Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 727 Cannibalization, Invasion, Assimilation

"It's finally here." Wang Linchi's huge body made of colorful stone continued to stir up a large number of world fragments, dragging them into his body to devour them.

Most of these world fragments are Qianchuan Realm, and a small part are Qingming Immortal Realm.

When the two worlds collided, the force itself was mutual. Qianchuan Realm knocked itself into pieces. With such a large impact, even if it didn't knock a big hole out of Qingming Immortal Realm, it would still cause some problems.

Therefore, not only was the Qingming Immortal Realm dented, but the entire world was shaken by this.

This immediately gave Wang Linchi an advantage. Not only did he swallow up Qianchuan Realm, he also took a lot of Qingming Immortal Realm with him.

It stands to reason that if he is really so talkative, Qingming Immortal World will definitely give him a big blow. However, it is a pity that Qingming Immortal World has no time to take care of itself now.

He was hit by Qianchuan Kai and suffered a concussion, and he still hasn't recovered yet.

Then the new destiny that had just been cultivated for a short time has now become a pulp. Coupled with the drag of the four domains, there is basically no response now.

Therefore, he was swallowed up by Wang Linchi, so he could only let him do whatever he wanted.

"It tastes so bad..." Wang Linchi complained. The hard parts were too hard to chew, and the soft parts were too pulpy. In addition, the mess stuck together, and the final taste in the mouth became strange. Weird.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi doesn't like to have fun. Anyway, he can just stuff it into his mouth. It doesn't matter if it tastes bad, as long as he can swallow it.

He prefers eating civilization to eating the world. After all, the combination of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and other flavors still has a different flavor, unlike the world, especially this dead world, the taste is really weird.

Qianchuanjie had already died before arriving at Qingming Immortal Realm. When he was thrown out, he was already in a dying state with only one breath left. After a lot of trouble, he died suddenly last month.

Fortunately, the time of death was relatively short, and there was no big problem for Wang Linchi to eat it alive.

After eating all the pieces in three to five times, he didn't even feel full.

It's just Qianchuan Realm. If it were changed to Qingming Immortal Realm, it might be able to give him some feeling.

Now Wang Linchi is no longer the same person who was supported by eating civilization. The improvement in strength will inevitably lead to a qualitative change in himself, allowing him to swallow higher-level food.

"It's time to go back and close the net."

Wang Linchi returned to the Qingming Immortal Realm. The five degenerates of heaven and humans have been assembled. What is left is the colonization and control of the Qingming Immortal Realm and many other experiments.

In this way, he can provide corresponding data and technical support for his six-path reincarnation system.

In addition, there are various derivative experiments such as violent invasion and colonization by force. These experiments will cause irreversible damage to Qingming Immortal World.

Fortunately, it's just an ingredient, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it. Just eat it when it's used up.

"We only have about a year, so it should be enough time." Wang Linchi looked at his schedule.

He has made great progress in analyzing the Chaos God Realm, and has even initially located the location of the Chaos God Realm. The only remaining steps are to make precise confirmations and find ways to attract people there.

Wang Linchi has already placed bait on the Chaos God Realm.

That's right, it was that bronze door that tricked a fool into becoming a meat pig. As long as the other party dared to come, Wang Linchi could not only grasp the other party's detailed coordinates, but also further confirm the situation of the Chaos God Realm through the other party's memory.

According to his estimate, the bronze door should have arrived in the Chaos God Realm, but when it will be picked up is another matter.

And it also depends on who picked it up. If it is a non-supernatural person, it may be quiet for a while, but if it is a high-level supernormal person, it will probably take a long time. Maybe Wang Linchi has finished handling the matter at hand. , when preparing the army to set off to the Chaos God Realm, it had not yet taken effect.

This is also a matter of luck.

And unfortunately, Wang Linchi's luck cannot take effect across borders. After all, his destiny is his own destiny and cannot affect other servers.

He can do it in a year, so if this thing takes effect within a year, it is still somewhat useful. If it cannot take effect within a year, it doesn't actually matter. Just treat it as a locator.

