Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 660: Those who have no future in cultivating immortals should practice merit with me.

"No, how did I become the leader?" Jia You, the second elder of the Yanhua Sect, pulled Deng Chong, the leader of the Yanhua Sect, with a look of damn.

Just now, Deng Chong, the head of the Yanhua Sect, announced his abdication and withdrawal from the Yanhua Sect, passing the position to the second elder. This matter was an internal meeting, so the only person who knows about it is Jia You.

"You, you have been the second elder for so many years, but your hard work has paid off. I think this position as leader belongs to you." Deng Chong pulled back his sleeves and found an excuse to deal with it.

"I can understand you giving up the position of head of the sect to me, but what will happen if you quit the Yanhua Sect?" Jia You has no problem in his mind. Why did the other party give up such a large sect smoothly? This must be something. Something happened.

Therefore, he suspected that the sect was in a big crisis and Deng Chong was planning to run away.

The Great Elder Xia Houqing was the first to discover the problem, so he ran away immediately. Deng Chong, who then went to arrest Xia Houqing, learned about this from the other party, and then passed the blame on himself.

"Well, this is my personal reason. I feel that the Yanhua Sect can't give me the future I want, so I plan to find a better way to rise." Deng Chong's eyes flickered, and he decided to join the Gongde Sect next door. It's really not easy to say things.

These words made Jia You so angry that he almost vomited blood. If the Yanhua Sect can't give you a future, you are the head of the Yanhua Sect, and you have the highest status in the entire Yanhua Sect.

The Supreme Elder is in retreat, and he is also your master. Where else can you have a better future?

Go to Qingtian Sword Sect? If you can join, it's really hard for Jia You to say anything, but at your age, you are still an apprentice in art. People don't want you at all. The most you can do is serve as a guest. However, it is better to stay in the Yanhua Sect to become a guest. The leader, whether it is resources or skills, is much better than going to Qingtian Sword Sect to serve as a guest.

"Tell the truth, what are you going to do? Is there any big crisis in the sect?" Jia You directly showed his cards. If Deng Chong is still unwilling to tell, then he plans to invite the Supreme Elder who is in seclusion.

"This... you may not believe it. I plan to become a disciple of the Gongde Sect next door. I have already obtained a quota." Seeing this, Deng Chong could only speak.

He, the First Elder, and the Second Elder were actually brothers, and they worshiped the same master, that is, the Supreme Elder.

It is still very good emotionally. Otherwise, how could the Yanhua Sect be managed well? It is precisely because of the internal harmony that it can maintain itself.

The three of them are also among the few in the Yanhua Sect who are in the stage of becoming gods, and the cultivation strength of each level below them is also declining.


"You have lost your mind and gone crazy." Jia You looked in disbelief, and then quickly realized: "Xia Houqing has become a disciple of Gongde Sect, right?"

Otherwise, why did Xia Houqing suddenly withdraw from the sect.

"Yes, he is one step ahead of me." Deng Chong nodded without hiding anything.

"Why, give me a reason." Jia You asked after he calmed down.

As an adult and a high-ranking member of the sect, he would naturally not make a fuss. He had caught Deng Chong before because what he did was too unreasonable.

Deng Chong recalled the scene in the morning when Xia Houqing used the small Qi training spell Burning Flame Technique to almost send him away with his strength during the Qi training period. He knew that there was no future in cultivating immortals, and only in cultivating merit It's the future.

As for Xia Houqing pretending to be in the Qi training stage, even if the opponent is at the peak of the God transformation stage and uses great magical powers, it is impossible to push him to this level.

The strength of the two of them is about the same, and they have learned the same techniques and spells. In fact, a fight between the three of them will only lead to losses for both sides.

As a result, if he hadn't brought many magic weapons and had protective spells on his body, it was very likely that the hair on his body would have been burned clean by the opponent.

"Have you ever been beaten with flames during your Qi training period?" Deng Chong said with a melancholy expression.

"No, anyone can use this little magic to fight. It can only fool mortals, and it's still in the Qi training stage. How powerful can it be." Jia You was a little confused, what did this mean? Could it be some code word? No.

"I was beaten by Xia Houqing with the Burning Flame Technique this morning. If I hadn't been fully prepared, I almost wouldn't have been able to come back." When he said this, Deng Chong looked more and more melancholy.

