Who’s The Boss?

Chapter 410: Auntie, are you Joice's mother?

Listening to the peaceful tone, the solemnity of the words is not modified.

Isn't this an implicit warning?

Mu Xinan nodded slowly, expressing his understanding, with a bit of guilt in his heart, but apart from nodding, he could not find other more suitable words, nor did he have any position to add to his beak.

At this moment, Song Wan got out of the car in the open-air parking lot not far ahead.

Song Wan stopped by the car because he had already seen Yu Tingchuan.

When Mu Xinan found his wife holding the car door, Yu Tingchuan by his side naturally paid attention.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, the lights outside the hotel were bright.

On the roads and streets, the lights of the passing cars are shining, which is a constant stream.

Mu Xinan saw Song Wan's expression clearly, it was hesitating to speak but hesitated. He wanted to know what was hindered by Yu Tingchuan's presence, so he didn't come forward directly.

The sound of insects faintly sounded in the flowerbed beside it.

Accompanied by Yu Tingchuan’s mellow magnetic male voice: “According to the blood relationship, Professor Mu’s wife is the mother of Allure, I also want to honor her as mother-in-law, but this affection is too weak, causing my wife or her mother. No one wants to look back and cherish the memory."

The words Yu Tingchuan said were polite and straightforward.

Because of this straightforwardness, it makes it easier for the other party to fall into a state of speechlessness.

Yu Tingchuan’s tall and straight back silhouette was projected on the floor-to-ceiling glass of the hotel, and was also reflected in the dim lights. His voice came again: “Sometimes, whether it’s a loved one or a loved one, keeping a proper distance is good for each other. Way of getting along."


Song Qingcheng drank half a cup of milk, his movements were a bit gentle.

Perhaps it was because I was thinking of other things in my heart.

She put the cup back on the coffee table, just like some kind of psychological induction, suddenly raised her eyes, and she really saw Yu Tingchuan stepping into the sofa area.

For a man like Yu Tingchuan, by his age, what attracts attention is no longer the appearance.

"I just planned to call you." Song Qingcheng spoke first.

"Go to see off the guests."

It's self-evident who sent it.

Song Qingcheng watched Yu Tingchuan standing in front of the coffee table and asked, "Are pregnant women have a bad temper?"

Yu Tingchuan smiled: "Who gave you this pregnant woman advice?"

"No." Song Qingcheng said truthfully, "I just feel that he was too mean to speak just now."

She retracted her gaze and looked at the bank card and house purchase certificate on the coffee table: "Even if my mother and I are incompatible with others, we shouldn't be angry with others. Maybe he can be regarded as an inducement, but in the final analysis, he doesn't owe me anything, he doesn't. Forcing that person to conceive and give birth to me, and did not instigate that person to not want me, I can alienate him in attitude, but I am not qualified to be ridiculed."

Without Song Wan, she and Mu Xi Nan would be unrelated strangers.

"Actually, even without him, that person would marry another man."

Song Qingcheng spoke slowly, her expression a little sad, but this sadness was full of piercing: "I always think she will remarry. She will not die alone for the sake of her children. This attitude towards Mu Lai's father may be Because of jealousy, jealous of the gentleness and affection that the man showed to his daughter."

Having said this, Song Qingcheng's mouth was slightly bent.

She turned her head and looked at Yu Tingchuan's gaze more than dependent: "I think so now, is it erratic?"

Yu Tingchuan didn't speak immediately, but just raised his hand to bring her head over and let her lean against him, just like this, gently gathering the back of her head, showing warmth in his movements.

Over Song Qingcheng's head, a man's voice was heard: "Being emotional, it means that he is still a normal person."

Her cheek was pressed against the shirt in front of Yu Tingchuan.

Hearing his generous words of comfort, the haze that had haunted Song Qingcheng's heart faded away.

Song Qingcheng made no sound, but put his arms around Yu Tingchuan's waist.


On Saturday, Song Qingcheng stayed in the hotel and did not go out, and no one came to look for her or Yu Tingchuan.

When Joice learned that he was going abroad for summer vacation, he sent Song Qingcheng a message on QQ at noon, asking if Song Qingcheng really wanted to go to Los Angeles with him?

Song Qingcheng replied "Yes".

Joice asked this, indicating that Mu's family knew that the child followed her to Los Angeles.

Thinking of Mu Guyue's previous attitude, coupled with Mu Qingyu's death, Song Qingcheng was curious, how did Yu Tingchuan say hello to the Mu family, so that the Mu family willingly entrust Joice to her?

Perhaps, as she thought, it was because of Yu Qidong.

