Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 731 Thousands of years of time, six reincarnation cycle systems

"The Way of Heaven and Humanity, which is the protagonist of the merit system, and the Way of Humanity, which is used to cultivate the world, form the Shura Way of maintenance."

"The hell realm formed by the invading clans, the hungry ghost realm that devours everything, the animal realm that restarts civilization and ends the world."

Wang Linchi stayed in the Qingming Immortal Realm for a thousand years, and finally completed his six reincarnations. The entire six reincarnations were made from the Qingming Immortal Realm, and now they are worn on his body and have become a part of him.

In addition, all the lower realms have been integrated into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and now a complete cycle process has been formed.

From the harvest of civilization to the restart of the world, until it can no longer generate value, it will eventually be recycled.

However, the current six paths of reincarnation cannot take effect on the world, that is, the world without value will only be swallowed up. However, this is not what Wang Linchi needs. The rebirth in his plan is to reshape the world without value and eventually become a A whole new world.

And it is just one of the stages. The final stage is when he can produce the world by himself, forming an endless cycle.

However, no matter which point it is, it is still far away from him.

Let alone reshaping a worthless world into a valuable world, even now it is just a semi-finished product that has just been completed.

Because Wang Linchi had not practiced in the early stage, he did not know that Six Paths of Reincarnation had achieved his initial goal.

His initial goal was simple. Since he couldn't rebuild the world, he would directly use invasion, colonization, enslavement and other means to make all the worlds part of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

As long as he can capture the Chaos God Realm, he will be able to start a new hunting mode.

"The first step is to test it out."

Wang Linchi took out the history book. Now he has three pieces of equipment, or his system has three parts.

They are the history books that have been following him since the book of records, carrying his cultivation and growth system, which include things such as Xin Yuanyima, Taishan Seal, Soul Seed and so on.

The second is the civilization computer, which is an auxiliary part formed through civilization, destiny, rules, many protagonists, etc.

Finally, there is the newly formed Six Paths of Reincarnation, which has external armor such as external invasion and harvesting.

Although the three parts are different, they complement each other and cannot function without one.

Just like the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it needs the history books to provide energy supply, and it also needs the support and computing power increase of civilized computers, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation can in turn provide corresponding hardware increase, resource feedback, etc.

Therefore, the three parts of his system are actually still just one body, just a derivative of his world.

"The test is divided into two parts. The first is to use the quantum slingshot to project the lower boundary as a cover and conduct the first test."

Quantum slingshot is a special technology used by Wang Linchi to launch small worlds as hurling stones. This technology has only two abilities. It releases the maximum kinetic energy with minimum consumption to push the world. The second is the tracking ability to lock the world.

The reason why it is named Quantum Slingshot is also a bad idea of ​​Wang Linchi, the world was defeated by the slingshot.

Coupled with a weird quantum, it makes people think it is something with a high technological content, but in fact it is all metaphysics.

"The second part is the preliminary bait, through external invasion, to test how the world will react."

"At present, this part uses the Five Deceivers of Heaven and Earth as the vanguard force. It not only has enough strength to prevent the other party from thinking it is a bait."

"And it can also attack the opponent's system."

The fundamental role of the Five Declines of Heaven and Man is that after they enter the world, they destroy the rules and laws of the world, indirectly causing the fragmentation of the extraordinary system, and use this as a way to relieve the world of force.

If the world is settled at this step, there will definitely be no follow-up. Wang Linchi can just go and take over.

But if the opponent's resistance is strong and the destructive effects of rules and regulations are limited, then the second part will be needed.

Let the real fighting troops move in.

The real trump card in Wang Linchi's hand is not the virtuous giant or the new family formed by the memory, but the protagonist's army composed entirely of the children of destiny.

The Son of Destiny is composed of a series of protagonists such as the Shadow of the Great Ruins, King of Hell, the Way of the Gods, Ye Tian, ​​the Immortal Spiritualist, Bai Changsheng, the God of Endless War, Bai Xuan, etc. In terms of combat, strategy, etc., the Son of Destiny is completely An extremely powerful existence.