"Ah? What the hell?" Jia You was a little confused, mainly because what Deng Chong said was too outrageous, and it was difficult to understand for a while.

"That's what it means literally. Xia Houqing, who was in the qi training period, almost sent me away with the small qi training skill Burning Flame Technique." Deng Chong repeated.

"Isn't he in the god transformation stage? Why did he become the qi training stage? He practiced self-cultivation!!!" Jia You caught the key point of the other party's words, his expression was a little ugly, and his voice even rose.

The three of them, brothers and sisters, have endured a lot of hardships and sacrificed their lives from practicing qi to transforming into gods. They fought openly and secretly for a few resources, but now they just break up. This is simply nonsense.

"Well, he has indeed re-educated it, and I plan to re-cultivate it too."

"Listen to my advice, there is no future in cultivating immortals." Deng Chong sighed.

He was indeed a little heartbroken, especially when he was beaten by his junior brother who was not even close to him. The opponent was still in the Qi training period, so how could he breathe smoothly?

"What is the situation in Gongde Sect that makes both of you so deviant?" Jia You quickly understood Deng Chong's words, but asked with a hint of excitement.

After all, they are my two senior brothers. Although they usually have conflicts and differences due to Yanhua Sect affairs, they still love each other under the education of Zhengdao Sect.

"Well, I can tell you something." Deng Chong repeated to Jia You everything Xia Houqing told him before.

"Cultivation of merit..." Jia You looked ugly. He felt that this was not the right way at all.

However, Xia Houqing actually benefited from the method called "The Dharma of Exhausting Evil and Fulling Goodness", and he indeed gained merit, which showed that this path of the other party was feasible.

What's more important is that the leader of the Gongde Sect is suspected of overcoming the tribulation and practicing Sanggong to rebuild the path of merit.

Back then, Xia Houqing was taken down by the opponent in a single encounter, and the opponent was only at the first level of Qi training at that time.

Even if he is not a master of overcoming tribulations, he is still a cultivator in the Void Stage. Why should the other party lie to him when he has nothing to do?

"Wait a moment, I'll go ask the master." Jia You lowered his eyelids. He must have objected to this matter. How could he just give up the spirit transformation skills he had cultivated through so much hard work? Lost.

Xia Houqing has gone astray, and he cannot let Deng Chong go down the same path.

So the best way is to ask their master, maybe they can stop it.

Deng Chong's expression also changed. He did this just to let the rice cook. When his master comes out of seclusion, there will be nothing he can do.

If it were alarmed now, everything would be over.

And if the Gongde Sect is really touched, what if the leader of the Gongde Sect comes back from the tribulation and attacks the Yanhua Sect directly.

"No, the master is in seclusion. Unless the sect is in danger of being destroyed, he must not be alarmed. Otherwise, the master will lose that slight opportunity. Even the death of you and me will not be enough to make up for it." Deng Chong scolded without hesitation.

This made Jia You hesitate. It was indeed not in danger of the sect being destroyed now. After all, there were no foreign enemies, and he had also taken over as the leader.

The loss of two gods in the transformation stage has an impact on the Yanhua Sect, but the impact is actually not big. As long as the Taishang Elder in the Void Training stage does not die for a day, the status of their Yanhua Sect will not decline.

What determines the status of their Yanhua Sect is not the three of them in the transformation stage, but their master in the training stage, the Supreme Elder.

Ten thousand God Transformation Stages are no match for one normal spell from a Void Practicing Stage person.

The classes divided by power in the Immortal Way are very strict.

"You are still so smart. Although you convinced me, but..." Jia You finally listened to Deng Chong and did not dare to disturb the elder.

"No need for buts, I have made up my mind on this matter. Do you know that obstructing others' path is like killing your parents." Deng Chong interrupted Jia You. No one could shake his mind on this matter.

He has been trapped in the Divine Transformation Stage for many years. If there were no accidents, he would only be in the Divine Transformation Stage for the rest of his life and would not be able to break through to the Void Training Stage. However, the merit cultivation method of the Gong De Sect gave him a chance, not only It was his chance to break through the virtual training stage, but it was his chance to overcome the calamity and ascend.

As long as he has enough merit, he can ignore all bottlenecks, inner demons and other factors, and improve his cultivation without limit.

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