Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 64 The young man from the upper realm

After leaving the director's office, Wang Linchi was promoted, from an ordinary office worker to the office director.

Just thinking about it carefully, it is of no use. It is a false position in the first place. Apart from the increase in salary, benefits and benefits, it still has no power.

As for recruiting new people for themselves, this is probably a bit difficult. After the Shadow Alliance incident, the entire Yining Mansion is undergoing intense self-examination.

Wang Linchi was lucky, he was the victim, so he got rid of the suspicion.

Even Director Qian Yan himself was affected. After all, if a shadow could sneak into the Soul Seed Department, wouldn't it mean that there are more shadows still dormant in the Soul Seed Department.

Correspondingly, the Yi Ning Mansion and the Peacock Sword Sect also treated this matter more cautiously. The shadow did not hesitate to expose himself but also wanted to kill people. This shows that this super giant secret realm must be very important, and Wang Linchi may also have something similar to this super giant hidden in him. Some advantages of secret realms.

Therefore, Wang Linchi was not affected, but the entire Yining Mansion began to be turbulent.

In the afternoon, Wang Linchi continued to drink tea and read the newspaper on the surface, but in his mind he was constantly deducing and perfecting the "Nine-turn Golden Pill Soul Forging Technique" and the "Tao Fei Nascent Soul Soul Formation Secret Technique". He collected a large number of forging techniques. It is also a benefit to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses between the Soul Technique and Soul Appearance Secret Technique.

After all, he is only at the White Porcelain level. He can't get any faster even if he wants to, so he might as well continue to strengthen his foundation.

If he could break through quickly, he would certainly not be so virtuous.

When he was about to get off work, Li Xijian pushed open the door and walked in with two young people, a man and a woman.

Judging from the restrained aura of the other party and the difference between the local clothing of Yongzhou, these two people should be foreign aid invited, and they are here to track down the Shadow Alliance.

"Li Jinzhang, let's ask if we can come here before we get off work soon." Wang Linchi joked.

"Anyway, you don't dare to go back after get off work. What's the difference between going to work and coming off work? I didn't even say that I would work overtime with you after work, so you have the nerve to speak first." Li Xijian also teased, and then started to introduce: "These two This person is a man who came down from the domain. Please recount the situation with the shadow at that time."

Wang Linchi guessed correctly, but he didn't expect that he would come down from a higher level domain.

The domain to which Yongzhou belongs is the Southwest Jingsu domain.

The entire scene is divided into twenty-eight domains in four directions, that is, it is divided into four regions, and each region has seven major domains.

The imperial court managed the four fields and checked and balanced the twenty-eight domains as its jurisdiction over the local areas.

In addition to the Jingsu region where they are located, there are six major regions in the south: Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, and Zhen.

Wang Linchi repeated it again.

"So, the other party didn't say why they wanted to kill you?" the young man asked.

"Yes, Ruan Tian didn't say anything, and neither did the unknown shadow."

"But I remember Li Jinzhang, didn't you catch him and ask him nothing?" Wang Linchi looked at Li Xijian and asked.

"I didn't ask, and even used a Horcrux to extract memories and destroy the other party's soul. The final result was that the other party did not lie, and he didn't know anything." Li Xijian did not hide anything.

Forcibly reading the soul or memory of an awakened person through a Horcrux or soul skill will destroy the soul.

After all, the soul is the foundation of the soul.

"That's such a pity." Wang Linchi did not continue to ask if he had any clues. Two unfamiliar people came. If he asked like this, the other party might think there was something wrong with him.

"In that case, why don't you apply for protection from Six Doors?" the woman asked.

"The six gates are not as safe as the Soul Seed Division." Wang Linchi said truthfully.

That is to say, the shadow space barrier this time is unusual, otherwise Ruan Tian would have been noticed the first time he used the Horcrux Shadow Talisman.

There is no such treatment in Six Doors.

These words made the woman look a little unhappy, but she didn't say anything.

Wang Linchi guessed that the opponent was from the Six Gates in Jingsu Domain. He might have some abilities, but he probably didn't have much experience.

"Xiao Wang is right. The security in the Soul Seed Division is far better than that of the Six Doors. After all, the Six Doors are more of a place for interrogations and discussions between the chiefs and agents." Li Xijian also saw it. The other party was dissatisfied, so he hurried to smooth things over.

This is a fact. Otherwise, if we really transfer people to the six doors, they might die tonight.

Even the Soul Seed Department can have shadows infiltrate into it, and the six gates with less stringent screening are probably more numerous.

"We are going to send you to Jingsu Domain for protection." The man spoke again.

"I'm afraid this won't work. With the importance the Shadow League attaches to Xiao Wang, there's no way he can get there unless you can ask the Territory Lord to take action." Li Xijian refused on Wang Linchi's behalf without hesitation.

Of course he knew what the other party was thinking, and sending him to Jingsu Territory was just an excuse. The real idea was to use Wang Linchi as bait. It was indeed possible to catch him, but what if they caught a morning star shadow? beat?

If Wang Linchi dies, what will happen if they lose the opportunity to enter this giant secret realm that is about to be born?

That's right, this super giant secret realm is about to be born. The Peacock Sword Sect's efforts these days are not in vain. It's a pity that it is exposed, and all kinds of big chaos will inevitably occur next.

Even the domain lord couldn't get away, and the court was actively mobilizing.

Yongzhou has really become a maelstrom this time, and all the state pastors are very busy.

Li Xijian was a little confused. It was such a big matter, but two young men were sent here. He doubted whether the matter could be handled.

Compared with these two young men, he is more optimistic about King Hades and his Palace of Hades. At least in terms of work, there has not been a single problem in so many years.

He was thinking that this time, he would have to bring King Hades into the super giant secret realm.

This cannot be said clearly, after all, these two young men who came down from Jingsu Territory carry a sense of arrogance and unwillingness to admit defeat, just like donkeys, they have to be smoothed.

"How much strength can a small state's Shadow Alliance have?" The woman became more and more unhappy.

"I don't have any problem. I'll probably die. It's just that if this thing fails and we alert the enemy, it involves a super giant secret realm. Are you two, or the relationship behind you two, sure that you can take on this responsibility?"

"Don't let your arrogance affect your elders."

"The court takes this matter very seriously." Wang Linchi said calmly.

Naturally, he could see what these two people were thinking, so he fought back without hesitation and took the court's righteousness with him.

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about this..." The woman felt that her plan was flawless.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Xijian: "This matter needs to be reported to the Territory Lord through Lord Zhou Mu. If the Territory Lord agrees, then it will be implemented."

If justice is not enough, then use relationships.

Although the two were a little reluctant, they finally nodded and agreed to Li Xijian's approach.

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