Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 711 Southern Territory, Biohazard

"How could it be, these ghost corpses... No, they are not ghost corpses, they are some kind of poison..." Du Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief after escaping from Fuchen Sect.

I think he is the head of Fuchen Sect. After so many years since he became the head, it is rare for a monk in the Immortal Emperor Realm to encounter such an embarrassing situation.

At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to what happened in the inner sect area, and just regarded it as a small commotion among some inner sect disciples.

Until the entire inner sect area fell and the outer sect area was quickly destroyed, problems also occurred with the worshipers and guest officials in the sect, which ultimately led to his hasty escape.

"As long as you are injured, you will become a living corpse. This kind of poison cannot be refined by the surrounding demon cubs."

"This seems to have happened not long ago." Du Jian began to recall in his mind, and soon remembered that it had happened to the Zhaoshen Sect in the Northern Territory, but he didn't know much about it. The two domains are too far apart.

The reason why he knew was very simple, because it was the plan of the Immortal Master Realm monk from Wanming Sect, one of the three sects of the Demonic Way, so he had heard about it a little bit.

It's just that the other party was a ghost corpse, which was different from what he encountered this time. This time it was a living corpse.

"Go and avoid trouble first..." Du Jian saw that the mountain gate was destroyed, and finally had no choice but to leave, mainly because he couldn't save it.

He felt that the destruction of his Fuchen Sect this time was definitely not that simple. There must be some secrets against the Southern Territory involved.

That’s why running is important.

What? Is this his inheritance?

If he died, he would have nothing left, not to mention his inheritance, even his wife and children.

Well, his wife and children have actually become members of the living corpses, but he is not sad at all. Not to mention other things, he has gone through several generations of sons, let alone his wife.

When he left at an extremely fast speed, a large amount of undetectable tiny viruses escaped from his body, quickly covering all traces of where he was.

These are brand-new variants of the Crunchy Shark Virus combined with the Ghost Corpse Virus, formed through karma, and brand-new zombie viruses further synthesized with the supernatural powers of Resident Evil.

At the beginning, it did need to be bitten to spread like zombies.

But once it is combined with the monk's body, it will begin to further cooperate with the host's body and begin to evolve.

As a monk in the Immortal Emperor Realm, Du Jian provided a good breeding ground, which caused the zombie virus to begin to undergo a brand new change, which was symbiotic evolution.

The opponent will become a living corpse, but his mind and consciousness will be eroded by Wang Linchi's pollution, and finally become crazy and mutated.

With the monk's body, the harmful zombie virus was legalized, making the Qingming Immortal World unable to detect the problem.

Then, in the next step, just like the special cultivators of the Northern Guild Territory, a brand new cultivation system will also appear in the south, corpse cultivator, poison cultivator or disease cultivator, no matter what the name code is, it will develop rapidly in the future. .

He will soon rise and reach the same level as the monks and evil cultivators.

Since the resources in the Southern Territory are insufficient, let's find a profession that doesn't require resources and just rely on ourselves to mutate.

As the saying goes, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation.

The Southern Territory is rich in poor people. If you want this group of poor people to rise to the same level as the masters in the Central Territory, it all depends on the number of mutations.

However, mutation does not mean that it can start directly, it requires a suitable environment.

The Fuchen Sect is not suitable and can only be regarded as a beginning.

"Who is it?" A loud shout interrupted Du Jian's progress.

"Friend Dao Zhan, don't do anything, it's me." Du Jian hurriedly spoke, and then asked, "Why don't you recognize me?"

"Strange, I couldn't identify Fellow Daoist Du in my consciousness." Zhan Shang looked confused. When he first saw Du Jian in his consciousness, he saw something as dark as ink. But when he looked at it again, it turned out to be his own illusion. .

"Forget it, maybe it's just an illusion."

Zhan Shang did not hesitate too much, and then asked: "How come Fellow Daoist Du has time to come to Zhenshan Sect?"

The two of them can be considered friends. Although they are both leaders of the same faction, due to the external pressure from the Demonic Sect, they do not fight too much, but are more united.

"Alas, fellow Taoist I don't know, the Fuchen Sect was destroyed, and now I'm here to seek refuge with fellow Taoist." Du Jian sighed, not knowing what to say for a while.

