Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 652 The protagonist of the new genre has arrived

"Qianchuan Realm, Xu Ling, an outer disciple of the Huangquan Sect, never expected that he would be this type of protagonist."

The first time Xu Ling traveled to this world, he was noticed and located by Wang Linchi.

However, he did not take action immediately, but let the other party leave, so as to observe the other party's complete transmission process and collect data.

"I have been waiting for three years and it is finally here. If it doesn't come, I will leave."

Xu Ling did not arrive immediately after Meng Wuji lost control, but arrived three years later. If he had not arrived for another two years, Wang Linchi planned to harvest a wave and leave.

In the past three years, humans have become extinct, and Meng Wuji has turned into a zombie, and is still the most powerful zombie. It has also stopped now. Because of the loss of humans, all zombies have fallen into a low-energy consumption mode.

"A special person who carries a purifier, and also has a merit system."

"It's most likely the world of immortality that was traded with this world, but there seems to be some problem."

Wang Linchi compared Xu Ling's memory and found that there was an upper realm in the world called Qianchuan Realm, which felt like a matryoshka doll to him.

After careful comparison, there is a certain similarity between the cultivators in this world and the immortal cultivators in Qianchuan Realm. However, compared to the immortal cultivators, the original cultivators are indeed inferior versions of each other.

Taking the Mahayana stage as an example, those in the Qianchuan realm already have the ability to move mountains and reclaim seas. Unlike the Mahayana cultivators in this realm, they cannot even dodge missiles.

As for the purifier, it is naturally the bronze door in Xu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness. It is only one of its functions to help him teleport to this world.

The real ability is to absorb and transform this mutated karma into the merits of Qianchuan Realm.

The other party's merits and Wang Linchi's merits are not the same thing. Theoretically speaking, Qianchuanjie's merits are more like the merits in fairy tales. Wang Linchi's merits are just covered with a layer of skin. If they are released to others, If used by a human, it can twist the opponent into something terrifying on the spot.

His merits can only be used by him and his dependents, derivatives, and civilizations, and their compatibility is extremely low.

The reason is due to his indescribability.

The same is true for karma.

The karma virus on the karma zombie is a variant of karma, and it is very different from his karma. It is basically the same as the difference between a monkey and a horse. It can only be said that we are all mammals.

"It's really about making the best use of everything, killing zombies and purifying them. But I have a question, why should we choose time travelers instead of local aborigines?"

Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this.

It stands to reason that Xu Ling's character is not suitable for this job at all. Judging from the other party's current thoughts, he is indeed a good person.

What would happen if a good person was thrown into a demonic sect?

There are only two types, the first is to be unable to survive and then die, and the second is to be assimilated into a demonic person, and this assimilation may be subtle, even Xu Ling himself is not aware of it.

What? The demon sects fell in love with each other. How could this happen? He had read Xu Ling's memories. Not to mention other things, those demon skills were all squeezing the disciples. As long as they were one step behind or lacked strength. , it will become a raw material for others to practice or refine treasures.

To say that these sects love each other, doesn’t it mean Zhengdao is a hypocrite?

The Righteous Sect may not be as good as advertised, but at least the mortals under its command can still live without worrying about being caught as meat pigs or being sacrificed to blood in their sleep.

"The rules of the two worlds are similar, there is no difference."

"What's the reason for this?"

Wang Linchi gently twisted his hand, and blood-red, sinister faces emerged from his hand.

Compared with Xu Ling's Blood Soul Technique, this magic spell became more vivid in Wang Linchi's hands and exuded a weird smile. At first glance, it looked more like a head than a face.

Xu Ling's Blood Soul Technique was only at the beginning level. In Wang Linchi's hands, he not only perfected it in an instant, but could also develop new ones.

"This "Nine Refining Sutras for the Human Soul" is quite good. Apart from the difficulty of finding the raw materials required for cultivation, the effect is indeed very good." From Wang Linchi's point of view, this book of Qi training methods of the Huangquan Sect is indeed Very good, it can transform and optimize mana to the greatest extent.

