Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 699 The Crisis of the Illuminating Sect

"This is...inner disciple Zhu Ji, Master Zhu, who could hurt him like this?" An outer disciple looked at Zhu Ji who was seriously injured, with a look of horror on his face.

The outer sect disciples who are in charge of the inner sect disciples are naturally called master uncles, while the inner sect disciples are in charge of the true disciples and are also called master uncles. As long as you successfully enter, your original status and seniority will change from peers to elders, and you don’t need to worry about anything else. , the main focus is an all-round crushing, including seniority.

Therefore, an eighteen-hundred-year-old and a centenarian-year-old might have been the same generation yesterday, but today the centenarian-year-old is successfully promoted, and the eighteen-hundred-year-old has to call the other person uncle.

However, in Qingming Immortal Realm and many lower realms, it is a normal thing. After all, the strong is respected.

"Quickly, inform the sect that there is... there is a magic way..." Zhu Jiqiang held on for a breath, and when he came to this point, he found that he seemed to be unable to hold on, so he quickly jumped to the key point: "It is suspected... …The Immortal Emperor…”

Before he finished speaking, he fainted.

This outer disciple was so frightened that his whole scalp was numb. Isn't this a bit outrageous? There is actually someone from the Demonic Path in the Immortal Emperor Realm?

However, he quickly realized that it was too outrageous for you, a person from the Immortal King Realm, to escape from the clutches of someone from the Demonic Path of the Immortal King Realm.

This matter was not something he could handle. This inner disciple was much nobler than him, and he was also the backbone of the sect after all, so he quickly dragged Zhu Ji and rushed towards the sect.

But he didn't realize that the dark mucus on Zhu Ji was seeping into his body bit by bit. Because he was highly nervous, he didn't notice the changes in his body.

After handing him over to the disciples in the sect's medical hall, he breathed a sigh of relief and discovered something strange about himself.

"Strange, where did Uncle Zhu Ji get these things?" He wiped it and found that the black mucus couldn't be wiped off.

This startled him, and he quickly used immortal magic to remove it. Fortunately, it was not difficult to clean, but the adhesion was serious. During the removal process, his skin turned red. He is also an immortal after all. The monk who was in the realm recovered in an instant.

"It can't be some magic spell from the devil..." The outer disciple couldn't help but feel a chill.

He knew how disgusting the magic methods of those people in the demonic path were. Whether it was cultivation or growth, it was necessary to put people first.

This people-oriented approach means using people as the cost of cultivation. When it comes to cannibalism, the most people in the righteous path can do is kill, but people in the demonic path are different. They have many tricks and are extremely cruel and vicious.

"I have to go back and clean it up before... vomiting~"

Before he had even taken two steps, the disciple suddenly started retching and vomited a large pool of black mucus.

This brought panic to his eyes.

As long as his mind is still normal, he will understand one thing, that is, he has also been tricked. This is a spell that even the Immortal King Realm cannot resist. How can he resist it.

So without hesitation, he turned around and rushed into the medical hall that he had just come out of.

"I've been tricked too. That magic spell has... vomit~" Before he could finish his words, he vomited out a large amount of black mucus again.

The mucus is not made up of the blood or organs in his body, but the immortal power in his body that is coagulated by the virus and is finally forced out of the body.

Zhu Ji had already passed this stage, and because he was in the Immortal Lord Realm, the vomit was not vomited from the mouth, but seeped out from the skin, so he was covered in mucus.

This scene shocked everyone in the medical hall. You are too weird. You vomited out such a big puddle. It will be troublesome for them to clean it up later.

"Wait a moment, Senior Brother Zhu Ji is still treating you." The inner disciple of the medical hall said dissatisfied. You, a mere outer disciple, how dare you use the inner medical hall? You should go to the outer sect, but because of the The other party had just saved an inner disciple, so he didn't scold him too much.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he discovered something was wrong. The outer disciple did not return the greeting or answer, but was swaying a little.