As long as these people enter the field, they can not only disrupt the judgment of the world, but also continuously absorb everything in the world through killing. Coupled with their talents in combat, there are not many people who can rival them.

In the end, if the protagonist's team also loses, then Wang Linchi will personally come on stage to see if he can flip the table and make another fortune. If not, then he will run away.

The main point of the whole process is to crush the big one and bully the small ones. If he encounters someone stronger than himself and fights to the death, doesn't he become a fool?

"These two procedures should be enough to test out the situation in the Chaos God Realm."

In fact, Wang Linchi is not worried about the deliberate baiting of the Chaos God Realm. Whether it is using a quantum slingshot to project the world to concussion the Chaos God Realm or letting the five degenerates of heaven and humans enter, as long as there is a stalemate, the opponent's reaction can be determined.

As for deliberately not resisting in order to lure the enemy deeper, that is another matter, but this situation is basically minimal.

He first gave the opponent a sap on the back of the head, almost knocking out the opponent's brains. Then he stabbed the opponent with a dagger more than ten times in the heart. He was about to die on the spot. In the end, you said that he deliberately lured the enemy deeper.

If these two sets of combos are really eaten up, and when he is seriously injured and on the verge of death, he can backhand two big punches to Wang Linchi instead of lying on the ground motionless, then Wang Linchi will admit defeat. After all, you are so powerful. What else can he do, he can only take the big blow and send the other party on his way.

If the opponent is alive, then when Wang Linchi uses the quantum slingshot to throw the small world at the opponent, the opponent will immediately counterattack.

After catching this small world and even throwing it back, Wang Linchi ran away immediately, which showed that the opponent was very powerful.

If you didn't catch it and got stoned from this world, it means you have a winning rate, and then you have to judge how badly the opponent was hit.

If it's a concussion, there's a chance of winning, so beat him to death.

If the brains are smashed out, the banquet can be held directly.

But if it was just a scratch, then Wang Linchi would have to be cautious about whether to attack this suspected enemy.

As for other situations, it can only depend on the other party's reaction.

No matter how much he said, there was nothing he could do.

"Notice, the quantum slingshot is ready, the target coordinate position..." Wang Linchi gave the order directly through the civilized computer, and then a large amount of data emerged, and Wang Linchi checked it one by one.

This kind of thing certainly cannot be left to civilized computers.

Then the history book in his hand began to turn over, providing corresponding support for the civilized computer and the six paths of reincarnation.

"Perform secondary calibration!"

Wang Linchi definitely couldn't just proofread it once and use the quantum slingshot once, which would cost a whole world to go out, which was not cheap at all.

If it's thrown crookedly and doesn't hit anything, it's fine. But if it hits something weird, it'll be troublesome if it gets targeted.

After all, this is in the void, not in the world. It can have the corresponding world as protection.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi's body is not big. He was compressed into the same size as an ordinary human through the history books of the years. The world inside his body did not shrink at all. It was just compressed by him using the space technology and the time technology of the history books. .

"the third time……"

Wang Linchi calibrated it ten times. There will definitely be errors in the data of the ten times, but the errors are within the controllable range and will not affect the final result.

The void is always changing, and it is impossible for Wang Linchi to master all the variables. If he really had this ability, there would be no need for calibration, and he would be able to hit anything he threw casually.

The last calibration was successful. A faint light appeared on Wang Linchi's hand, and a world compressed into the size of a stone was ejected.

The moment it flew out, it began to gradually release the compressed state, causing the original body shape to begin to expand crazily. It only took a few seconds to return to normal. However, the speed did not slow down, but became faster, like a roaring bison heading towards the target. The impact passed.

"Start the world stone-throwing monitoring program..." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, the data was updated in front of him, and he obtained the data and control power of the world's stone-throwing.

Wang Linchi naturally has the corresponding control power, which can be used to control the general direction and fine-tune the small directions. He can't just throw it out and be done with it.

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