Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 718 The Protagonist of the Time Traveler: Chi Lian Demon Lord

During the conversation with Demon Lord Chi Lian, Wang Linchi discovered a lot of clues. For example, behind the opponent, it seemed that there was not only support from the Qingming Immortal Realm, but also two other sources of support from other worlds.

One of them should be the world before he traveled. The other party gave Chilian Demon Lord a novice gift package and a level gift package.

The other one is not so sure. Wang Linchi can't see it for the time being, but the other party is able to lock his destiny and relies on this brand-new power.

Wang Linchi could only say that time-travelers who were loved by others were different.

If it were a time-traveler who didn't have a natal family, I'm afraid that if he didn't land in a box, he would be like the Red Lian Demon Lord. If he wanted to be demoted and killed after being worthless, he would have to consider whether the other person's natal family would be willing to do so.

The existence of these two forces makes Qingming Immortal Realm unable to change people even if they want to.

Unless Chi Lian Demon Lord is killed suddenly.

"I'm curious, what kind of existence are you?" Demon Lord Chilian asked.

"Are you talking about me? I can barely be considered a human being." Wang Linchi answered in an uncertain tone.

Demon Lord Chi Lian looked Wang Linchi up and down. He was indeed human-like. Apart from the lack of depth, there were no other minor problems.

"So you are not a human being?" Demon Lord Chi Lian came to this conclusion.

"From a species perspective, I still have a little bit of a relationship with humans." Wang Linchi wanted to say that you were swearing, but the other party was obviously declarative, and it was not easy for him to refute, mainly because what the other party said was the truth.

"Well, then what are you going to do with me?" Demon Lord Chi Lian had no intention of resisting.

"I want to try to see if I can send you back." Wang Linchi said sincerely.

It doesn't matter if the Chaos God Realm doesn't wait, he doesn't care which world he devours, he just wants to devour the world.

"Send it back? Send it back to where?" Demon Lord Chi Lian was puzzled. He hadn't always been here.

Wang Linchi sighed. The other party had traveled through time for so long that he had been completely assimilated.

This is considered normal. Chi Lian Demon Lord should be regarded as a time-traveler species purchased and imported from Qingming Immortal World through regular channels, just like Xu Ling, so it is still very fast in terms of assimilation.

Differentiation is useless, so although the current Chilian Demon Lord still maintains a certain degree of thinking before time travel, he is completely an aborigine of the Qingming Immortal World.

The protagonists in Wang Linchi's body were all assimilated into the family members by him, otherwise how could they be used.

Moreover, for a monk like Chi Lian Demon Lord who has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, his original life before time travel is nothing compared to this.

"Of course it's the world before arriving at the Qingming Immortal Realm, time traveler." Wang Linchi directly revealed the other party's secret.

Logically speaking, Chi Lian Demon Lord should be shocked and angry.

But this situation did not happen. Instead, he suddenly realized that the other person had been in this world for too long, so long that he almost ignored the fact that he was a time traveler.

Then he smiled and said: "You came too late."

"I should have come hundreds of thousands of years ago. I would be very grateful to you then."

Chi Lian Demon Lord was born in the demonic path, so it is natural to imagine what his environment would be like.

Therefore, Demon Lord Chi Lian, who had just traveled through time, was eager to go back through time, lest he lose his life.

"You know, many things are delayed, and I can't do anything about it." Wang Linchi spread his hands and asked: "And you followed the formal procedure, which is similar to that of a married daughter."

"If you want to go back, you have to get divorced first."

Hearing this metaphor, Demon Lord Chi Lian looked a little strange, but he understood what Wang Linchi meant and understood that his time travel was not an accident, but a transaction.

But he didn't feel much angry or felt like he was insulted.

He has long been indifferent to favors and humiliations, and can even deal with the departure of the innate magic weapon calmly, let alone being directly sold.

And his life now is much better than before the time travel.

If he had not traveled through time, he might have been just a bully working overtime in the office in his life. But it is different now. He is one of the best Chi Lian Demon Lords in the Demonic Path. The only ones who can suppress him are the seven monks from the Ancestral Immortal Realm.

There are few people in the same realm who can beat him.

Of course, he couldn't kill those people in the same realm.

"So I can go back now?" At this time, Demon Lord Chi Lian couldn't help but think of his destiny.

