Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 68 The secret realm sweeping across the state is coming

The reason why the Peacock Sword Sect's mountain gate was breached was because the super-giant secret realm was about to arrive, which caused the Horcrux of the mountain gate array to become ineffective.

As for why they arrived early, of course it was because the Dukes in the court couldn't wait any longer. Waiting for another half month would be simply torture for them.

Therefore, a certain treasure was transported to speed up the reception.

The good news is that it was successful and the secret realm really arrived early.

The bad news is that no one expected it to happen so soon. They were still fighting and fighting happily, but suddenly the secret realm was about to come down, catching them off guard.

Luo Yu of Xuanyin Sect reacted the fastest, so he immediately wanted to snatch Wang Linchi away, but King Yama was not slow and rushed over quickly.

"Where to go next?" Wang Linchi asked.

The state capital, Yining Mansion, has long been reduced to rubble, and other cities in Yongzhou are not doing well either. Each city is in a state of separatism, and it is not a good thing to enter rashly.

"Let's get out of the secret realm first." King Yama said in a muffled voice.

It was not only Wang Linchi who evacuated together, but also his Pluto Palace and a group of confidants, so this was an extremely large team.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

Wang Linchi looked up and saw that a huge secret realm seemed to be emerging. Judging from its huge appearance, it should cover the entire Yongzhou.

"I remember that after the secret realm arrives, people will only be dragged into it when it is initially unstable." Wang Linchi said suddenly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" King Yama looked up and glanced at the secret realm emerging in the sky, a little confused.

"Then why do I see this posture? It seems to be spread on the ground in our Yongzhou." Wang Linchi said.

Wang Linchi didn't know the origin of the secret realm, but he knew one thing. Once the secret realm was stable in their world, it would form an entrance. The shapes of this entrance were different. Some were apertures, some were flowers and trees, and some were... Buildings and the like can even hide themselves.

Just like the super giant secret realm of the Shadow Realm, the entrance to the opponent's secret realm was hidden and could not be found by the Great King Court, so the Shadow Alliance was able to penetrate the court.

"This is the first super-giant secret realm to come to our Yongzhou. We are still trying to cross the river by feeling the stones for many things." King Yan Ping was also a little helpless about this.

The summary of what this means is that he doesn’t know either.

"No, there is something wrong with this super giant secret realm." Xu Shou on the side also said. He quickly realized after being led away, saw the mark left by King Yama, and then chased after him and retreated together.

"Normally, the arrival of the secret realm would not cause such a big movement. According to the original estimate, it would only be located at the mountain gate of the Peacock Sword Sect at most. Now it directly covers the entire Yongzhou, which is completely inconsistent with common sense."

Others have seen it, Xu Shou had seen it when he traveled to other states, but it was not a super giant secret realm, but a small secret realm. During that time, he also checked the situation of the arrival of the super giant secret realm. Although it was incomplete, it was definitely There was no movement sweeping the state.

No one asked how Wang Linchi's parents found out about this secret realm and how they came into contact with it. If Wang Linchi knew about it, they wouldn't have run away.

Regarding this matter, Wang Linchi also speculated that at that time, this super giant secret realm probably had no intention of coming to this world at all, but was wandering outside.

A group of young people used something to access this secret realm, and finally made a key as a guide.

As a result, because I came into contact with certain interests, I died and was injured.

In other words, Fang Cheng was a disciple of the Peacock Sword Sect and had some background. In addition, he probably didn't offend many, so he escaped.

There is a high probability that no one knows the truth.

After all, everyone was dead, and there was no way Wang Linchi could figure it out.

Of course, those awakened ones who are capable of pinching and calculating might not be able to detect it, otherwise the situation would not have turned into this.

"Uncle Xu, do you have any good suggestions?" King Yama asked quickly.

"Leave Yongzhou, otherwise if you get involved, you will definitely escape death." Xu Shou said solemnly.

He was recruited to fight in the Super Giant Secret Realm before, and even with his strength, he was seriously injured. He finally completed the recruitment mission and returned.

You must know that whether it is soul form, soul seed or soul skills, they all increase in strength and physique, but he can only be a soldier in the super giant secret realm, which is enough to see the horror of this super giant secret realm. .

It is so difficult for an adamantine-level awakened person who majors in physical fitness, let alone others.

Tianjiao seems to be a lot, but compared with the base number, it really is nothing.

"I'm afraid it's too late." Wang Linchi had already noticed something was wrong around him through the thinking force field.

It feels like sandwich bread, they are jam sandwiched inside.

"Leaving Yongzhou within ten minutes is impossible unless the awakened ones from the Morning Star Star come over." King Yan Ping said.

The location they are currently in is in the hinterland of Yongzhou. How can they leave so easily?

No matter how fast the Adamantine level is, it can't be faster.

What's more, even if he can leave, King Yama will not leave, and it is impossible to give up the Palace of Hades and his confidante.

"There's nothing we can do about it. I just hope we have better luck." Naturally, Xu Shou wouldn't leave. His daughter was still in the team.

"The super-giant secret realm is not dangerous everywhere, especially the secret realm that has just arrived. The indigenous people do not have much ill will towards us. They will also be frightened by the changes in the environment."

"If we are not separated, then my suggestion is that it is best to complete the secret realm mission as soon as possible and then escape from the secret realm as soon as possible."

"If that doesn't work, you can disguise yourself as an aborigine and survive until the end of time to leave the secret realm."

Xu Shou began to teach some survival experience in super giant secret realms.

There are only three ways to escape from the secret realm.

The first is to complete the secret realm tasks. After entering the secret realm, the secret realm and the world will issue some tasks simultaneously. After completion, not only can you leave the secret realm, but you will also receive corresponding rewards. The higher the task completion level, the richer the rewards.

The second is that there is a time limit. You cannot stay in the secret realm indefinitely, so you will be expelled from the secret realm when the time is up. However, the higher the energy level of the secret realm, the longer you can stay.

The third type is naturally to escape through the soul seed or soul phase, just like the epic soul seed and secret realm return that Wang Linchi saw before. After using it, you can forcefully escape from the secret realm.

Wang Linchi was thinking about what to do next. After all, according to Xu Shou, they might be separated.

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