Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 715 Lingbao Dharma Disrupts People’s Heart

"A great change in heaven and earth..."

Ding Chaomu's eyes widened. Now he has reached the Immortal Realm, and his breakthrough in three months has been very smooth.

At the same time, with the help of "Xuandu Yiqi Technique", he also successfully understood a special heaven and earth method called "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual". This method can refine the magic weapon into his body, so as to obtain many magical powers. Ability.

Others don't know that Ding Chaomu has been able to reach this point not only by his own talent and inheritance, but also by a powerful innate magic weapon.

This magic weapon can speed up his practice and increase the probability of breakthrough.

Even if the realm of the most powerful Immortal Emperor breaks through to the realm of Immortal Lord, this innate magic weapon provides him with a success rate of up to 40%.

In addition, there are other abilities, but for Ding Chaomu, the innate magic weapon is always a foreign object, and he has no way to better control it.

Now, with the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual", he can smelt this innate magic weapon into his body.

"It's just that it's difficult to refine this innate magic weapon into the body. It's the spirit of heaven and earth after all." Ding Chaomu muttered softly.

The main function of the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual" is to refine acquired magic weapons. Innate magic weapons can also be used, but they are far better than acquired magic weapons in terms of difficulty and time.

"No rush, let's go back and deal with the Huntian Sect first. Then there will be enough time to practice the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Scripture"." Ding Chaomu did not plan to study the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Scripture" immediately. Enlightenment and cultivation, after all, things have priorities.

His Hengtian Sect is important.

He suppressed his excitement and flew towards Hengtian Sect.

However, what caught his eye was not the appearance of his original mountain gate, but a ruin.

At this moment, Ding Chaomu froze for a moment. His first thought was that he was in the wrong place.

But many messy smells and traces showed that this was his Hengtian Sect.

"Killed...who did it?" Ding Chaomu suppressed his anger. He didn't expect that he had only been away for three months, so how could something like this happen.

He didn't stay too long, but quickly learned the cause and effect through some secret channels he had buried.

Three months ago, on the third day after he broke through the Immortal Realm in seclusion, the Huntian Sect began to attack the Hengtian Sect.

Two months ago, the Hengtian Sect was suddenly surrounded and killed. This time, it was not just a Huntian Sect, because at this time, the Huntian Sect had already taken control of the Western Region, so it directly mobilized all the sects in the Western Region to start the attack. Due to the Supreme Sword Sect behind the Huntian Sect, both good and evil forces took action at the same time.

The Hengtian Sect supported them for fifteen days, but in the end they were still defeated. The mountain gate was broken down, and everyone from the outer disciples to the guest ministers was not left behind. They were all killed by the Huntian Sect.

What's more important is that he has also been wanted. The crime is naturally that he has taken refuge in the Strange Realm and the Evil Realm, which is a heinous crime.

The reason for destroying Hengtian Sect was also based on this crime.

The Supreme Sword Sect in the Central Region had no reaction to this, because the Supreme Sword Sect asked the Huntian Sect to integrate all the sects in the Western Region in order to deal with the Strange and Evil Regions.

Although the Huntian Sect did abuse its power by doing this, it only destroyed one sect. As long as it did not affect the overall situation, the Supreme Sword Sect would just let it go. It was not a big deal anyway.

After learning the cause and effect, Ding Chaomu looked complicated and furious.

"They...how dare they!!!" He growled in a low voice.

At this time, he also knew one thing, that is, no one in the entire Hengtian Sect betrayed him until his death, and it was precisely this that made him so resentful.

"I thought that the Supreme Sword Sect was the leader of the righteous path, but now it seems that it is just the same as the demonic path."

He not only hates the Huntian Sect and all the sects in the Western Region, but also hates the Supreme Sword Sect. Without the orders issued by the Supreme Sword Sect, there would not be so many things.

"I want them all dead."

Ding Chaomu gritted his teeth and said, but he understood one thing, that is, if he really dared to take action, he would indeed be able to destroy all the sects in the Western Regions that participated in the annihilation of the sect, but the Supreme Sword Sect would definitely stop it.

Because the Supreme Sword Sect still needs people to deal with the strange and evil realms, if he dares to take action, the Supreme Sword Sect will send people to kill him.

