Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 839 God-killing, the price of hunting

Song Qiao climbed up with difficulty, a rare smile on his face.

He never thought he could succeed.

After five days, he finally arrived at his destination. The plan was for three days, but he still overestimated his body.

Then, he met the monster he was going to hunt, and received good news.

There was a fight between this monster and another monster. The other monster was defeated and fled back. When they met, they were already in a near-death state.

But even if he was on the verge of death, it was not something an old and frail human like him could handle.

Fortunately, he used up one grenade and five bullets, and after giving the opponent a slap on his tail, he successfully sent the monster away.

He was seriously injured by that tail, with broken bones, burning pain in his internal organs, and even his vision was a little blurry. Fortunately, it didn't matter, he headed towards the monster's body.

"It must succeed!" He roared in a low voice.

As long as he successfully obtains the god-killing power from the monster's body, he will be able to recover immediately and even possess powerful power.

He started to act according to the records in his mind, and he vaguely saw the monster corpse in front of him begin to collapse, and a stream of cool air poured into his body.

The various injuries on his body recovered quickly at this moment.

The old body is also returning to its youth, and the spirit that has long disappeared is also returning bit by bit.

The whole process didn't end until the monster's corpse was completely reduced to dust.

At this time, Song Qiao had transformed from an old man into a strong young man, with strength far beyond that of ordinary people.

"Low-level monsters may no longer be my opponent." A glimmer of light flashed in Song Qiao's eyes.

He had never felt in such good condition, even when he was young, he did not have such energy.

Now he is completely able to kill a low-level monster without taking any damage. As for the high-level monster, forget it. They are huge and cannot be shaken by him at all.

"Then what happens next..." Song Qiao was thinking about what to do next.

At the beginning, what he wanted to do was to return to the village and help others obtain the god-killing power.

But as soon as this idea came up, the images of those people escaping and the words of trusting the wisdom of future generations came to mind, and I became very angry.

With this kind of character, what would happen even if they really gained the power to kill gods?

Are you going to fight the monsters or find a better environment to survive?

Song Qiao preferred the latter. If he really had the courage, he wouldn't dare to do anything.

"Forget it, wait until I improve a little more, then it's not too late to go back to the village." Song Qiao understood that if his strength was not enough to suppress them, he would probably be overthrown by them.

Only with enough force can they be forced to follow him to take risks and kill monsters, so as to take back the human territory from the monsters. Otherwise, if they really rely on themselves, they will not only be held back, but may even... betray him.

They are united when they are weak, but after they have sufficient strength and interests, it is not impossible to fall apart. It is not that they have no ambitions, it is just that they cannot support their ambitions.

"Cleaning out all the monsters around the stockade can also make the stockade safer." Song Qiao thought of this immediately.

"I don't know where the monster that is fighting with this monster is. The opponent must also be seriously injured."

After Song Qiao was strengthened by the power of killing gods, not only did his body become stronger, but he also became sharper and smarter, and even his brain became much easier to use.

Although the monster he met was seriously injured and on the verge of death, it was able to escape smoothly. This shows that the other monster must also be seriously injured. Otherwise, how could this monster be allowed to escape? It would have been killed long ago.

Therefore, he could judge that the other monster was probably having a hard time, and if he could find it, he would definitely be able to reap the benefits.

This made him think.

Who wouldn’t want to get something for free?

"The traces are still very fresh. Maybe there is still a chance to find them." Song Qiao carefully looked at the surrounding situation and quickly found some clues.

A smile appeared on his face: "Okay, okay, really good!"

Following the traces, he found some blood stains, which showed that he was not looking in the wrong direction. If he was lucky, he would be able to find another seriously injured monster step by step.

As long as he uses the power of killing gods to rob away the power of that monster, he will be in an invincible position when facing low-level monsters.

The premise is that there cannot be too many, otherwise he will be piled to death. The main reason is that it takes time to recover the power of monsters through the power of killing gods. There is no way to support war with war, which makes him a little regretful.

At the same time, he also complained about why Wang Linchi couldn't improve the looting speed. This was really inconvenient.

Three months passed by. On the first day of Song Qiao's disappearance in the village, it indeed caused a lot of panic. You didn't need to think about it to know that the other party must have practiced the so-called god-killing power.

However, after two or three days, it quickly calmed down. Mainly because nothing happened and everyone just treated Song Qiao as dead outside.

This is also a good thing for the village, at least it saves one ration.

They couldn't afford to drive people out to starve to death, but they couldn't afford much either.

Song Qiao left on his own, which barely relieved some of the pressure on everyone.

Then the days passed and it was still very miserable.

Until today, the peace was broken. Song Qiao, who everyone thought was dead, came back. Not only was he not dead, he actually used the power of killing gods to rob the monster of its power, and he was rejuvenated and returned to his original youthful appearance.

This made everyone stunned, and they couldn't believe that the other party could actually succeed.

After understanding the cause and effect, many people were secretly regretful in their hearts. If they had known that the monster was seriously injured, they should not have refused in the first place, then they would have been able to obtain this magical power.

It's a pity that only hindsight can tell, I already knew it was hard to buy with money.

Everyone smiled happily when they heard that Song Qiao came back to help them gain the power of monsters.

Everyone praised Mr. Song for his righteousness, and all the previous matters were thrown into the rubbish heap.

"It's just that I have something to say first." Song Qiao glanced at everyone with an indifferent expression: "I will help you use the power of killing gods to rob the monsters of their power. You must hunt monsters with me and kill these monsters that occupy our home. Almost exhausted.”

This sentence poured a lot of cold water on everyone who was originally excited. It was simply too embarrassing to have to fight monsters.

In the minds of most people, this kind of thing should be free, so why should there be conditions.

However, due to Song Qiao's force, no one dared to express dissatisfaction.

"Then... what if I was killed by a monster?" Someone timidly asked this question.

Song Qiao looked at him like a fool: "If you are killed by a monster, of course you will die. What else do you want?"

"I..." The other party hesitated for a moment, glared at Song Qiao, and finally did not dare to speak.

Song Qiao understood what he was thinking, which was simply that he wanted to force himself to withdraw his conditions by making himself responsible.

"If you want strength, come with me and kill the enemy. If you don't want to kill the enemy, just wait for death."

"Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky. Do you want strong power without giving anything? Just go to sleep, you will have everything in your dreams." Song Qiao said forcefully.

Since his last request was rejected, he has understood that he is a minority. As a minority, if he wants to control the majority, in his situation, he can only rely on force to divide.

"Mr. Song, how about you give us some time to think about it?" Someone made a suggestion.

"Okay." Song Qiao was not an unreasonable person. He agreed immediately, but gave a time limit: "Tomorrow morning, if you are willing to follow me to kill monsters, I will take them away. If you don't want to, you can Just stay in the village and fend for yourself."

This made everyone a little commotion. Some people said that the time was too short, some said that they could not ignore it, and some shouted that with great power comes great responsibility.

But Song Qiao didn't care at all, turned around and left directly.

He didn't want to waste time arguing with them. These people still haven't understood the situation.

This was probably a convention left to them by those with superpowers. People with humanoid looks and powerful powers were at the lowest end of the discrimination chain.

They are afraid of monsters because monsters are not human beings, but psychics and Song Qiao are human beings.

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