Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 724: Central Territory Allied Forces, Crusade against Evil Territory Living Corpses

After three days, the Yin Ming Ancestor Immortal finally convinced the remaining five people. This time he acted very resolutely, and it only took... a month to complete the assembly.

For them, one month is already very fast.

Converted into a mortal time ratio, it is roughly equivalent to completing the entire process of reorganizing an army of tens of millions of people, from logistics to departure, in one minute.

It can only be said that the monks in Qingming Immortal World have this extremely procrastinating lifestyle because of their own unique system and environment.

Then, led by the seven Ancestor Immortals, tens of millions of monks from the Zhengmo Sect in the Central Territory marched towards the Southern Territory in a mighty manner.

The reason why we first attack the Southern Territory, which turned into a vicious territory, is naturally because of the contagiousness of the living corpses.

And this domain is the only unique area that will expand towards the middle domain.

Most of the other three areas are safe and sound.

The weird cultivators and weird cultivators in the weird realm will not leave places too far away from the dark curtain, while the evil cultivators in the evil realm also stay in their own territory and don't know what they are doing.

As for the beast cultivators in the beast domain, even though they occupied the entire eastern domain, they did not take a step forward and seemed to be refining something.

Therefore, we can only solve the evil domain first.

In fact, the ancestors and immortals also know that these three domains are not good. They are probably undergoing some kind of accumulation. Once the accumulation is completed, they will also attack the middle domain.

But they really have no choice.

There is also the idea of ​​dividing the troops, but once the troops are divided, their own strength will be insufficient.

Although they are still called Ancestral Immortals, in fact, their cultivation is only in the Ancient Immortal Realm, and their strength is not as good as before. Moreover, they are not at the pinnacle of the Ancient Immortal Realm, but only at the half-step peak of the Ancient Immortal Realm. After all, their cultivation level is not as good as before. has been declining.

It's still a situation that can't be stopped.

At this time, they actually regretted it. If they had known that this would happen due to the four-domain mutation, they should have taken action as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

The war between the Central Territory and the Evil Territory soon began. The Central Territory Allied Forces were naturally full of confidence at first. However, in the first battle with the evil cultivators in the Evil Territory, they were beaten to the point of running away and suffered losses. A lot of manpower.

What made them collapse even more was that their dead comrades turned into living corpses under the influence of the evil realm and turned into enemies.

This is simply the same as fighting more and more enemies.

And some of those living corpses are actually stronger than them. Is this really what corpses can achieve?

However, this is not a frontal battlefield. The real battlefield is a battle between the seven ancestors and the evil cultivator named the Evil King. As long as the ancestors win, the rest is not a problem.

But the problem is that the seven ancestors and immortals work together, and the result is only half the best, and sometimes they even fall into a disadvantage.

It was precisely this situation that caused the morale of the Central Territory Allied Forces to drop significantly.

You must know that in the eyes of all monks, these seven people are symbols of invincibility. However, now that the myth of invincibility has been shattered, they themselves do not have much confidence.

"Hoo, hoo~" Divine Sword Ancestor Immortal breathed heavily, and Li Yang Ancestor Immortal pushed up for him.

He looked at the being named the Evil King in the distance, and he could barely tell from its overall outline that the other person was once a person, but when he looked at it as a whole, there were no organs or limbs that could be grown by a human being.

The opponent's physical body is extremely powerful, and because of the large number of weird limbs and organs on his body, he has a variety of fighting methods, and he is not even afraid of siege.

There are seven of them, usually in groups of three or three, with the remaining person serving as a fill-in.

This battle has been going on for three months. The Divine Sword Ancestor discovered that the Evil King became more and more powerful during the battle.

Three months ago, his natal flying sword was still able to cause enough damage to him, but now, three months later, his natal flying sword's threat to the evil king has dropped significantly. At least now, if it does not hit the opponent, If it's weak, it can only cause minor injuries at best.

This is not good news for them.

It shows that the evil king has grown far beyond their expectations.

If they can kill him directly, no matter how fast the evil king grows, it won't matter if he dies.

However, the Evil King is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and they cannot shake him at all. So far, they have only missed each time, which makes the ancestors and immortals a little impatient.

