Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 709: Secret Cultivator, Under the Dark Curtain

"What exactly is the Strange Territory?" Yu Ke looked at the huge black dark curtain in the distance. Within the dark curtain was the strange area that overlapped with the Northern Territory.

It’s not that he has never been here before. As a worshiper of the Supreme Sword Sect, he had been here not long ago to investigate the ghost corpse incident. Although he returned without success, the Supreme Sword Sect relied on this reason to work with Wan Wan. The Ming Sect gained some advantages in the game.

However, bad news soon came. Something happened in the Northern Territory, which overlapped with a strange area called the Strange Territory.

Everyone who enters will be marked by the mysterious realm, and will eventually be dragged into the mysterious realm.

Some people have escaped from the strange realm, but after seven days, they will be dragged into it again and encounter danger. Only by getting rid of those so-called strange foreign objects can they get a breather. There are even several people who went to investigate. Immortal Realm monks cannot get rid of it either.

The Ancient Immortal Realm and Ancestral Immortal Realm further up are unknown for the time being, not because they can break free, but because they haven't tried it, for no other reason than to cherish their lives.

However, not all dangers are present in this strange realm. In addition to dangers, there are also many great adventures.

For example, as long as you sacrifice part of your body or soul, you can obtain various magical powers from Weird's hands, or every time you escape from Weird's hands, you can gain an improvement in cultivation. This improvement ignores qualifications or merit. The method is really just that the price rises by a large amount out of thin air.

What's more important is that someone seems to have unearthed some kind of terrifying madness inheritance from the realm of mystery, and can use it to cultivate his body and gain extraordinary power.

At the beginning, no one actually believed it. After all, no matter how terrifying it was, it could still be more terrifying than the devil.

But as time changes, the facts prove that this is indeed the case.

No matter how much people practice in the demonic path, they still look like humans. At most, they may have sores on their heads and pus flowing from their feet, but they still cannot escape the appearance of humans.

This group of monks who have cultivated themselves with weirdness, some of them still have a human appearance, and some of them almost become something completely weird, and they are not even much different from weirdness.

However, the strength is also extremely weird. Immortality is the basis, and it can even be used to kill someone directly regardless of the realm of cultivation.

It was precisely because of this matter that it attracted the attention of the Supreme Sword Sect.

The Supreme Sword Ancestor appointed him to investigate this matter with a simple purpose, which was to resolve the mysterious realm.

At the beginning, he naturally came here in a hurry, but as soon as he collected the information, his face almost turned green. Can he solve this?

The Supreme Sword Ancestor suspected that it was a conspiracy of the devil, but in this situation, even if all the ancestral immortal realms of the devil came out, they would not be able to do these things.

"The mysterious realm is inaccessible. Once you get contaminated, you may never be able to get rid of it for the rest of your life." Yu Ke muttered, intending to perfunctoryly deal with it.

As for the sentient beings in the Northern Territory, the Supreme Sword Sect doesn't care what they have to do with him. The main purpose of sending him to investigate is to see the situation in the Strange Territory and to see if all the people are dead. If they are all dead, then All entrances to the lower realm of the Northern Territory must be taken away and used as offerings to oneself.

But in the current situation, Yu Ke will definitely not go in to investigate. He has performed his duties loyally for the sect, and the sect will not show him mourning. It will only squeeze out his value and leave nothing behind. .

He is valuable only when he is alive, but he is of no value to the sect when he is dead.

Just like the dead genius they pursue is not a genius.

"Find a faraway place to retreat for a few days. Then return to the sect and accept the punishment." Yu Ke made up his mind not to continue working, so naturally he wanted to leave.

But when he was about to leave, he found a figure emerging from the dark curtain of the strange realm.

His spiritual consciousness and other methods could not penetrate deep into it, and he did not dare to use magic weapons. It is said that someone used magic weapons to explore. When the magic weapon came back, through the connection between the monk and the magic weapon, the mark of the strange realm was finally imprinted on his body, and he was finally dragged into The mysterious realm fell into ruin.

"Long time no see, senior." The person in the dark curtain said after coming out.

This man has no facial features, and his body is covered with a large number of dark brown lines. There are eyeballs growing on these lines at regular intervals.

The eyeballs are very agile and seem to be able to move around the body to a limited extent.

