Atelis had a pretty face. As the black-haired youth said, she sat down solemnly. After everything was quiet, Atelier took out the documents she had already prepared, and thought of a picture in her mind, Atter Lisi is commercially or fairly talented, but she really has no political experience, and she cannot draft a copy that can reflect the authority of the sectarian in a short period of time and needs to be able to use the interests to pull the attributive forces into battle. The document of the car, this document is naturally from the hands of black-haired youth

|"You have to let these families die to you, not to the House of Kens. You have to establish the authority of your Ateliers, not the authority of the House of Kent." Pass it to yourself, and you smiled indifferently at the corner of your mouth and said, "Did you think about it? You still have the opportunity to regret it. If you meet with the major families, there is no possibility of looking back."

"I don't have a chance to look back anymore" Atelis smiled wryly. If it was just to smash the alliance's conspiracy, now it is such a big move, not only to counter the alliance, but also to attract other families and the Southern Alliance. The chambers resisted, and even condensed the hearts of the considerable Kentham family at the back. At this moment, she had no turning back. If she succeeded, the people who were willing to follow her behind would naturally rise, and she would naturally become Kentham. The heir of the family, if she backed down now, the biggest possibility is that after the people who gathered their pretty faces collapsed, after the family returned to the south, her chance of being kicked out of the core of the family power was 100%. The result is either to be imprisoned or to be married away

Because in any case, the family will not let Alice stay in the family

"Time is tight, and I'm busy. I don't like someone to intervene when I talk." Atelier coughed dryly, withdrawing her thoughts from her thoughts, and slowly speaking, the voice was full of undoubted arrogance and murderousness. , The benefit is like a knife just out of the sheath. On this slender and weak woman, for the first time, each family felt a kind of unpretentious, flowing pressure

Everyone dared not speak. In the entire tent, there was only the sound of Atelier opening the file. This feeling was not a bad thing for the major families. When the alliance gave up to the Kentham family, These families have also sent people to look at the situation in Fury Fortress. Now the Kentham family has turned over in one fell swoop. If they retaliate against them, they are also choking. Most of them are small and medium-sized families. They originally thought that the alliance had an absolute advantage and followed The checkpoint at the back of the alliance is cheap. Who knows but sees a Jedi counterattack. After hearing the family members who came back to tell the whole process, most of the family patriarchs were silent for more than ten seconds.

"The five-thousand alliance forces have not been able to support even for an hour, and the fighting power of the imperial team is really too cruel."

"That woman is too ruthless. In front of all the families, he cut off the head of the Confederate Francisk, the former Kentham commander of the Union Army. Who dares to block such a ruthless person, if it is an unhappy Kill all our clan, where are we going to call injustice?"

The amount of information here is a bit large. For these clunky families, I never imagined that it was such a three-day period that the situation was abrupt, and then the Kentham family went north with the help of the empire. The ferocity of the imperial army, where these families still have the courage to resist. Before the army of the Kentham family arrived, they immediately sent someone to explain "The incident of the angry eyes is really not related to us. We also received the alliance. They were sent by Yan Ling, otherwise the four marquis families in the south of the palace would dare to have such courage."

"Everyone, is there anything else that needs to be revised for this joint statement?"

After reading the drafted document, Atelier sat on the seat with a calm look, but her pupils gradually shrank, and the atmosphere in the tent was much looser now.

Although many family members dare not talk about it, they have already looked at each other. Is this the joint agreement that the Kentham family took out for everyone to sign? No, I don’t see any traces of taking advantage of everyone’s advantage. It’s fair and just. It’s an outrageous convention. It will not change the current status of major families. It even constrains the sovereign power of some of the Kentham family. If this agreement is followed, even if the Kentham family really becomes the new royal family of Erow, it will only be more beneficial to everyone.