And in his perception, the opponent's vitality began to decline crazily, becoming like a candle in the wind.

"No, is this spell a poison?" The inner disciple of the Medical Hall was also shocked, so he immediately wanted to subdue the opponent.

As a result, before he could use his magic, the outer disciple's vitality was quietly extinguished, and then he raised his head, with a look of death in his white eyes.


A sharp sound erupted, and a corpse-like evil spirit rushed towards him.

"Damn it, Wanming Sect's methods!!!" The inner disciple looked horrified, and a large number of methods fell on the outer disciple who turned into a ghost corpse, but they were unable to stop the opponent's progress.

The Wanming Sect is not a small sect, but one of the three strongest sects in the demonic world. The inheritance of the Huangquan Sect in the lower realm is left by this Wanming Sect.

So he recognized this ghost corpse. Although this ghost corpse was used by the outer disciples of Wanming Sect, to have such power, the refiner must be extremely powerful.

It is very possible that it is really the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor that Zhu Ji mentioned before he fell into coma.


He used his flying sword in time to resist the bite of the ghost corpse, which had a foul smell and mucus flowing from its mouth. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have had a large piece of flesh chewed off.

"Damn it, what kind of magical power is this? It can actually make a mere Immortal Realm transform into a ghost corpse in such a short period of time to rival an inner disciple like me who is in the middle stage of the Immortal Lord Realm." This inner disciple said. I immediately wanted to run away.

The reason is simple. Since this outer disciple was infected by Zhu Ji, Zhu Ji, as the source, must be more dangerous.

It was so troublesome for him to deal with a ghost corpse in the Immortal Realm. If Zhu Ji, who had the same level of cultivation as him, turned into a ghost corpse, how could he resist it.

The best thing to do now is to escape or call for help.

As an inner disciple who has climbed up from the bottom step by step, the choice is definitely the former. Who knows when he will arrive when he asks for help. If he encounters someone he cannot deal with or is slow to deliberately weaken his opponent, then he will be eroded next. The ghost corpse.

After repelling the ghost corpse, he fled without hesitation.

"Everyone, evacuate the medical hall!" Before he left, he still shouted. It was a little bit of responsibility, but not much.

However, the entire medical hall was silent, which made his expression change.

It stands to reason that there should be feedback. Even if they say they escape together, it will not be so quiet.


A roar came from the inner hall of the medical hall, which made his expression change drastically.

Of course he could tell that the roar belonged to the ghost corpse, but it was obviously more powerful than the previous immortal-level ghost corpse.

"Zhu Ji turned into a ghost corpse..."

When he broke the door and left, he glanced back and happened to see the ghost corpse walking out of the inner hall. No, it shouldn't have been walking, but crawling.

Moreover, the opponent is very bloated, and his head cannot be seen, as if he is a huge headless giant.

While crawling, a huge hole suddenly opened in his back, and he saw a strange thing that resembled a combination of tongue and tentacles, with even a huge eyeball on the top rushing towards him.

When he was about to get close to him, the eyeball suddenly expanded and split into eight petals. He could clearly see that the split eyeball turned into a sharp mouth full of fangs, and he could also see a large number of spiral serrations throughout the long and narrow esophagus. If this were If you are swallowed, you will definitely not be able to escape.

However, the speed was too fast, and he could only see it but could not react.

'The power of the Immortal King Realm...' Such an idea came to his mind.

"You evil beast, how dare you act so arrogantly!" A loud shout came, and then a sword light appeared. Just when the eyeball was about to eat him, a sword light flew by and blew the eyeball directly.

A large amount of black mucus burst out from the exploding eyeballs, splashing all over him.

This made his expression stiffen.

He remembered that the outer disciple was poisoned and turned into a ghost corpse because he was contaminated with the black mucus on Zhu Ji's body.

And now he is also contaminated with this mucus, so... he is also poisoned?


As soon as the thought came to his mind, he felt burning and pain on his skin, and even felt that a foreign object was drilling under his skin.

That feeling made him miserable.

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