather than defeat them one by one. Killing them one by one would not only be troublesome but also easily expose their flaws.

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