Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 701 The world is as black as crows

"With such a big commotion, the Illuminating God Sect has not been destroyed, so why make such a fuss about it?" Wang Linchi said with disgust.

At this time, he changed his life in another city, named Qingzhufang City. The cost of living was similar to that in Guixuanfang City before he ran away with his money.

Anyway, it's the kind of thing that makes you run around for a month, and in the end you only earn a few taels of silver, which isn't even enough to see a doctor.

Everything else is included in the cave rental, stall fees and other expenses. No matter how much you earn, they can squeeze out as much as you want.

Wang Linchi didn't care, he got stuck every time anyway.

However, Fang City is not having a good time now. Since the incident in Guixuanfang City affected the Zhaoshen Sect, various sects have also begun to consciously control and clean up Fang City. Qingzhufang City has also been affected a lot.

According to Wang Linchi, if you have better luck and squeeze more casual cultivators, you may still be able to survive.

If you are unlucky and don't show enough filial piety, you may be eradicated tomorrow.

Fortunately, it was also an orthodox sect, so they would not engage in massacres openly and openly. As long as they left and demolished the city within a limited time, there would not be too much entanglement.

As for how to arrange the scattered cultivators, this is not something that the major sects should consider.

They are only responsible for the tasks of their own sect, and are not responsible for other things at all. Besides, they are just a group of casual cultivators, how can they change the world?

It doesn't matter what the consequences are. What they have to do is to eradicate the demonic man hiding in this area as soon as possible and ensure their own wealth and life. This is the key point.

"We even invited the Supreme Sword Sect here, and we even invited someone from the Immortal Realm. Aren't you afraid of going bankrupt?"

Wang Linchi naturally knew what these sects were doing, but not only was he not worried, he also planned to have fun.

Do you really think that after inviting the Supreme Sword Sect, you can sit back and relax?

No, the first thing that all the major sects have to face is the high fees. Otherwise, how could a group of Immortal Emperor Realm monks hire an Immortal Sovereign Realm that is stronger and more powerful than themselves?

Every time this Immortal Realm monk from the Supreme Sword Sect stayed with them for a day, each major sect would pool a large sum of resources as tribute.

Therefore, over time, even if he is not killed by Wang Linchi, he will go bankrupt because of this.

Therefore, Wang Linchi stopped. Within a month at most, the major sects would be unable to bear this huge expenditure.

But they don't understand one thing, that is, it is easier to invite a god than to send him away. Even if they want to leave this Immortal Lord, he will not leave.

It would be great to be able to get...a small amount of resources just by waiting. You don't have to risk your life, and you don't have to fight with each other. Although it is a little less, it is free and safe.

In the eyes of the Immortal Realm, the resources provided by these sects are definitely not as good as what they use themselves, but it is still possible to add up to a little, and it only takes a few days to make a profit.

If it takes hundreds of years, it's definitely not worth it, but if it only takes a few days, no more than a few seconds, then it's definitely worth it.

However, he wasn't really messing around. He had been checking to see if there was really someone in the devil's path, but he found nothing, which made him feel more solemn.

If there's a clue, it means it's not a big deal.

But there is no clue at all, which shows that the problem is huge. After all, even a monk like him in the Immortal Realm can't find any clues. Then the big conspiracy mentioned by the major sects before is probably true, otherwise How could the aftermath be so clean?

In this regard, Wang Linchi can only say that you are right, he has a big conspiracy.

"It's time to stall again..." Wang Linchi looked at the time and couldn't help but sigh. The gameplay of the low-level casual cultivator experience game was really not good.

Every day, I go to bed later than a dog and wake up earlier than a chicken. Fortunately, we are not ordinary people. Due to the involution method, sudden death will become one of the main reasons for the death of monks.

"And I seem to be about to break through the Golden Core stage." Wang Linchi looked at the progress of the game character.

It's not very noticeable. As long as there are enough resources, rapid progress is not a big problem.

A strong person can be created by relying on the pile of resources.