"Miss Atelis, please excuse me, is the Kentham family really willing to restrict their rights as suzerain?" An old aristocrat of the family was cautious and asked a few questions about the agreement boldly All of the major families are more concerned about it. Atelis has given appropriate answers. When it comes to the future of the family, even if they are facing the strong Atelis, they can only ask clearly. This joint agreement is, in a way, a deed of covenant. Once it is signed and released, it represents the separation from the Southern League. In fact, all families have made the worst plan. If the Kentham family really demands it They fought against the Alliance, they might be at a critical time,

But the agreement in front of them really shocked them.

"You, the Kentham family was originally from the south, or because of chance, you will become the new royal family in the Eero region, but the Kentham family still regards itself as a southerner and still regards you as the most esteemed friends of the Kentham family. For friends, shouldn’t it be mutual respect? Atelis’ eyes flickered, of course, knowing why these people are so sly, with a light smile on the corner of his mouth,

In the eyes of everyone, this smile is full of true king style

"Miss Atelis, you are a real person from the Kentham family." The elder aristocrat's face turned red with excitement. Behind him, a dozen family members in the south receded like a tide. People dare to stand in front of Atris's sight. There was even someone in the crowd who bent down deeply and bowed to Atris, who nodded solemnly in return.

"The effect is really unexpectedly good. At least in the hearts of the families, they have already seen their kindness, so the next negotiation will reduce a lot of obstacles." Atelier looked relaxed, and was very satisfied with the smoothness of the situation in front of her 1 , She did not expect that it would proceed so smoothly,

"If there is no opinion, in the afternoon, we will sign the joint declaration"

Atelier rolled up the document and stood up. This document was written in the name of the Kentham family, and it was completely from the standpoint of the Kentham family, so the suzerains mentioned inside were all Kentah. Mu, Atelis is confident that even if she puts it in front of her father, she will not pick out a little bit of questions about herself

If someone holds this agreement as a handle for attacking other families in the future, then the other party will definitely find it very speechless. There is no one at all related to her Atelier. Of course, these are black-haired youths. The wisdom is that things like agreements are generally written on documents, but if you really want to make a secret contract, you will only verbally, never fall on the pen, and the secret contract on the pen is not a secret contract. What you are signing is a secret contract. As for the agreement, it is just a piece of paper used to display when necessary. It really makes others die to you, only for the benefit, and it has nothing to do with a piece of paper."

At noon, Atelier visited each family separately, and in a camp, the old nobleman who questioned in the morning stared at a red file in his hand, his fingers trembling slightly, and he resumed calm after a short breath. , And tried hard to suppress the inner excitement, carefully asked, "Miss Atelis, is this document real?" The old man had to be excited, it was really terrifying, saying that it is not an exaggeration to drop pies in the sky. What this document means is a new era for his entire family

"Yes, there are seals signed by the Ministry of Justice personally, and signatures are signed, you should also know, Minister of the Ministry of Justice Hu Keqili" Atelier nodded, she had seen four before, So the excitement of the old aristocracy has been adapted a lot. I saw that she said softly, "With this document from the Ministry of Justice as a record, the people of your family can be unimpeded in the northern area of ​​Eero. Of course, the premise is that your family must join My Brutoga Chamber of Commerce, because your Excellency should also see the joint signature on the document, it is my Brutoga Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Justice signed together

This is a super big egg sent by black-haired youth to Atris

The previous agreement was signed only to go to these families who belonged to the alliance led by the Kentham family, and it was quite fair and just. In contrast, some of the clauses signed by the southern alliance were very unreasonable, and this incident of self-reliance in Burrow , Revealing the ugly face of the Southern League’s use of force to interfere in the family’s internal affairs

And the latter is what really makes these families willing to support the hard currency of Atelis

Take the Brugato Chamber of Commerce under the sole control of Atris as the carrier. To bring these families into the chamber of commerce, and what the empire paid was just to give the Brutoga Chamber of Commerce a certain cheap right, and at the same time, you can use the Brutoga Chamber of Commerce line to really support it in Southero A pro-imperial force group, from this moment, the Brutoga Union Chamber of Commerce has nothing to do with the Kentham family. Only Atrius has the power of the chamber of commerce, and there is no Kentham family.

