Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 66 You can’t speed up by clicking it

Wang Linchi naturally knew what would happen. Many big aristocratic families and sects came one after another, and a large number of cult forces who sought refuge in the secret realm poured in.

Yongzhou fell into chaos.

Of course, things in Qinghe City were also exposed, but with the arrival of the super giant secret realm, it was not a big deal at all.

The entire Dajing court's response strategy became extremely passive, but it was not without good news.

The deterrent power of the Dajing court was extremely powerful. The leader of the Jingsu region carried the emperor's edict and directly restricted those above the fine gold level from entering Yongzhou.

This allowed Yongzhou to survive, but more and more people came in.

I was thinking of limiting it directly to the Black Iron level, but unfortunately I couldn't do that.

There are even battles every day with the Peacock Sword Sect as the center. Fortunately, the differences are clear.

Although many sects from big aristocratic families also want to monopolize this super giant secret realm, they only think about it because they know that they have no way to monopolize it, and the best way is to share it with the imperial court.

And the cult forces controlled by the aliens in the secret realm must be their common enemies.

Even if they say that they have made some shady deals with these forces in the past, that is only if there is no conflict of interest.

Wang Linchi has also seen many battles. In just half a month, Yining Mansion was reduced to rubble. Zhou Mu, as the only awakened person of the Morning Star Star, was also besieged by various cult forces and could not bear it. Few injuries.

It's true that it can't beat you, but even if it can't kill you with its life, it can still hurt you.

Moreover, Zhou Mu is also a rat-proof weapon. He has a more important task, which is to ensure the safe arrival of the super giant secret realm.

Therefore, it can only retreat to the third line.

In addition, Wang Linchi also received a lot of solicitations, including guests from aristocratic families, sons-in-law, worshipers of sects, disciples, etc. As long as he agreed, he could enjoy the treatment of having no worries about food and clothing.

Even though the other party didn't want anything, Wang Linchi felt like Ming Jing, knowing that they felt that Wang Linchi might be able to gain enough 'advantage' in this super giant secret realm, so they made this choice.

As for the promise, it will be fulfilled, but he will not be vigorously cultivated.

On the contrary, Wang Linchi really agreed. It was definitely a big pit. Once you got in, you couldn't get out.

So he remained unmoved. His attitude made Zhou Mu feel happy. He was also worried that Wang Linchi would be tempted, but he didn't expect to be so determined.

Wang Linchi is not a fan of the imperial court, but the position that the imperial court has given him is the most suitable for him. He has money, leisure, and bodyguards at his workplace.

If it were any other force, who could give him this guarantee?

"I didn't expect that the cultivation acceleration of the Peacock Sword Sect's formation soul weapon would be disabled after it activated its combat form..." Wang Linchi was a little nagging. He thought that the battle outside had nothing to do with him, but now it seems that it still has something to do with him. , and the relationship is still very big.

He had only enjoyed the rocket-like improvement for a few days, and when he was asked to go back to practicing with the three spirit formations, the gap was too big for him to accept.

"It is originally used to protect the mountain gate. Accelerating cultivation is an additional function." Xu Shou responded.

After all, he is also the dean of the college who transferred from department to department, so he also has a certain understanding of this type of Horcrux.

"Besides, you are already very good at practicing. Didn't you hear the noise at the bottom of the mountain? You might even lose your life."

As soon as Xu Shou finished speaking, he heard the roar of a dragon erupting with the sound.

It should be that the followers of the Dragon Worship Cult were beaten to death.

In other words, the Dragon Worship Cult can transform into a dragon, but few other cults seem to be able to transform into a dragon.

"Aren't you here to drink tea with me?" Wang Linchi complained, making the other party seem to be desperate.

"I am protecting your safety. Those traitors also want to take advantage of you."

"If they really come, I will not only fight for my life, but also protect you." Xu Shou didn't mind Wang Linchi's complaints at all.

"The problem is that I don't have any head start at all. If I really had any, I wouldn't be like this." Wang Linchi sighed helplessly.

"I don't think you do, but the people above don't believe it." Xu Shou was also familiar with Wang Linchi, so he naturally knew that there was nothing special about Wang Linchi.

Even if there is, the first opportunity should not be people, but certain items, such as accessories, Horcruxes and the like.

The imperial court also checked it, and there were no problems.

As for Wang Linchi's extra peach charm storage treasures, their origins were also found out, so they were naturally ignored.

The contents of the stored treasures were all subsidized by the college.

Wang Linchi had already safely disposed of the epic soul seed and telekinesis, and would take it out after the storm had passed.

Not worrying about being discovered, he disguised the sealed shielding box where the soul seeds were stored as a board on the inside of the desk of the director of the Soul Seed Department. If anyone could find it, then he would be lucky, and Wang Linchi would be the one. No more.

In the face of fate, it doesn't matter whether it is a legendary or mythical soul seed, let alone an epic level soul seed.

In fact, he has almost analyzed the epic soul seeds, and the rest is deduction and improvement. This has not been carried out yet, and the corresponding soul seeds are needed as experimental samples.

Therefore, even if he has the epic soul seed in his hands now, he cannot conduct experiments. It's not that he can't do it, but the environment is not suitable.

"Compared with the few resources that support me, the illusory opportunities are more important to the court. After all, these resources are just a drop in the bucket for the court." Wang Linchi laughed at himself.

In the eyes of the imperial court, he was not important, neither was Yining Mansion, and Yongzhou was even less important. The weight and value of the three of them were far behind those of the Super Giant Secret Realm.

Even Yongzhou can be given up, let alone Wang Linchi.

"I recently received news that those cultists have united and are preparing to attack you." Xu Shou did not follow Wang Linchi's words, but changed the topic.

Wang Linchi can say that because his position is dispensable and his superiors don't care.

He didn't want his official career to be affected by saying the wrong thing.

"There's only half a month left. It's normal to be unable to sit still." Wang Linchi was not surprised, and then asked: "Have you found out the specific time?"

"No, so not only do I have to be vigilant next time, but you yourself also have to be vigilant. Those cults are supported by forces in the secret realm, and their methods are all kinds of weird." Xu Shou reminded.

In fact, even if there is a certain time, Xu Shou cannot guarantee that Wang Linchi can be saved 100%.

"It makes sense. By the way, where is Zhou Mu now? Let's pack the bedding and follow Zhou Mu in all our food, clothing, housing and transportation." Wang Linchi gave a great suggestion.

"..." Xu Shou didn't expect Wang Linchi to say that.

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