Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 739 Lessons from Two Patches

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the second nether patch was successfully installed.

Although they can only last for three hours, it does not mean that they have to be stuck at this time. It would be best if they could do it faster.

So it was done in two hours.

The superposition of the two patches finally suppressed the cracks, which made them sigh in relief.

It shows that the effect of this patch is still very good. It has withstood the strong attack of the extraterrestrial demon. Next, only the third and fourth patches need to be filled in, which should be able to completely isolate the invasion of the extraterrestrial demon.

But before that, they need to take a rest. The first patch has done their best, and the second patch is basically exhausted. If the third patch comes again, it will simply kill them.

Besides, now that it has stabilized, you can take your time.

When they turned around, they saw that the entire ground was polluted by the four demons and turned into a desert.

Fortunately, the area occupied by the four demons is not very large compared to the entire Chaos God Realm, but only a very small part.

"It didn't expand, it just took root, and the warning from heaven and earth is over." Su Shan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene: "Fortunately, we sealed the crack in the sky in time, otherwise we would have died without a burial at this time. land.”

"I'm afraid those four extraterrestrial demons are not easy to kill. It's not too late to wait until the four lower realm patch seals are completed before taking action." Heicheng asked for advice. After all, he is a ghost clan, not a human clan, so many things are not up to him. .

"Well, we are all exhausted. Even if we want to recover, it will take several months." Li Ying felt his condition and found that his body was overdrawn to a certain extent and needed to be warmed up in time, otherwise he would suffer from the disease in the future. It leaves behind fundamental hidden dangers, making it impossible to go any further, although there is no possibility of going any further now.

Everyone wants to become the Dao of Heaven and dominate the entire Chaos God Realm. Even if the entire Chaos God Realm is in a precarious situation, when it is time to protect oneself, one should protect oneself.

Naturally, this is also the case for everyone else, so it is simply impossible to carry out the third patch in the short term. As for the four extraterrestrial demons.

As long as it doesn't expand, it doesn't matter.

As for any plans, let's wait until later. Let the people under your command go to test one side first. This time it is not as critical as Tianli, so there is no need to do it yourself.

"Forget it, then I'll wait..." Just when Su Shan was about to announce the disbandment, a twisted big hand made of flesh and blood pinched towards them.

If they didn't dodge in time, it would be a trivial matter if they were pinched, but they could detect the poison in this big hand.

Once these poisons enter the body, they will continue to corrode them and eventually be assimilated into their flesh and blood.

"A bit capable, but only a little bit." A hoarse voice came over, and at the end of the big flesh and blood hand, a man not much different in size from them spoke.

The opponent's big hands combined with the human body shape, I realized that it was indeed a bit too different.

"Do it." Su Shan took the lead. Although he was exhausted, at this time, it was impossible for the other party to let him and others leave. He would either kill the other party or die.

The remaining four people didn't come up to you and dragged them away first, but followed and killed them.

Five people surrounded the man.

"Siege? Ha." The other party said disdainfully, and the flesh and blood on his body began to twist, and then another person was pulled out from the back.

This scene is indeed a bit scary, because when the person is pulled out, a large amount of blood and internal organs are spurted out together.

The black blood and squirming internal organs did not look like a normal living creature, but rather like some kind of strange plant.

"Do you know how many stupid things you have done?"

The face of the person pulled out from behind was full of anger, which was in sharp contrast to the calmness of the original person.


After he finished speaking, he let out a roar that shook the sky, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye broke through the space, directly blocking the attacks of the five people.

"Run, you are so naive." The man with the giant hand swept away and scratched the space. The five people fell down in embarrassment. They thought this was a good opportunity, so they naturally ran away. Unexpectedly, The other party actually has corresponding control capabilities.

"Huh? It's not easy."

The five people who fell from the space directly turned into nothingness. They were obviously not their real bodies. They were all existences similar to incarnations or projections. Their real bodies had long since escaped.

