Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 737 Damn it, do you think you don’t want to die quickly enough?

"Don't tell me, this group of people is quite interesting. They just finished fighting the civil war, and now they have to deal with the Five Declines of Heaven and Man."

Wang Linchi looked at the feedback information. With the arrival of the five degenerates, his signal was no longer delayed, so he was able to obtain real-time information.

Although the Five Deceased Heavenly Beings have not completely entered the Chaos God Realm, they have penetrated through the destruction of rules and obtained a lot of information.

"It is true that the Chaos God Realm is much stronger than the Qingming Immortal Realm. I think the Qingming Immortal Realm was directly smashed through. The Merit Golden Crystal Tower can directly enter the world to invade." "But the Chaos God Realm was smashed into pieces. Like this, it's just a big dent, and the outer layer of protection is still intact, which is really extraordinary." Wang Linchi couldn't help but praise it.

"The world barrier is indeed very strong. It can only be said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and this Chaos God Realm is not a skinny camel. It is more like a vegetative state with its head smashed. It is still well maintained, and its body Very healthy.”

Wang Linchi felt that it was normal to encounter all kinds of troubles for the first time. After all, he had no experience. After a few more times, the methods of dealing with the new world would be much better.

"I have to speed up and try to arrive within a month." Wang Linchi took a look and found that the information gap and time difference didn't seem to have much effect.

Because the Chaos God Realm has no resistance at all, it is better to arrive as soon as possible than to waste time.

"There are only five ancestral gods and three races left. How much resistance can there be...?" Wang Linchi was just about to give them an evaluation that they could not stand up, but he found that there were many strange things in the Chaos God Realm.

"They changed the lower realm? Can this be changed at will?" Wang Linchi looked at the data in his hand with a strange expression.

Is there something wrong with this? What are they doing with this thing when they have nothing to do?

The lower realm can be dismantled, but it cannot be tampered with.

For the Chaos God Realm, these lower realms are like external accessories loaded on the body. The accessories are disassembled and dissolved without moving, so there will not be too many problems.

However, the behavior of these five Ancestral Gods is equivalent to taking off a person's earrings. If it is moved from the left ear to the right ear or placed on the hand or stepped on, it is not a problem, but If you are afraid that the other party will keep it in your heart and mind, then the consequences can be imagined.

You must know that they are operating in the world, which is equivalent to operating an earring in the human body. If you are not careful, your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys will be injured.

Originally, I was stoned by the world. At most, it was a concussion and the back of the head was hit, but I was still able to recover. At most, it was a minor injury that could not affect the overall situation.

"What do they want to do? Push the lower world to smash the five degenerates of heaven and humans?" This is all Wang Linchi can think of.

If individual strength is insufficient, they will definitely have to make up for it from the outside world.

Most intelligent creatures can use tools. For the ancestor gods, the lower world is indeed a tool.

"It's really possible, but they don't realize the consequences of doing so, right?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

Otherwise it would be impossible to do this.

"No, you are pushing the lower world to smash the five degenerates of heaven and earth. At least you can deal with the main artery, so you are not afraid of giving it to...fuck...you just cut it off???"

Wang Linchi felt that these were simply a group of smart people.

There is a connection between the lower realm and the Chaos God Realm. This connection is a chain similar to the ascension channel, and there are also some arteries. If we attack from the Chaos God Realm, it will cause massive bleeding, so the best way is Cut from the lower end.

At that time, the unlucky one will be the lower realm, and the Chaos God Realm as the main body will only have a small wound.

The reason why the Qingming Immortal Realm was able to cause so much damage to the Chaos God Realm and successfully escape was because the opponent injured the main artery of the Chaos God Realm.

This caused Tiandao to be severely injured and finally had no choice but to cover up the blood, and was brutally stabbed to death in the back.

"This structure is still a little inferior, not as good as my Six Paths of Reincarnation." Wang Linchi also saw some clues about the Chaos God Realm through this action of the five ancestors cutting the arteries.

The other party's breeding methods are indeed higher than those of Qingming Immortal Realm, and their efficiency is also better.

However, this is because the Chaos God Realm transplanted all the lower realms into the body.

