Who's Still Chasing Her After Rebirth?

Chapter 243 Fate and Destiny

Xu Ye had only seen this kind of thing on TV before.

He didn't expect that someone could actually do this in reality.

He was stunned for a long time and then said: "Are you being childish?"

Zhao Ming smiled and said: "You don't know that if you can get the resume from me, everyone is actually very good. They are guaranteed to be top students who graduated from 985211. However, in a large company like ours, the positions are very limited. Even if one person is If the interview goes on, more than 95% of the people will be eliminated in the end, so don’t be too offended, I’m just saving time.”

What Zhao Ming said was true.

Large companies have several rounds of interviews, and people who can participate in interviews with companies like Lisheng Capital will have good academic qualifications and quality. However, Zhao Ming's approach still feels a bit ridiculous to Xu Ye.

After Xu Ye took a look in the trash can, he walked forward and picked it up again. After casually looking through a few resumes, he sat back on the sofa and said with a smile: "Then you are busy with your business. I will take a look at it. I will be with you at noon." Let’s have a meal here.”

"No problem."

Zhao Ming hung up his work badge and said with a smile: "After staying abroad for a few years, I am not used to anywhere after returning to China. Only my eating habits have adapted to it all at once. Let me tell you, the food in those high-end restaurants abroad , it looks good, but actually tastes worse than Shaxian snacks. When I have no appetite abroad, I always use Laoganma for meals.”

"I do know that some roadside stalls serve delicious food. If you have time another day, I'll invite you to eat."

"Haha, interesting enough."

Xu Ye looked through the resume in his hand and asked, "Don't you have any partners abroad?"

Zhao Ming shrugged and said, "We had a relationship the first year we went abroad, but we broke up not long after."


"I couldn't hold it anymore. Foreign students are too wild. She was quite innocent at the beginning. Later I found out that I was her seventh boyfriend, so I broke up with her immediately."

Xu Ye became interested and asked interestingly: "Is it true or false? Is there any woman that Mr. Zhao can't hold?"

"Brother looks very carefree, but in this aspect, I am actually quite careful."

"You're bullshit."

Zhao Ming rolled his eyes: "If you don't believe me, I'll knock you down a few times."

Xu Ye asked: "What about after that? Don't tell me, we haven't talked about it since."

"Not really."

Zhao Ming explained: "There are many girls chasing me, but their motives are not pure. I don't dare to provoke them. Once provoked by girls like them, they can't get rid of them."

Xu Ye believes this.

But Xu Ye still joked: "I see you are dressed so coquettishly today, you don't like men, do you?"

"Well, yes, I like you."

"Fuck! I'm disgusted."


There was a burst of laughter in the office, and everyone passing by outside frowned, thinking: What happened to Mr. Zhao today? You usually look lazy, why are you so happy today?

Xu Ye put the resumes he had read one by one on the sofa. It wasn't until he saw the work resume of a person named Lu Cheng that he folded his resume together and put it in his pocket.

Large companies have no shortage of these talents.

But Xu Ye is lacking.

Zhao Ming didn't notice Xu Ye's movements at all, but even if he saw it, he wouldn't say anything. Anyway, the resumes he threw into the trash can were already passed in his mind.

"Then when did you talk about it?"

"Before college."

Xu Ye quickly smiled and said: "If you want to date someone, I can also introduce you to a few."

However, Zhao Ming immediately shook his head and said: "Put it down. A person can be freer. Once he falls in love or gets married, he will be chained. If you can live happily for a few years now, live happily for a few years."

"You are very enlightened."

"That's for sure."

The two stayed in the office all morning. At noon, Zhao Ming took Xu Ye to the company cafeteria for dinner. The food in the cafeteria of a large company really didn't taste good. Xu Ye ate two bowls of rice and drank a bowl of winter melon. Spare ribs soup.

After coming out of the cafeteria, Zhao Ming sent Xu Ye downstairs to the company. After watching Xu Ye drive away, Zhao Ming also returned to the company with a smile.

After returning to the school dormitory.

Xu Ye took out the folded resume from his pocket.

This boy named Lu Cheng has a very good resume.

He is twenty-nine years old this year and graduated from the National People's Congress. He is still employed, and the company he works for is also a relatively large investment company.

Both during college and after graduation, his resume is perfect. It can be said that he is a very rare talent.

Xu Ye read his resume several times, and after six o'clock in the afternoon, which was when he got off work, Xu Ye took the initiative to call him.

The call was quickly answered.


"Hello, are you Lu Cheng?"

"It's me, you?"

"My name is Xu Ye. You definitely don't know me, but I regret to inform you that you have been passed by Lisheng Capital's HR."

After a brief silence, the other end said: "Okay, I understand, thank you."

"Wait a minute, I'm not from Lisheng Capital. I called you because I read your resume and thought it was excellent. I now have an idea to start a business, so I called you. I want to ask you, would you like to do it with me? "

After hearing that the other party didn't say anything for a long time, Xu Ye quickly added: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a liar. If you have time, we can meet."

Lv Cheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't know whether he was hot-headed or what, but he actually agreed: "Okay."

Xu Ye quickly asked: "Then when are you free?"

Lv Cheng looked at the traffic on the road blankly, and murmured: "Now."

Xu Ye raised his hand to check the time, and immediately stood up and said: "I'll add you on WeChat, you send me the address, I'll go to find you now."

Lv Cheng: "Okay."

Although the scale of the company where Lu Cheng is currently employed is not as large as Lisheng Capital, it is also quite strong. The main reason why he wants to change jobs is that he was maliciously suppressed by his leaders in the company.

A year ago, an investment project he participated in achieved great success. As the main participant of the project, he should have been rewarded by the company and might even be promoted because of the project. However, he did not expect that the credit for the project was ruthlessly snatched away by his immediate superior. He was indignant and went to a higher level leader to argue, but he was scolded.

After the incident spread in the company, his colleagues not only did not sympathize with him, but deliberately alienated him.

The leader suppressed him everywhere.

Working in such an environment is the real torture.

Therefore, Lu Cheng submitted his resume to Lisheng Capital. When he heard that he had been passed just now, Lu Cheng felt very uncomfortable because he felt that he was rejected again.

But fortunately, Xu Ye's later words made Lu Cheng feel a little comforted, which is why he agreed to meet Xu Ye.

Forty minutes later.

In front of a coffee shop near Yangpu Bridge, Yangpu District.

Xu Ye finally met Lu Cheng.

When Lu Cheng saw Xu Ye, he was very surprised. He didn't expect Xu Ye to be so young. He even regretted agreeing to meet Xu Ye.

But what he didn't know was that his life would change on this day.

Zhao Ming threw his resume into the trash can. This was his luck.

And Xu Ye picked his resume out of so many resumes thrown into the trash can. This was his fate.

First fate, second luck, third feng shui.

Fate, fate.

Fate always comes before luck.

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