Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 706: Lucky people, crazy immersion

‘This evaluation: C-grade. ’

‘Reward: Small luck ×1. ’

"Ahem, what's going on..." Wu Xian looked at a piece of information flowing through his mind, and then saw a bit of golden light falling on him, and then disappeared into it.

He soon understood that small luck meant that his luck would increase slightly within seven days. The reason why it was seven days was because the next time he entered that strange place, there were still seven days left.

He opened his eyes, and two worms crawled out of the black eye sockets. At the top of the worm was a strange sharp-toothed mouth, but an eye appeared in the center of the mouth.

This was the eyeworm that took over the function of his eyes.

"Hahahaha~ A blessing in disguise, a blessing in disguise!!!"

In that strange place, the eyeworm did not hatch, and it was not until the first moment he returned to the world after leaving that it hatched and occupied his eye sockets.

As for the original eyeballs, they had been given to the old woman who sold sugar-roasted chestnuts as a currency transaction.

He did not expect that he would be able to master three magical powers when he was only in the foundation building stage.

If someone looks at him, he can activate his magical powers. His left eye can make people fall into hallucinations, and his right eye can make people feel confused. If the two are combined, they can make people indulge in illusions. among.

The evil light that unites the two eyes is even more powerful. It can bloom an evil light with the eyes of two eye bugs. This light is not ordinary and specializes in hurting people's souls.

"It seems that there is some kind of benefit in the Bone House, but I couldn't find it." Wu Xian thought of such a thing at this time.

At this moment, he understood that this was not only a danger, but also an adventure.

But soon, he thought of another thing, that is, how many people entered that strange place like him?

After coming out of the Bone House, he entered a huge city. There were all kinds of weird things in the city, but it was so vast that he was probably not the only one who was pulled in.

This made him nervous. If someone else got such a great opportunity, wouldn't it be a huge burden on him?

"You're not dead? I thought you were skinned alive by the elephant thrower." A voice interrupted him, and he saw a middle-aged monk in the late stage of foundation building looking at Wu Xian with a strange expression, especially the other party's The double worm eyes are really too eye-catching.

"Can you tell me what the House of Bones is?"

The other party naturally heard Wu Xian's murmurings. Coupled with the manic laughter and the phrase "a blessing in disguise" before, it was easy to guess that the other party must have gotten something.

Wu Xian took a look and saw that the worms in his eye sockets were squirming, and most of his body crawled out of his eye sockets. Looking at the middle-aged man, he couldn't help but feel a chill. This must be too disgusting.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Xun." Wu Xian recognized the other party, named Xun Ya, and he was a survivor like him.

But this time it's different. With the three magical powers, he can easily kill foundation-building monks who are not as experienced in fighting magic as good and evil, so he is now an offensive and defensive type.

"You want to know?" Wu Xian couldn't help but want to laugh wildly. He didn't expect that someone would actually want to go to that weird place.

He didn't know why he suddenly couldn't control himself, but he raised his left hand crazily, revealing the ferocious white bones and skull tattoo.

"Did you see it? That's it."

However, in Xun Ya's eyes, there was nothing wrong with the opponent's left hand except that one finger was missing.

"Nothing." Xun Ya was a little confused. He noticed that something was wrong with Wu Xian's expression, which made him take a step back.

He suspected that the other party was crazy.

And he was still driven crazy.

There is no bone house at all in the Xuannan Cave ruins, and there is no so-called blessing in disguise.

The only thing that interested him was the other party's peculiar pair of worm eyes, but to him, he didn't want these so-called worm eyes even if they were given to him.

"No? This is impossible. Look carefully. Look seriously."

While talking, Wu Xian was already close to Xunya.

The pupils in Xunya's eyes shrank, and he was secretly surprised: 'It's so fast, I can't even see clearly. Is this a movement technique that can be achieved in the foundation building stage? ’

Seeing the opponent's left hand pressing directly in front of his body, he forced it open, but felt an unprecedented strength that made him unable to move.

‘This is impossible, I was suppressed by him! ! ! ’ Xun Ya’s expression changed.

"You haven't seen it yet? Then I can only dig out your eyes and let your eyes come closer to see clearly." Wu Xian muttered in a low voice, completely unaware of how weird it was when he said this. .

Xun Ya realized it, so he launched the attack without hesitation.

He thought Wu Xian must have gone crazy.

But before he could take action, the two worms in the opponent's eyes suddenly stretched out and bit him directly on both sides of the cheek. With one bite, most of his face was torn off. The severe pain immediately stopped his attack.

"Madman, you madman!" I saw it, I saw it.”

At this time, no matter whether you really saw or pretended to see, you should first stabilize the other person before talking.

But when he said these words, he really saw a skull gradually appearing on Wu Xian's left hand, grinning ferociously at him.

For a moment, he couldn't help but be startled. When he looked again, there was a slightly missing tattoo on his left hand.

A seven-day countdown also came to mind.

"Hehe, you have it too, you have it too..." Wu Xian smiled weirdly, the worms in his eyes chewing the flesh, and then he let him go and left with a strange smile.

"This... this is damned! What on earth is going on." Xun Ya stared at Wu Xian's leaving figure.

The further the other party walked, the more normal he became, but this was extremely abnormal for Xun Ya, because Wu Xian was completely unaware of how weird and absurd his behavior just now was.

If it were him, if it had developed to this level, he would kill the other party as soon as possible instead of leaving after the other party admits that he saw it.

This behavior actually made him shudder. In Qingming Immortal World, there is no such thing as mercy.

Obviously the other party's situation is beyond their control.

"Seven days later?" Xun Ya looked at the tattoo emerging on his hand. He had no idea what it meant.

On the other side, Wu Xian also returned to normal. He touched his cheek, and a blood stain flowed down. This was the trace left by his eyeworm when he chewed the flesh.

"I'm so hungry that I want to eat meat..." He couldn't help but be a little surprised.

As for his behavior just now, he naturally didn't feel anything was wrong. Instead, he was surprised that he actually had to feed his own eyeworms.

After all, this Euglena has already integrated with him, so it stands to reason that there is no need to find food on its own.

But he doesn't care about this little thing. It's not just meat, it's everywhere.

"Little luck, I don't know how much improvement it can bring to me."

He discovered that he didn't even need to inherit the skills. Every time he left that strange place, he would gain part of his power.

He is now at the pinnacle of foundation building, and he only needs a little help to successfully break through to the golden elixir stage.

The first time he broke away, the power he gained was negligible, but the second time, it directly pushed him to the peak of Dzogchen.

He knew what this meant. It was nothing more than that as long as he worked hard and took risks, he could get enough improvement.

Anyway, he is dead and is not as noble as the disciples of the sect. Without the constraints of inheriting the skills, it is actually a good thing for him.

Cultivation requires resources, and growth requires qualifications. Now these are no longer needed, just work hard.

The next thing to do is very simple, kill those group of sect disciples, feed your own Euglena with their flesh and blood, and make your Euglena stronger.

Euglena are naturally not static. As long as they are fed enough food, the Euglena can grow further.

The best food is naturally Wu Xian's kind.

The similar people he talks about do not refer to people or monks, but people who have entered the strange place with him. They are contaminated with the power of the strange place, which is a great supplement for eyeworms.

Otherwise, why did you just take a bite of Xunya instead of swallowing it all? It was precisely because it didn't taste good that you didn't proceed to the next step.

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