Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 687 The choice between ascension and expansion

“Uncle Wang, the ascension plan can’t be delayed without further delay!”

One month after killing the sky-devouring beast, Huda came to look for Wang Linchi. He visited various places in Qianchuan Realm and verified that what Wang Linchi said was not a lie.

If this continues, the entire Qianchuan Realm will not only have population problems, but also resource problems.

After the whole clan becomes a merit giant, it does not mean that they will not consume resources. It is just the most basic requirement that they do not need to eat. A series of things such as life growth, daily entertainment, etc. will produce a large amount of consumption. The main reason is because of the merit giant. The size is too huge.

So after some investigation, Huda also discovered that the problem had now become very serious.

It's even more serious than what Wang Linchi said.

century? That is the limit caused by the population problem. It is estimated that in about five years at most, resources will be insufficient, and eventually a lot of friction will occur. It will be obvious what will happen next.

That was the Civil War.

"It seems that you have discovered a big problem, but you can't do it quickly even if you want to." Wang Linchi said helplessly: "It's not that easy to start from scratch now. I still don't have a clue."

He must have lied to Huda. He had a plan, let alone a clue.

However, when the time comes, there is no need to rush.

Some things have to be forced into a desperate situation before the other party will grasp this life-saving straw. If you give it too early, the other party may seriously consider it, and may even think that you want to trick him.

Hu Da did not doubt Wang Linchi's statement. He would not be able to provide an immediate solution to such a big problem.

"Besides using the Qianchuan Realm to hit the Qingming Immortal Realm, is there any other way?" Huda hesitated before asking.

Wang Linchi said seriously: "Of course."

Hu Da was overjoyed at this. He had originally tried it, but he didn't expect that Wang Linchi really had it. This was really unexpected.

"Really?" Huda quickly confirmed.

"Really, it's more real than real gold." Wang Linchi didn't lie to him, but what he said next poured cold water on Huda: "If we can make Qianchuan Realm as big as Qingming Immortal Realm, then there is no need Went to Qingming Immortal Realm."

"Then how to change?" Upon hearing this, Huda thought, don't tell me, this is indeed a good idea. Instead of relying on others, it is better to expand your own home.

"I don't know." Wang Linchi gave a good answer.

He actually knows that it is nothing more than raising the upper limit, energy level, volume and other things of the world. However, to be able to do this, in addition to relying on the world's own growth over a long period of time, the fastest way is to attack other worlds. It swallows other worlds and can grow after digesting them in a short time.

As for growing through commercial means of merit currency like in the original world, this is also possible, but Qianchuanjie will definitely not be able to survive. Even if he can survive that long, Wang Linchi will not be able to let Qianchuanjie live again.

"Huh?" Hu Da felt a little speechless at Wang Linchi's answer.

What kind of thing is this? How can you still say you don’t know?

"Stop, why do you think I know how to make the world bigger? I'm just giving you a suggestion, which means you can figure it out on your own, and I still need to complete the ascension plan." Wang Linchi said.

"Since we still have a plan, let's not engage in the ascension plan and directly engage in the Qianchuan Realm expansion plan." Huda thought he was simply too smart.

"Okay, then leave it to me." Wang Linchi patted Huda on the shoulder, and then said: "It just so happens that I continue to retire, so I can just sit back and enjoy his achievements."

He said with the attitude that you are a good boy and you actually know how to help shoulder heavy responsibilities.

"Uncle Wang, you want me to come?" Huda never expected that Wang Linchi would say this.

"Yes, you must be the one to propose it. I don't know anything about the Qianchuan Realm expansion plan." Wang Linchi said confidently: "At least the ascension plan still has the foundation from the past, and there are references anyway. I barely know it. Where to start.”

"But your Qianchuanjie expansion plan is a plan that you came up with in a flash. I don't know what to do, and I can't do it if you ask me to do it. So if you don't do it, let me do it, isn't it right? Great."

Wang Linchi doesn't like each other. He really thinks that the two of them are superiors and subordinates. If you open your mouth, he will have to run away and break his legs?

The ascension plan was about profit, so Wang Linchi was willing to help.

