Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 655 Sect Competition? No dogs will go

"This mission pit is really big, no wonder there are so many rewards." Wang Linchi glanced at the fierce ghost in his hand. He had already slaughtered a village, and his strength had reached the third level of Qi training. That is to say, the protagonist Xu Ling could handle it. If it were replaced by another If the disciples of Huangquan Sect really want to come here to capture this evil ghost, they might be killed by a trick.

Xu Ling had the zombie world as his logistics. When he came, he estimated that the evil ghosts in the Blood Soul Technique Dzogchen and the Evil Ghost Banner would be able to reach the second level of Qi training. By then, he would be able to deal with such a third-level Qi training ghost and cooperate with his own destiny to leapfrog the level. Killing by force is not a problem.

A normal outer sect disciple on the second level of qi training in the Underworld Sect would probably only have a small skill in the Blood Soul Technique, and there would be no more.

It is not clear whether the evaluation error in Xu Ling's mission was due to inaccurate real information or the Huangquan Sect's deliberate actions. Both are possible.

For Huangquan Sect, if you can spend 1 point of contribution to do something with 10 points of contribution, it is worth it.

It doesn't matter if the person who went on the mission dies. There are many immortal cultivators in the Qi training period. Every year, the Huangquan Sect goes to the territory of the Zhengdao Sect and robs a large number of people to use this as the basis for cultivating immortals.

Because magic skills do not take into account qualifications and understanding, as long as there are resources, they can advance by leaps and bounds, so there will always be someone who comes to the forefront. As long as the base is large, it doesn't matter at the bottom.

Even if a single talent is not produced, the meat will rot in the pot.

Wang Linchi pressed down casually, causing the evil ghost's cultivation to be forcibly dispersed to the second level of Qi training. He was then killed by him, leaving only the ashes that escaped. Then he picked up the evil ghost magic weapon with Yin energy and directly Just destroy it until only a small section remains.

He didn't want the Underworld Sect to take advantage. He had agreed to go to the second level of Qi training, but ended up on the third level. Wouldn't that be a huge loss for him?

Even if he proves to be a powerful ghost at the third level of Qi training, the rewards from the Underworld Sect will not be able to improve him, that's all.

"But having said that, can this small village afford a third-level qi-training ghost?" Wang Linchi looked at the small village.

It stands to reason that this is unlikely to happen.

It is common sense that dragons are difficult to emerge from shallow water, unless it is abnormal.

After searching carefully, he found something unique.

"The low-grade Xuanyin ghost stone is a good material for raising ghosts. If it is refined into the evil ghost flag, the quality of the evil ghost flag can be turned into a yellow-level mid-grade magic weapon." Wang Linchi recognized this thing immediately after taking a look.

The grades of magic weapons are divided into heaven and earth, Xuanhuang, which is the division of Qianchuan Realm.

It is said to be inherited from the Qingming Immortal Realm, the upper realm.

The outer disciples of the Huangquan Sect have three basic magic weapons, namely the evil ghost flag, the body bag and the corpse control bell.

The body bag and the corpse control bell are a set, and they also need the spell of corpse control as a complement. If you want them, you need to use your own contribution to redeem them.

The Evil Ghost Banner is different. It is an entry-level benefit like the "Nine Refinements of the Human Soul". If you join the Huangquan Sect, one will be given to you. The Blood Soul Technique is a supporting spell of the "Nine Refinements of the Human Soul". Without this spell, How to extract living souls for cultivation.

The exercises included in the entry-level benefits are not limited to the "Nine Refining Sutras of the Human Soul". Others, such as "Blood Refining Xuanming Kung Fu" and "Mountain-Draining Evil Technique", can also be chosen by yourself, and the accompanying spells are also Different, but both are extremely cruel spells.

Wang Linchi took out the evil ghost flag and stuffed the low-grade Xuanyin ghost stone into it, completing the transformation in an instant.

For him, refining weapons is not that difficult. If he hadn't disliked the trouble, he could have directly turned this evil ghost flag into a top-grade magic weapon.

"The future of Akuki Banner is still very good, at least in terms of growth channels, it does have a lot of potential."

Wang Linchi could see that this evil ghost flag could not only protect the Tao, but also assist in cultivation. The shortcoming was also obvious, that is, it would harm Tianhe.

And if you can't suppress the evil ghost in the flag, you will be attacked by the evil ghost.

Now there are no evil spirits refined into the evil ghost flag. Xu Ling just arrived in the zombie world and was packed away by Wang Linchi before he could execute the plan.