"You are still too young, let them get away with it, but the lesson that should be given is barely given."

Two identical men suddenly turned into two large pools of flesh and blood. Since they had escaped, it was not worthwhile to chase them. Their purpose was to cover the main arteries to prevent death from massive bleeding in the Chaos God Realm.

These five people cut off not just one artery, but two at once. If the King of the Four Realms hadn't covered it up quickly, the current Chaos God Realm might have died suddenly.

In this area, it is still within the scope of the evil king, so the clone can still be effective. After leaving the scope, the strength will drop significantly. After all, the five degenerations of heaven and man are not complete, and the merit giant is too big to enter, otherwise the signal Under coverage, there is no need to worry about the decline in strength.

After Su Shan and the other five people escaped, all of them had cold expressions on their faces.

"These two people are just the incarnation of the flesh and blood extraterrestrial demon. I never thought that they could have such powerful power." Su Shan also did not expect this.

"The other party is just taking advantage of you and me when the five of us are exhausted. If it were the heyday, I could keep these two people alone." Heicheng said angrily.

This is true, but the two sides are enemies, and they must take advantage of the opponent's weakness to attack. You can't wait until the other party recovers and make the other party ready before attacking, right? This kind of person has died a thousand and eight hundred times.

"If they could practice martial ethics, why would they come to invade us?" Li Ying sneered.

They actually do things like sneak attacks and taking advantage of others' misfortunes, but every time they do it, they have a sense of righteousness, which makes it difficult for people to find reason, or maybe no one knows when they do it.

They are all very particular people. Although they are shameless, they maintain their fig leaf very well.

Most of their righteousness is for their own ethnic group, but they only value the evaluation of their own ethnic group, and do not care much about the evaluation of other ethnic groups.

"If you don't give up, you can merge the demon and ghost clans with my human clan to avoid being defeated by these four extraterrestrial demons one by one." At this time, Su Shan invited.

They will unite when a foreign enemy causes losses to their common interests.

Nowadays, the human race is the most powerful. If they refuse, then the human race will definitely not be destroyed first.

"Since you sincerely invite me, I would be disrespectful if I refused." Heicheng immediately expressed his position. Even if Su Shan didn't mention it, he and Scrophulariaceae would have made this request.

Save your life, don't be arrogant.

Fortunately, Su Shan was sensible enough and extended the invitation directly, thus avoiding any unnecessary twists and turns.

It is indeed best for the human race to speak. If the demon and ghost tribes speak, it will lead to deepening conflicts at the bottom, but conflicts will definitely be inevitable after the merger.

It's just that in the face of righteousness and the general situation, even if it is deep hatred, you have to endure it.

The three parties soon parted ways. Heicheng and Scrophulariaceae wanted to go back and migrate their people to the human territory.

"Why can we take the initiative without waiting for the two of them to speak?" Yin Lu asked with some confusion.

"Too much is not enough. Suppressing it can indeed succeed, but it will inevitably leave a grudge in the heart. This grudge is the root of disaster. Once something happens, guess what will happen to the demon and the ghost?" Su Shan asked back.

"Rebel at the first opportunity." Li Ying said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if we let him take a step forward by retreating. The initiative is still in the hands of the human race. They can only choose to stay low and be small, and it also looks good to everyone." Su Shan said that this time they did not lose much at all. , at most, it is a loss of an opportunity to show off one's power.

However, to show off power to two aliens who are both in the Ancestral God Realm at this critical moment would be a bit disregarding the overall situation.

It's not worth it for this little thing.

"This is because I am narrow-minded." After hearing this, Yin Lu didn't worry about why he didn't see it. It's not a big deal if he didn't see it. If he has this time to regret, he might as well seize more time to recover.

"You are so humble. You are not narrow-minded. You see much more clearly than we do." Su Shan smiled and then left to recover.

Yin Lu ignored these and went to recover on his own, leaving Li Ying alone, smiling and not knowing what he was thinking.

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