So he needs a foolproof strategy.

"Now that good and evil have merged, and the three demon sects have also become the lackeys of the Supreme Sword Sect, what should I do?" He did not take action as soon as his mind was hot. After all, this matter was indeed too big, and it simply made him and The entire Qingming Immortal Realm is the enemy.

He wants revenge, but it is not mindless revenge.

'Come and train me, I can help you~'

Suddenly, an inexplicable voice appeared in his mind. Tracing the source, he found that it was the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual".

This was something he didn't expect at all.

But when he was about to find out what was going on, he felt an inexplicable rejection in his heart. It seemed that as long as he practiced, something bad would happen, so he became a little wary.

"Is there something wrong with this Heaven and Earth Dharma?" He frowned.

Ding Chaomu didn't know why he was in this situation, but he also saw the problem. Otherwise, why would there be such an inexplicable sound to lure him.

When he looked again now, there was no problem.

"It seems to be an illusion!" He classified it as his own illusion. It is normal to have illusions.

"Maybe it's because I think too much and instinctively think so."

"After all, this "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual" is a method of heaven and earth. It can even refine the magic treasure of heaven and earth into one's own body. Maybe it can really give me a glimmer of hope."

In fact, if Ding Chaomu is willing to let go of this matter, communicate with the Supreme Sword Sect as a monk in the Immortal Realm, and only eliminate the culprit Huntian Sect, the Supreme Sword Sect will also be able to agree.

But if he really let go, it would definitely be the result of a broken Taoist heart. Not only was he pressed to the ground and rubbed by the Supreme Sword Sect, but he also walked over to him and used him as a dog.

How could Ding Chaomu let go?

If he really let go, then the next thing that would break his heart would be not him killing everyone in the Huntian Sect, but Huntian Sect coming to destroy him. After all, he had no power to resist at that time.

So now he has no escape route at all.

The only choice is to lie dormant and practice the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual" to gamble.

If he wins the bet, he will not only be able to stand up, but also become stronger.

If he loses the bet, it means that the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual" is not as powerful as he imagined. That doesn't matter. He can just destroy all the sects in the Western Region, and then escape to the Eastern Region or hide in the Central Region. Well, as for getting caught, that will happen later.

It's not like he has never encountered this kind of battle between heaven and earth. On the contrary, he has encountered it many times.

"Then the first step is to refine the innate spiritual treasure."

"We have to find a safer place."

Although Ding Chaomu has reached the Immortal Realm, he is still very concerned about his own life and safety.

This is not difficult. Now the strength is better than before, and it is much easier than before.

A secret and safe temporary cave was soon opened, which would be impossible to detect unless a monk in the Immortal Realm.

With everything in place, he naturally began to conduct in-depth study of the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Sutra".

But the more I study, the more serious my rejection becomes, as if this "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Sutra" is not a good thing.

This time he did not doubt the "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual", but he doubted himself.

"Could it be that the innate magic weapon has affected me?"

The "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual" says that the innate magic weapon has a spirit and can know one's own misfortunes and blessings. Moreover, because monks cannot refine the innate magic weapon but use the innate magic weapon for a long time, to a certain extent, they will be affected by the innate magic weapon. , if there are some powerful innate magic weapons, they can turn monks into treasure slaves and be enslaved by the innate magic weapons.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He had risen from a young age, and if he wanted to rely on it, it was naturally the innate magic weapon he had obtained.

Now that I look at it again, maybe I really have ulterior motives.

Heaven and earth magic methods are just dead things, while innate magic weapons are spiritual things.

How could a dead object affect him? Therefore, the feeling of rejection in his heart must be due to the innate magic weapon as a spiritual object. In order to prevent himself from being refined by him, this began to affect him.

"It seems that this "Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual" is right for me. If it were replaced by someone else, I might be turned into a treasure slave without even knowing it." Ding Chaomu began to be afraid of his innate magic weapon at this time, and many evidences pointed to it. Innate magic weapon, unless the innate magic weapon can speak out and defend himself.

But if the innate magic weapon really speaks, Ding Chaomu will not believe the other party even more. After all, this means that the other party has extremely high intelligence and is fully capable of scheming against him.

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