Wang Linchi had already made various modifications to this bronze door. Naturally, it was not limited to teleportation. In fact, Wang Linchi inserted an artificial intelligence into it as an auxiliary, similar to a small system, to serve as a guide. Let the other party betray the Chaos God Realm quietly.

The look of the Divine Sword Ancestor Immortal was decadent, and the Central Territory was undergoing drastic changes. Those terrifying giants with golden bodies of merit shining all over their bodies had extremely powerful fighting power.

Logically speaking, he should have taken the lead. After all, he was the only one who was slightly injured, and he was also the strongest combatant in the entire Central Region. However, the fact was that he was unable to take action at all.

After the golden tower fell in the middle domain, the entire monk system was shaken violently. As the strongest man, his immortal power instantly collapsed, and he fell to a level similar to that of a mortal, but a little better than a mortal, at least. His body and soul are still strong, but they are disintegrating.

The other monks are all in the same situation, which shows that the Qingming Immortal Realm can no longer support the strength of their group of monks.

"Ant, do you want to join us?"

The golden light fell in the eyes of his Divine Sword Ancestor, making it so dazzling that it was hard to open his eyes.

"Who are you?" Divine Sword Ancestor asked. He had no power left to resist at this time, and even wanted to resist. There was no way.

"Me? I used to be a human race from the Qianchuan Realm, but in the Qingming Immortal Realm, you collectively call us the Lower Realm." The golden giant said calmly.

Because of the blessing of merit, the voice is ethereal, and anyone who hears it will feel good about it involuntarily.

Even the Divine Sword Ancestral Immortal who was once in the Ancestral Immortal Realm also experienced this situation, but he was very powerful, so he was not affected much.

"Qianchuan Realm? Never heard of it." The Divine Sword Ancestor shook his head. There are so many lower realms under the Qingming Immortal Realm. How could the Divine Sword Ancestor know these things one by one.

Furthermore, for him, these things are just minor problems. He only needs offerings from the lower realm and does not need to manage the lower realm at all.

Anyway, the group of natives in the lower realm are incredibly weak, and they can crush a large number of quasi-fairies with just one finger.

"That's such a pity. It may also be because the lower realm we are in is too small." The golden giant was also a little regretful, but he quickly changed the subject and said, "Fortunately, we found a new backstage, so You are in trouble.”

The Divine Sword Ancestor opened his mouth and wanted to ridicule the other person for treating him like a dog, but when he thought about it again, he and the others seemed to be unqualified to say such things. After all, being treated like a dog had almost killed him and the others, so what's the use of ridiculing him again? It is nothing more than the incompetent rage of the defeated.

"So why did you come to me? Are you giving me a ride?" Nervous Ancestor asked.

At this time, he also understood that it was not the Chaos God Realm that was attacking them, but that they were being targeted by another being.

He doesn't know what this existence is, but it must not be a simple existence that can easily create so many merits and create a new race.

"Eh? As I said just now, I came here to recruit you, but after hearing your answer, it seems that you would rather die than surrender, so I can only send you on your way." The golden giant said that you must have a problem with your ears.

"Wait, I surrender!" Divine Sword Ancestor Immortal surrendered without hesitation. What's the use of face? There is actually not much difference between being a dog in Qingming Immortal Realm and being a dog in some unknown existence.

Otherwise, what else could he do? If he really would rather die than surrender, then he wouldn't be reduced to this.

"Did your attitude change so quickly? Well, you can do it if you want." The golden giant was also surprised when he heard this. It stands to reason that the other party is the strongest person in the Qingming Immortal Realm, and he will have to struggle no matter what.

"I also want to ask, that is the Four Realms..." The Divine Sword Ancestor hesitated for a moment, and finally asked.

"Yes, he is also one of ours, but he is not in the same department as us and is responsible for a different direction." The golden giant did not hide anything.

There is no need to hide it now, because they are all their people.

"Oh, I understand." The Divine Sword Ancestor sighed, not imagining such a development at all.

In the entire Central Territory, I am afraid that everyone has surrendered at this time. As for the places that have not surrendered, it is true that the merit giants usually do not eat, but it does not mean that they are vegetarians. On the contrary, they are never merciful when they attack. His predecessor was an involution cultivator who favored the weak and respected the strong.

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