Of course, he deliberately gave the other party a hope. When the hope is shattered, his life-saving straw will become more valuable.

I am afraid of comparison in everything.

"This...is the same. Then I'll go back and take a look. As for your ascension plan, Uncle Wang..." Huda was thinking. He wanted the two plans to be carried out simultaneously, but these two evolutions are not just open-mouthed. That’s okay, it’s only possible if you really invest a lot of resources into it.

However, the current resources are already very scarce and may not be able to sustain it.

"There's no need to do it, right? Very good. I'm just waiting for your words." When Wang Linchi saw Hu Da reaching this point, he suddenly stopped. He also saw his hesitation, so he took the lead to continue. Go up.

"No, Uncle Wang, why are you trying to shirk responsibility?" Huda grabbed Wang Linchi who was about to leave.

"I have retired. If you have a better plan, you definitely don't need me to come. You can't let me be restless even after retirement." Wang Linchi said with a strong resentment.

This made Huda smile bitterly, and in the end he could only say: "It's not that we don't have to do it, but we have to continue, lest we be completely trapped in Qianchuan Realm after our Qianchuan Realm expansion plan fails."

"Are you sure? Don't open your mouth and be surprised. You will do something and then don't do it. Then you will not regret it." Wang Linchi knew that the other party was naturally focused on expansion plans.

However, the idea is good, but it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. The entire Qianchuan Realm is under the control of the Qingming Immortal Realm, and there is simply not enough means to break away.

Now it is indeed because of Qianchuan Realm's own problems that there is no need to make offerings to Qingming Immortal Realm, but it does not mean that Qingming Immortal Realm will allow Qianchuan Realm to expand.

What's more, this expansion is not an ordinary expansion, but an expansion to the point where it is on an equal footing with the Qingming Immortal World, so how could the Qingming Immortal World allow it.

"Uncle Wang, don't worry. Once you make a promise, it's hard to follow up." Huda never thought about going back on his word. The reason why he chose to focus on the expansion plan of Qianchuan Realm was mainly because the progress of the ascension plan at this time was also zero. Who will follow up? I don't know how the strength is going.

After all, Wang Linchi said directly that he wanted to start from scratch, so what if the ascension plan fails?

As for the resource issue, we can only grit our teeth and provide them all, otherwise what else can we do.

He understands that now he is working hard, not playing around. If both plans fail, then the next step will be nothing more than chaos sooner or later.

On the contrary, if you expose the problem in advance and work together, you will have a chance of success. If you keep it secret and hide it from others, scheduling resources can easily lead to resource shortages, and then the problem will be very serious.

"Since you have confidence, I will accompany you, but if this happens, everyone will be short of food and clothing." Wang Linchi said seriously.

Naturally, he didn't care. Anyway, his purpose was to make Qianchuan Realm collide with Qingming Immortal Realm. In fact, it only needed a small boost, so the resources consumed were not very large, and it could be carried out anyway.

Using the engine to boost and directly using the impact of the explosion to boost are just different processes, but the overall effect is the same.

Of course, the consequences are different. Engine boost with high investment is definitely safer in terms of safety, while impact boost with low investment. Wang Linchi can only guarantee the result, not the process.

If you give one dollar, you will definitely get feedback on the effect of one dollar. You can't say that if you give one dollar, you will give out a feedback effect of 100 million. For an old man like Wang Linchi, it is definitely impossible to pay for it out of his own pocket.

Anyway, there are high-level and low-level plans. Once the plan is given, no matter what the other party chooses, Wang Linchi will not interfere.

"They are all meritorious giants. They will not die if they don't eat. Lack of food and clothing does not count. At most, it can only be said that there is less entertainment." Huda knows that for meritorious giants, food is never a necessity. Most of it is to enjoy the deliciousness of food, that is, the color, smell, and taste, rather than really needing food.

Otherwise, if they really need food, then the resources that the meritorious giants need are massive. An adult scalper is only the size of their palm, so think about how much food each person consumes every day.

Under normal circumstances, Qianchuan Realm would definitely not be able to support so many meritorious giants.

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