The other party said this calmly, but Zhan Shang was frightened. He did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Could it be that the Soul Blood Dao took action! This is impossible. If the other party takes action, he will definitely..." Zhan Shang immediately thought of the Demon Dao Sect.

However, Du Jian shook his head and said: "That's not the case, it's actually..."

He only briefly summarized the situation.

This made Zhan Shang lower his head and think deeply. If he said welcome, then he must be welcome. It doesn't matter that Du Jian is in the Immortal Emperor Realm and brings most of the Fuchen Sect's wealth. As long as he accepts it, his Zhenshan Sect will definitely become more powerful. Go up one floor.

However, there are many risks in doing this, such as whether the people who are planning the other sect will be killed. If this is the case, the Zhenshan Sect will also be affected by Chiyu.

Also, if the other person is similar to me in cultivation, will he become greedy in the future and kill him to seize his inheritance?

The opponent really has too much uncertainty, so generally in a sect, there is only one person with the strongest combat power and the real controller.

"Eh? Fellow Daoist Du, what are you doing?" Zhan Shang, who was thinking, suddenly noticed something. He found that Du Jian seemed to have a runny nose.

This puzzled him.

Du Jian also glanced at him. He couldn't help but look surprised: "No, it shouldn't be. I wasn't bitten by those living zombies. How could I be bitten as well?"

These words frightened Zhan Shang so much that he almost drifted out of his mind, and you actually fell into the trap.

"Oh, no, it's an illusion." Du Jian looked again and saw that his nose was no longer runny. It seemed that he was too nervous.

"How could this be an illusion? You have started to change!!!" Zhan Shang looked at Du Jian, who was still arrogant, and wanted to take action immediately.

I saw that Du Jian's skin quickly turned white, giving him a dead look. In addition, the epidermis began to wriggle abnormally, as if there were a large number of bugs under the skin.

The whole process, from runny nose to mutation, didn't even take a breath, and it happened right under his nose.

"Don't make any noise, I have no problem." Du Jian roared a little irritably.

He did not lose himself and reason like the disciples of the Fuchen Sect, but instead a large number of memories emerged in his mind.

When I first saw these memories, I didn't feel anything, but when I looked at them again, it was a bit scary. I was able to control this special existence called the Pearl Crown on my body to make myself stronger.

Du Jian couldn't help but swallowed and looked at Zhan Shang.

"Fellow Taoist, I have something to ask you for help," Du Jian said abruptly.

"No, I'd better ask for help first."

Just as he finished speaking, Zhan Shang's head suddenly split open and turned into a huge mouth. He bit off Du Jian's upper body on the spot, and then chewed it in the big mouth.

Obviously, Zhan Shang's evolution is much faster than that of his opponent. Even if he is infected by Du Jian, this kind of thing does not only depend on who is faster and who is slower, but also depends on immunity and one's own physique. and other related factors.

Therefore, Zhan Shang came from behind and caught the opponent off guard.

"Inherited skills..." Zhan Shang looked at Du Jian, who had only half of his body left, squirming at the broken part, as if he was regenerating.

He didn't take another bite to swallow it directly, but returned to human form. Well, after swallowing the upper half of Du Jian's body, his mutation further accelerated, and the original human head turned into a snake. The combination of , sheep, cattle, humans and other animals looks extremely weird.

"Get stronger, eat."

"Is this an evil practice similar to that of a mysterious cultivator?" A smile appeared on Zhan Shang's absurd and weird face.

"Then this southern region is the evil region."

Through the inexplicably emerging memories, Zhan Shang understood the key to the growth of himself and others.

That is to make the environment of the entire Southern Territory more suitable for the growth of their group of evil cultivators who cannibalize each other, and eventually the most powerful evil king will be born, comparable to the existence of the Ancestral Fairyland.

This is the Ancestral Immortal Realm, and anyone would be willing to pay just for sacrificing a small area.

But at this time, Zhan Shang was one step ahead. As long as he was faster every step, then the position of Evil King would definitely belong to him.

It was supposed to be Du Jian, but unfortunately he was a step too late, and it ended up being his own stepping stone.

A long and slender tongue stuck out of Zhan Shang's weird big mouth, and he licked his lips slightly: "It's time to plant the seeds..."

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