Wang Linchi naturally had no time left. After dealing with Xu Ling, he changed his skin and came to Qianchuan Realm to cause trouble.

It's not too late to go back to the zombie world now.

There are many types of magic weapons in this world, especially those on the Demonic Path. They have all kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds, and even pavilions and pavilions. Unlike the Righteous Path, most of them are swordsmen who focus on defeating all magic with one sword. He rarely uses other magic weapons or practices other spells.

Even if he practices magic, he still uses his own flying sword as a supplement, but the lethality is indeed powerful enough.

Wang Linchi took a look and found that the reason why he was powerful was not because the opponent's flying sword was strong, which was a magic weapon, but because the other party spent all his resources on the magic weapon, and even made the magic weapon have a spirit and live and die with him. The magic weapon that comes out.

It's equivalent to spending more than half of your wealth on it. If it wasn't strong, wouldn't it be useless?

Unlike a demon cultivator, on the contrary, because of the precarious situation and poverty, he practiced whatever he had and was not proficient in anything.

Moreover, the flying sword is a magic weapon of destiny. Except for the high-level cultivators of the demonic path, who have the ability to practice it, there are no resources for the middle and low-level cultivators, while the cultivators of the righteous path almost only have one at their disposal.

Therefore, when the two sides are at the same level, if the demonic cultivator is not killed by a flying sword, then he is qualified to further fight with the righteous cultivator.

Wang Linchi also absorbed this advantage and planned to continue to cultivate Taishan Xi. This thing was now thrown into his body as one of the main nodes of the civilized computer.

Anyway, idle time is idle, it is best to be able to go to the hall and the kitchen and beat the gangsters.

Otherwise, it would be all in vain.

After the fight, he would just use the Taishan Seal to kill people.

The ability is simple and unreal, mainly depends on whether the effect is good or not.

It's like a flying sword. One strike of the sword will kill the enemy.

As for the Demon Banner, it can be cultivated. Anyway, the souls used are taken from the zombie world, so there is no need to worry about the materials. He is a protagonist no matter how big or small he is. For example, he picked up the Demon Banner during a mission like this. There will definitely be more advanced materials in the future.

"Under normal logic, I should rush back to Huangquan Sect to participate in the sect competition."

According to Xu Ling's idea, this is indeed the case. However, Wang Linchi simply failed. Anyway, he is currently out on a mission and doing field work. In fact, he does not need to participate in the sect competition in the sect. He has this kind of privilege in the first place.

Many sect disciples actually escape their lives by taking on missions to avoid the sect competition. However, missions are always limited. Xu Ling was able to receive the mission. In addition to his low strength, he also had the help of destiny. Otherwise, at this juncture, most tasks would have stopped being issued.

So most of those who wanted to escape have already left.

What? Call all the disciples back for the sect competition? This is totally sick.

The Huangquan Sect has a huge jurisdiction, with various towns and forces under its command, all of which require disciples to maintain, and disciples who go on missions can feed back resources. If this is stopped, not only will there be problems with management, but the internal economy will also decline. , which will affect the high-level cultivation resources.

Originally, the so-called sect competition was to harvest the wealth of a wave of disciples, which was an additional income. However, the main income was affected by the additional income. I really thought that the senior officials of the Huangquan Sect were fools, no matter how much additional income they had. It’s a drop in the bucket compared to the main income.

They calculate things like profit very carefully, how could they possibly make themselves suffer losses.

"Xu Ling talks about keeping a low profile, but if it comes to the sect competition, he will definitely have to show off and slap him in the face. After receiving another wave of resources and being targeted again, he will probably be able to gain a lot. "Wang Linchi can figure out the next plot with his toes.

But he refused to go back. Anyway, as long as the task was not handed in and it was still within the time limit, it would be fine.

The time limit for this mission to track down Li Gui is one year. It has only been two days and it is still a long time. It is not too late to go back after the sect competition.

There are rewards for successful missions, but there are also penalties for failed missions and overtimes. If you have contributed, your contribution will be deducted. If you have not contributed, you will have to work to pay off the debt. If you die without paying back, then all your internal organs, flesh and blood, and soul will be taken away. To pay off the debt, the Huangquan Sect would benefit anyway.

If the gap in strength were not insurmountable, the Huangquan Sect would have been overthrown long ago if they were so oppressive. Unfortunately, the real decision-makers were the superior group of cultivators in the Tribulation Stage. As long as they did not die, the entire Huangquan Sect would not be able to disperse.

Wang Linchi prefers the righteous sect. They are much more particular, unlike the demonic sect, which is short-sighted and always fishing for the best.

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