"It's possible, but the problem is that I can't find your way back..." Wang Linchi said.

These words made Demon Lord Chi Lian feel a little angry. Then what are you doing here? Are you deliberately causing trouble?

If he couldn't beat you, he would now want Wang Linchi to know why the flowers are red.

"and you……"

"I'm trying to restart the channel and need your help." Wang Linchi said.

"The passage is closed?" Demon Lord Chi Lian did not expect Wang Linchi to say this.

"Actually, it's not closed, it's simply blocked by the Qingming Immortal Realm, so theoretically, if you want to go back, you have to dig a hole to go back." Wang Linchi said.

Hearing this, Chi Lian Demon Lord also fell silent, and finally shook his head: "Then don't go back. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and I don't know what the situation is in my hometown."

"What if we go back and encounter a world war?"

In fact, what he is worried about is not these, but the fear that the Qingming Immortal Realm will invade his hometown. He has indeed been bloody since he grew up, but after all, he still has Bai Yueguang, not a crazy person.

Besides, what can I do if I go back?

"Okay, then I'll deal with you on the spot. Do you have any last words?" When Wang Linchi heard that the other party was unwilling to cooperate, he was ready to take action.

If he is willing to cooperate and lead the way for Wang Linchi, then Wang Linchi, as a righteous knight, will not be embarrassed to kill the opponent directly.

Unfortunately, if you don’t want to, then you have no choice but to take action.

"So what is your identity?" Demon Lord Chi Lian actually had some guesses. There is probably only one person who knows the existence of these things.

That is the Qingming Immortal Realm.

"Guess, just keep guessing until you can guess that I am God." Wang Linchi joked.

"Okay, I can't guess." Demon Lord Chi Lian was a little helpless at Wang Linchi's weird thinking, and then said: "It's not good for you to come and kill the donkey, and you have to do it yourself."

"Actually, I'm not removing the grinding wheel to kill the donkey. At most, it's replacing parts." Wang Linchi said seriously: "When the service life is up, you have to replace it, otherwise problems will easily occur."

"Okay, by the way, what is the situation in the three domains of southwest, north and west?" Demon Lord Chilian asked his question. He was keenly aware that these three domains are definitely not the methods of Wanming Sect; he is the method of Wanming Sect. Senior management, don't you know whether this is true or not?

"Have you ever heard of changing a bird from a cage?" After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to block the attack of Demon Lord Chi Lian.

How could the other party really be willing to die? Why die if he could live?

Therefore, everything he did was to paralyze Wang Linchi, to make Wang Linchi relax his vigilance and then take action.

"Are you a little too young? Or is it that your status as a giant of demonic power has made you unable to see your own situation clearly?" Wang Linchi stretched out his hand and easily pulled out all the immortal power from the opponent's body.

Without the support of immortal power, Chi Lian Demon Lord directly turned into a soft-footed shrimp.

I can't even stand still.

"I just want to see the difference between you and me." Demon Lord Chi Lian was very calm, and he did not become angry after failure.

"It's time to send you off. Is there anything else you want to say?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Actually, there is still one thing, and that is why the ancient immortals cannot break through the ancestor immortals." He finally said, everything else didn't matter, but he was not reconciled to why he couldn't take the final step.

"Ancient Immortal is the upper limit for everyone. If you want to become an Ancestor Immortal, you must have original shares in the Qingming Immortal Realm."

"And it just so happens that the Qingming Immortal Realm no longer releases original stocks." Wang Linchi answered Demon Lord Chi Lian's doubts.

In fact, there is one thing he has not said, that is, even if the original shares can be released now, he, an outsider, will not be able to obtain the original shares even if he is assimilated. After all, it is just a purchased tool, which has a purpose in itself. It's almost ready to throw away.

As a modern person who traveled through time, Chi Lian Demon Lord dug out the long-dusted memories in his mind. He finally understood the difference between himself and the Ancestral Immortal Realm.

"I see, let's do it." Demon Lord Chi Lian closed his eyes and seemed to look away without any hesitation.

Wang Linchi didn't want to know what the other party's plans were or how he really realized it, but if the Red Demon Lord fell into his hands, he would definitely not die. At most, he would place him in categories for him to conduct experiments and trace his body. The source of the spree to find the corresponding world coordinates.

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