Wang Linchi is different. The other party uses it as an organ. Six Paths of Reincarnation is the ability of a system. It doesn't matter if it is lost or destroyed. Wang Linchi's system has the ability to regenerate. It can not only be used as a means to deal with the world, but also It can be used as a series of items such as attack skills, equipment protection, etc.

In short, it has various functions.

As long as he is not dead, even if the Six Paths of Reincarnation is destroyed, you can just find a place where no one is and rub it out again, and you don't have to worry too much.

"I just don't know how they are going to solve the problem of stopping the bleeding? If there is no problem with the instinctive logic of the Chaos God Realm, they should be able to save themselves. But I'm afraid that's not possible now. If the bleeding is not stopped in time... Damn it, wouldn't I be at a loss?"

Wang Linchi suddenly realized that if the Chaos God Realm died suddenly, he would be the only one who would suffer.

As for the three races in the Chaos God Realm? Naturally, they died together with the Chaos God Realm. As they were so deeply bound to the Chaos God Realm, how could they survive alone.

There are advantages and disadvantages to practicing a rule-based system.

The advantage is that they are powerful and have very high growth and potential limits. The disadvantage is that they are extremely dependent on the local world.

Like Wang Linchi, without the help of the Samsara Seal, the protagonist's treasure outside the soul system, he would have had no way to leave the soul world and could only wait for death.

The monks in the Chaos God Realm have more in-depth rules than the awakened ones in the soul world. The Ancestral God Realm can even be called a small world. However, these are the rules of the Chaos God Realm. They cannot leave the Chaos God Realm, otherwise they will If their rules lose the support of the Chaos God Realm, they will have a backlash.

While strong, there are also constraints.

I can only say that it has advantages and disadvantages.

As for leaving the Chaos God Realm? This is a bit whimsical. You are using everything from the Chaos God Realm, and you are even rooted in the Chaos God Realm. There is no way to escape. You have to give up everything about yourself, and even need to be reincarnated and let yourself be reincarnated. His soul must be reshaped before everything can be reshaped.

Unless someone like Wang Linchi can free himself from the constraints through luck from the beginning, it is possible to appear as an existence outside the specifications and achieve results such as robbery and free prostitution, otherwise don't think so much.

There are only a few people like him, and most of them are the result of being bound to the Ancestral God Realm.

"We have to find a way to stop the bleeding in the Chaos God Realm. These people are really capable of trouble." Wang Linchi's expression dropped. All the costs were invested, and the practical mission began. As a result, the enemy actually played tricks on himself. His death caused other people to lose all their money, and Wang Linchi became the one who was taken advantage of. This was simply outrageous.

"Wait, then the way for the opponent to defeat me is to kill himself?"

Wang Linchi's brain suddenly twitched. From a certain level, the opponent had indeed won. After all, he was able to let Wang Linchi come to the rescue. He said he had lost, but that was indeed the case. His original goal was to kill the opponent. of.

This situation is really too explosive.

"This is the first time I've encountered this kind of losing method..." Wang Linchi felt incredible.

"No, it's not about winning or losing now. With the amount of bleeding in the Chaos God Realm, there will be problems in ten days at most."

"Even if I go there as fast as possible, it will still take me fifteen days. It's a bit too late." Wang Linchi thought about it and could only let the five deities of heaven and man use it as bandages for the time being.

Otherwise, by the time he arrives, the Chaos God Realm will die and all its value will be lost.

The ordinary world of death is still a corpse after all. Wang Linchi tastes terrible when chewing, but it can be used as food.

The vegetative world of Chaos God Realm that dies of hemorrhage will completely become an empty shell. Not only is it unpalatable, but it also does not have enough value as food.

Over and over again, Wang Linchi has lost money but not gained benefits. How can he accept this?

Fortunately, the Five Deceased Gods thing is a bit omnipotent, as long as you go over and cover it, it will be fine.

Throw the kings of the four realms in first, and let these four things use their own pollution abilities to form blood scabs to block them.

It is not suitable for him to directly enter the Chaos God Realm at this time. After all, he is bleeding profusely. Once he is dug open, blood will be spattered all over his body and the injuries in the Chaos God Realm will be further worsened. He may not be able to survive for ten days.

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