Fortunately, the fighting qualities they should have still existed, and they did not lose their minds or cause problems with their fighting rhythm.

"No, we can't go on like this, otherwise we will be dragged to death by the evil king." The Divine Sword Ancestor said.

This was said to the remaining six ancestors.

The Evil King also heard it. He let out a weird laugh, but did not speak. But everyone could hear the ridicule in his laughter.

The seven ancestors didn't care about the other party's ridicule. They naturally knew that the other party was trying to attack themselves and others. If they were really affected by the other party's ridicule, that would be a real mistake.

"Let's set up the formation." Yinming Ancestor Immortal said after the immortal magic in his hand bombarded the Evil King.

Formation is an effective method of amplification, but it has a fatal flaw for them.

That is because they cannot work together as one, and each of the seven people has their own agenda.

A general formation really only needs to be laid out, no cooperation or cooperation is required, not even people are needed, only the materials required for the formation are enough.

But the formation that the seven of them want to set up will definitely not be this ordinary formation, and it is set up under the eyes of the enemy. How could the other side let you successfully set it up? This is simply too whimsical.

Therefore, the formation they want to deploy can be formed instantly and have strong temporary improvement capabilities, rather than only sporadic improvements.

This formation is called the Cangtian Crying Blood Formation. It was a powerful formation passed down from the Qingming Immortal Realm back then to resist and escape from the Chaos God Realm.

It allows them to ignore all obstacles and forcibly upgrade their realm to the realm of gods and humans, which is a powerful realm above the ancestral immortal realm.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious. Every second consumes one year of life as a price, and once the Heaven Crying Blood Formation is ended, one's own cultivation level will be forced to drop by one level.

Fortunately, it is only a small realm, which is still acceptable to them.

What is unacceptable is the burning lifespan. Before, they were ancestor immortals, and their lifespans were naturally the same as those of heaven. Now that their cultivation has fallen to ancient immortals, their lifespan has reached an upper limit.

Of course, they were reluctant to use it when they were in the Ancestral Immortal Realm. Once they used the Blood Crying Formation, it would mean that their status as Ancestral Immortal was shattered.

"Do it!" Bloody arrogance emerged from the body of the Divine Sword Ancestor, and then connected the entire Qingming Immortal World.

At the same time, the remaining six people also burst out with the same bloody arrogance.

The seven people can feel that their aging is getting more and more serious. Burning life span will originally aggravate their own aging.

But at the same time, the auras of the seven people also began to expand, and they directly crossed the Ancestral Immortal Realm and reached the first realm of the Chaos God Realm, which is the God-Man Realm.

The Divine Sword Ancestor Immortal looked calmly as he felt the powerful power gushing out of his body. Every move he made could affect changes in the entire Qingming Immortal World.

"Nie Zhan, today is the time for you to bow your head!" The Divine Sword Ancestor shouted angrily, and the flying sword turned into a stream of light in his hand, and he took the lead and killed the evil king.


The flying sword's stream of light bombarded the Evil King's huge body, blasting it into pieces in an instant.

The remaining six people also followed suit, intending to crush the entire evil king to ashes.

In just three seconds, the evil king was reduced to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

Seeing this scene, the seven people were also very satisfied, and then without hesitation, they used power far beyond the upper limit of the Qingming Immortal World monk system to further clean up the entire southern region.

The powerful power of the Divine Realm swept across the southern region. Whether they were evil cultivators or living corpses, they were all annihilated under this power.

Not even the most powerful evil king can resist it, let alone other beings.

It took ten seconds for the battle to end. Just when the seven of them were about to cut off the Cangtian Weeping Blood Formation on their bodies, their eyes suddenly froze.

They discovered that the ground in the Southern Territory was not made of earth and stones, but actually layers of squirming flesh, which made their scalps numb.

"Quack, quack, the second round has begun."

The voice of the evil king who had been crushed by them appeared again, but this time, they could not find where the other party was.

At this time, the ancestors and immortals also understood one thing. What they killed was not the body of the evil king at all. The real evil king had been integrated with the entire southern region. The evil king was the evil region and the former southern region.

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