"Okay, let's get started, don't be a lazy dog." After Wang Linchi tidied up, he took a stack of talismans to his stall. After placing them away, he continued to be bored and dazed.

Most people who buy his talismans don't actually negotiate the price. After all, the price of everyone's talismans is actually the same.

Unless your quality is better than others, there will be fluctuations, otherwise prices will not change much.

"The yield rate of your talismans is not low. 30% of your talismans are of medium quality. Have you ever considered joining the Talisman Hall in Qingzhufang City?"

A middle-aged man squatted down and played with the talisman on Wang Linchi's stall.

Talismans also have qualities, just like spiritual stones and fairy spiritual stones, which are divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade.

The higher the quality of the talisman, the better the effect. The same kind of talisman will naturally have different prices because of the different quality of the talisman.

The upper limit of the quality of most talismans produced by casual cultivators is mid-grade.

Wang Linchi's ratio of 30% of the talismans being middle grade and 70% of the talismans being of low grade is already considered very good.

"Oh? What's the benefit?" Wang Linchi asked.

"All fees are waived and after reaching the standard, you will be given a resource tilt every year, allowing you to break through to the Immortal Realm in a shorter time." The middle-aged man put forward the conditions.

It sounds wonderful, but in fact, Wang Linchi knew it was a big pit after thinking about it.

Therefore, waiving all fees is of some use, but this is only a little bit. In this world, the strong is respected and the weak eat the strong, so it sounds good, but in practice...

And this is only a benefit, and it does not include responsibilities.

"What do I need to pay?" Wang Linchi asked casually even though he didn't want to join.

"Not much, I just need to sign a contract with Fangshi. This is for your own good, and you only need to draw the talisman. You don't have to worry about the rest. We will give you enough reward." The other party said vaguely.

"Then I'll think about it." Wang Linchi refused with a smile.

The middle-aged man heard this, but he didn't force it. After all, it was only the foundation building period of the quasi-fairyland, so he didn't pay much attention to it. It was just because the quality of Wang Linchi's talismans was relatively high, and he seemed to have a good talent in talismans. He could accept the most. Okay, forget it if you can't take it back.

After the other party left, Wang Linchi checked the other party's so-called contract and remuneration. After reading it, Wang Linchi said that he was indeed a righteous knight.

"With a never-ending service contract, a production standard that kills people each month, and a tiny share of the profits, you are not recruiting people, you are recruiting slaves..."

"And you actually still play the Yin-Yang contract. This is a bit too awesome."

It sounds nice, but as soon as the contract is signed, you can't help but follow it.

Everything the other party said was true, but some of the terms were hidden. For example, fees were waived, but if you did not meet the monthly standards, you would get a large fine.

Another example is the so-called remuneration sharing. In fact, the market gets 99% of it, and the remaining 0.01 is yours.

And because you are under the contract, you cannot break away from it. The production standards required every month are so many that you have no time to practice and can only put into production.

What? Resource tilt? Of course you have this, provided you meet the standards. Those extremely high standards are simply unattainable and can only be used to quench thirst.

If you happen to meet that standard once, the standard will be raised the next time.

As for the resources that came from an angle, they were first pushed to four, five, or six, and then passed through seven, eight, or nine hands when they were sent down from above. It was clear at a glance what resources could be obtained.

Therefore, there are only three types of people who join the various halls in Fangshi. The first type is the direct relatives of the person in charge of Fangshi. These people are high-level managers and do not have to worry about being exploited. Instead, they are exploiters.

The remaining two types were those who were desperate and those who were deceived. The other party also looked at Wang Linchi with disdain, so he thought of tricking him.

In the end, Wang Linchi refused, guessing that Wang Linchi should know the inside story, so he left decisively.

"Sure enough, the world is as black as crows." Wang Linchi shook his head. Compared with them, it was easy for him to become a righteous knight.

Comparisons are still necessary between people. With this comparison, Wang Linchi felt that his bad deeds were much better.

"But why would the other party suddenly focus on me? Is there something going on?" Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes and thought about whether to give the other party a hard blow.

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