The disadvantages are not without, that is, the process of transformation and optimization is too rough and can easily cause damage and death.

Therefore, the Huangquan Sect has added the effect of making full use of materials in the technique. It doesn't matter if you die, the upper and lower parts can be used as materials.

As for the other Qi-training techniques, Wang Linchi didn't know. The information he got was all obtained from Xu Ling's memory, and any more information would naturally be lost.

Unless he enters Qianchuan Realm.

He also had this idea, but he didn't plan to enter Qianchuan Realm through his own abilities. Instead, he planned to seize Xu Ling's identity, make himself the opponent, and then go back in a big way.

In this way, he can not only take the opportunity to plunder Qianchuan Realm, but also rely on the protagonist's skin on his body to further plunder the world to squeeze out the final value.

Otherwise, it would be a waste to just leave like this.

"So I need enough zombies and karma to do it."

Since he planned to pretend to be the protagonist of the Demonic Cultivation Merit Stream, Wang Linchi must have set the stage.

Although there are many zombies, they will eventually be used up. Wang Linchi also wants to use Qianchuanjie's training system to see if he can take a step further.

The system of cultivating immortals in Qianchuan Realm is still very complete, and there are enough promotion channels for advancement. There is no need to worry about being unable to advance in the final stage of transcending tribulation.

This world is the highest Mahayana period, and then you can transcend tribulations and ascend. But above the Mahayana period in Qianchuan Realm, there is also a tribulation period, which is the transition to ascension.

According to Wang Linchi's guess, if the Mahayana cultivators in this world ascend, they will not ascend to the Qianchuan Realm, but directly skip the Qianchuan Realm and reach the upper realm of the Qianchuan Realm. It is estimated to be a world with extremely high energy levels, so The Mahayana practitioners of the past were no better than a dog on the roadside.

"If the world itself can synthesize the corresponding zombies and karma, then I can let go and act boldly."

Wang Linchi began to think about what to do next. As for the cost of synthesizing zombies and karma, this world must pay for it.

Anyway, the world is already too empty. Wang Linchi can do whatever he wants. He can just wait until the value is squeezed out and then devour it.

If Wang Linchi hadn't wanted to see if he could catch a big fish, he would have dealt with this world long ago.

Fortunately, waiting has paid off, at least he did get the reward he deserved, Qianchuan Realm plus the Upper Realm to which it belongs.

"Similar to the situation, wouldn't this area be a world community?"

Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter. Several worlds have certain same or similar rules. This reason is probably that the surrounding worlds belong to the same community, attract each other and survive together, which leads to convergence, so Qianchuanjie The cultivators of this world can cultivate and grow in this world, and the cultivators of this world can ascend to the upper realm of Qianchuan Realm.

"It's really possible."

The more Wang Linchi thought about it, the more so. In addition, superpowers and warriors should also have a similar world.

Soon, Wang Linchi came up with the idea of ​​a circular structure embedded in a triangle. These three worlds of different systems were attached to each other with this world as the center, and finally formed a special structure. However, this world later became weak due to its own weakness. And leaving caused the three worlds to be directly broken.

Now, it should only be reconnected to the world of cultivating immortals.

In addition, the three systems should have their own upper worlds, just like the upper world of Qianchuan Realm.

"It's a pity that this world has no power to ask for help from the other two worlds after it hangs over Qianchuan Realm. Otherwise, if I pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, I can earn a few more worlds."

"But these world travelers are so frequent, maybe one day I will meet people who travel from other worlds." Wang Linchi doesn't care much about these things. For him, it's not a big deal to change the world, but if there is As a time traveler, he can also save some time and costs.

As long as it's not the end of the world, Wang Linchi can accept it.

"The layout must be completed before Xu Ling comes again." Wang Linchi quickly calmed down his thoughts and started working. The next time the other party came over, Wang Linchi planned to attack him.

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