In addition, the clothes on his body seemed to be living things in Yu Ke's eyes, and they squirmed from time to time.

After looking at it carefully, a character appeared in my mind: "Are you the supreme elder of the Iror God Sect?"

"It's hard for me, senior, to still recognize me." Ancestor Zhaoshen's voice had a certain rhythmic ups and downs, which made Yu Gao feel uncomfortable.

"How did you become like this?" Yu Ke quickly asked.

Ancestor Zhaoshen was the first group of people to fall into the strange realm, and he was also the strongest among the first group. He might be able to discover something.

"It's nothing, I just transferred to inheritance." The words of the ancestor Teru Shen wanted to express calmness, but his voice became sharper and sharper, and the clothes seemed to begin to swell, with many black shadows squirming in them.

The pupils in Yu Gao's eyes shrank, and he could sense that the strange and terrifying appearance of the ancestor of Zhaoshen contained the power that could easily kill him.

This was simply impossible in his common sense. How could a mere Immortal Emperor be able to threaten a monk like him, an Immortal Sovereign?

"Senior, let's enter the Strange Realm together. Qingming will be in chaos. Only the Strange Realm is a place of peace."

"Only in the Strange Realm can one get a glimpse of the realm above the ancestors and immortals."

The ancestor of Zhaoshen stretched out his hand to invite the other party. This action made all the eyes on his body stare directly at Yu Ke.

Yu Ke's hair stood on end. He was completely unable to control himself. Logically speaking, at his level, he would be calm about anything he encountered. But this time, fear arose in his heart.

This was not because he was afraid, but because it appeared out of nowhere.

"Are you crazy?" Yu Ke scolded, and then forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart.

"I'm not crazy, I just saw the truth of heaven and earth, and the truth of all things. Senior, you are living in illusion now, come back to the real world with me." The ancestor of Zhaoshen said with fanaticism and the naked eye. Overflowing madness.

Seeing this, Yu Ke actually wanted to take action, but after taking a fearful look at the Dark Curtain of the Strange Realm, he stopped his action.

Dealing with a mere Immortal Emperor Realm Illuminating Patriarch was just a slap in the face for him, but if the Strange Territory was touched, he might even have to break in, which would be a big loss.

"Hmph, it's unreasonable. I saw you acting crazy today, so I'll forgive you for being disrespectful." After Yu Ke said a harsh word, he planned to turn around and leave without further entanglement with the other party.

If a dog bites a person, the person can bite the dog back.

At this time, the ancestor of Zhaoshen was no different from a mad dog in Yu Gao's eyes. He was barking at him. It would not be worth getting bitten in the past.

So I planned to turn around and leave.

"Senior, are you scared?" Ancestor Zhaoshen's voice came faintly, drifting into Yu Ke's ears like a ghost.

After saying these words, the fear in Yu Ke's heart that he had suppressed suddenly burst out inexplicably, shocking him.

"If you're afraid, you won't be able to leave."

The voice of the ancestor of Zhaoshen reappeared again, this time blasting in Yu Ke's ears, and at the same time there were a lot of clanking and clanking sounds of chains.

Yu Ke was stunned, and when he looked back, he saw jet black iron chains appearing on his body.

Tracing back to the source, one end was on the face of the ancestor of Zhaoshen without any facial features, and the other end was deeply buried in his heart.

"How dare you!!!" He angrily tried to break free from the dark iron chain, but it had no effect.

"The name of this chain is fear. Senior, stop struggling and come with me into the treacherous realm." The voice of Terugami Patriarch came along the iron chain.

The next moment, the ancestor of Zhaoshen submerged into the strange realm again, and a huge force came from the end, forcibly dragging Yu Ke.

Even though he was in the Immortal Realm, he couldn't resist, and he was even more angry and scared. No matter how he struggled and resisted, it had no effect. He could only watch as he got closer and closer to the Dark Curtain of the Unexpected Realm. .

"Damn it, there's no way to escape, this..." Yu Ke looked again, and a grinning white skull began to loom on his left hand, indicating that he had been marked by the mysterious realm.

"Go to the Supreme Sword Sect for help!!!" Seeing that nothing could be done, Yu Ke could only place his hope in the Supreme Sword Sect, so he forcibly cut off his connection with his natal flying sword and asked his natal flying sword to go and fetch the rescuers.

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