"Miss justice, I have already felt this morning, I did not expect there is such an honor to join the Miss Brutoga Chamber of Commerce"

The five members of the old aristocracy admired the land and laughed, and immediately decided to join the family’s Brutoga Chamber of Commerce. Compared with the Kentham family, the old aristocracy clearly believed in Atelis more. According to the document, the emperor Recognizing only the power of the Brutoga Chamber of Commerce in the north of Eero, including the right of passage, property ownership, and even the power to form the Yuanhai Caravan, etc.,

This is enough. The eyes of the old aristocracy are bright. What is important is that they can set up an industry in the north of Eero. This is basically a deformation that allows them to continue to operate in the south. The strength of the industry, the purchase of the industry, the north is fertile and fertile. Except for those big families who are not rigid, who is not interested, let alone, this is a great opportunity for them to break free from the suppression of the big families in the south, because these big families in the south There is nothing in the north of Eero. There is only an empire in the north of Eero, and the big family in the south can bully them. Can they also oppress them in the north?

It took less than one noon, and more than a dozen families secretly joined the Brutoga Chamber of Commerce. In addition, according to the proposals of the old nobles, according to their respective strengths, they injected considerable funds, and the Brutoga Chamber of Commerce also changed to cloth. At one noon, Rutoga Union Chamber of Commerce not only signed the membership documents of all these families, but also received funds from the Chamber of Commerce for a total of more than three million imperial gold. Even Alice herself was terrified. She really didn't expect that these small, grass-rooted small and medium-sized families could still come up with so much money. In this way, Atelier walked happily to the black-haired youth.

The dark-haired young man stood on a slope, and in the distance was an endless fir forest. The trees were so tall, lush, and magnificent, like selected soldiers. Layers of blooming flowers are generally pressed against the broad trunk of the fir forest. Feather-like clusters of white flocs are coiled in the middle of the twigs. The wind from the plains blows through, and the flaccid white flocs fall with the wind.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the dark-haired young man withdrew his gaze from the soaring white catkins in the distance, and said with a smile, "It is far beyond my expectation to see such a view in the south of Eero. I originally thought I watched it for a few more days, but I’m afraid it won’t work now. I just got the news that another 30,000 troops of the Southern Alliance have left the Valley City.”

"An additional 30,000 people have been added!" Atris's face, which was still full of joy, could not help changing. She was uncomfortable with the military, which did not mean that she could not see it. This time the empire sent 20,000 troops, and in order to maintain Surrounded by the city of Roshny, the strength that can be mobilized is probably not even up to 15,000, and the front of the alliance is 30,000 troops, and now it is 30,000. The strength of the two sides is almost 4 to 1, even if How can the imperial team be able to fight, in front of such a huge disparity, I am afraid that it will not be able to bear it. Isn't the great situation in front of me just give up like this?

"The Alliance once again transferred 30,000 people, and there were only 20,000 people in the Valley of the Valley. Are they not afraid..." Atelier took a deep breath and paused for a while, she had wanted to say that the Alliance was not afraid of the Empire going south ? But I couldn't say anything at the edge of my mouth, but I am a southerner, why can't I say that the empire went south!

"Haha, the Alliance is of course afraid of the empire going south, but if the empire is temporarily unable to go south, for example, the nobles familiar with the route told the emperor in the middle that the south had a plague because of flooding, or the road was washed by the flood and needed time to repair. , After a few days, will the alliance have time?" The dark-haired youth gazed at the distance with a flash of cold, and his mouth slightly flicked.

"You mean, my father..." Atelis' face turned suddenly white, and the noble factions in the middle are now headed by Kentham's horse, and the empire goes south. These noble factions must be the pawns of the horse. The best person for this, and if there is no approval or acquiescence from the Kentham family, who dares to do so! Everyone is a southerner, who can cheat! 2k reading network

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