Don't want the child to be in an awkward situation, so let her take the child away temporarily.

In the afternoon, Yu Tingchuan went to see a business friend in Beijing.

The local air in Beijing was not good. Song Qingcheng was pregnant, and it was inconvenient to travel, so he stayed in the hotel and took a nap.

After four o'clock, Song Qingcheng received another message from Joice.

Joice asked what she was doing.

"I just finished my nap, washing my face."

After returning the message, Song Qingcheng put the phone on the washstand and began to wash.

When she used a towel to dry the water stains on her cheeks, Joice's new message had popped up on the phone screen, and Joice asked her where she was staying.

The message was received six minutes ago.

Maybe because she didn’t reply, Song Qingcheng saw Joice’s explanation as soon as she unlocked her phone: “I don’t have to go to school today. Xiaopang and I are in the bookstore. The teacher asked us to read more books related to painting during the summer vacation, which will help us improve. Painting ability."

Joice's second message came in right away: "Now we are out of Xinhua Bookstore, and we still have a copy of "Watercolor Private Lesson", but it's still early, we plan to go to the bookstore in the mall again. "

Song Qingcheng finished reading and told Joice the name of the hotel.

Soon, Joice replied: "What a coincidence, we are nearby."

At the end is a blushing and smiling face.

Song Qingcheng glanced at this message, a little difficult to answer, he hesitated, but still obeyed his own ideas, typed and asked Joice: "Are there any adults around you?"

"No, we made an appointment by ourselves."

Joice’s reply expressed pride: “The school has provided IC cards for us before the holiday. It is only for students, and discounts are available for taking the bus.”

Song Qingcheng smiled and asked, "Where are you, I'll look for you."

Joice: "There is the sun outside now."

A few seconds later, Joice's message appeared in the dialog again: "I'll go find you."

Song Qingcheng was not at ease. Joice asked at this moment: "Aunt, can Xiaopang go with me?"


At 4:30 in the evening, Song Qingcheng met Joice at the entrance of the hotel.

At the end of June, the elementary school has already started holiday. Joice, like the other four children, wears summer school uniforms, and everyone is carrying a canvas tutoring bag. When seven or eight-year-old children pass through the open-air parking lot with childishness, Like a lively bird twittering.

The moment Joice saw Song Qingcheng, he was full of joy and ran over immediately.

Noting Song Qingcheng's stomach, Joice was careful not to bump into her, and then he gestured to her and told her that because Chubby was too hot and refused to leave, they had to pay 13 yuan to take a taxi.

Also, the final exam results have come out. He scored 98 in maths, but only 90 in Chinese.

When it comes to Chinese grades, Joice looks a little frustrated. He grew up abroad and can't speak, so he can't compare with other classmates in understanding Chinese.

But in Song Qingcheng’s view, it’s not easy for Joice to understand other people's Chinese through his lips. He must have worked a lot since he was a child. Now he is studying in a regular elementary school. He has worked hard not to lag behind other students too much. It is conceivable that Song Qingcheng smiled at the child's disappointed look, touched his head, and encouraged him: "I have done very well in the test. At that time, I could only score 70 in the Chinese test."

Before she finished her words, a childish male voice sneered: "Most of our classmates have scored 98 points in the Chinese test, and the little deaf person's score is the worst in our grade."

Song Qingcheng tilted his head and found that he was a chubby little boy.

The other party saw Song Qingcheng look over, curled his lips, and mumbled: "Don't think I don't know, the little deaf grandfather is very powerful, so he can enter our school, and because of this, he took the last place in the exam, Wang The teacher not only didn't criticize him, but also praised him for his hard work in class."

Joice turned his back to the boy, and didn't ‘hear’ the other party’s complaint.

"Are you chubby?" Song Qingcheng asked the boy.

When the boy heard the word ‘chubby’, his tanned round face became even hotter, and he grunted and retorted: "Who is chubby, my name is Liao Jiaxin."

Song Qingcheng had guessed earlier that Xiaopang should be Joice's nickname for him.

Now, hearing the depressed explanation from the other party, I suddenly wanted to laugh.

Just like this fat boy kept complaining about Joice there, Joice was not idle when he returned home. If at the beginning, Song Qingcheng was a little unhappy when she heard the words "little deaf man", but when she noticed that the other party was still Helping Joice carry the book bag, he didn't think about it anymore, just thinking about reminding him in time.

As the sun sets, the temperature outside is still high.

Song Qingcheng took the children into the hotel and chose a seat in the coffee shop on the first floor. Each one had a drink. Several children got their drink and immediately gathered together. They talked and talked about the surface temperature. Yes, some talk about Ultraman, and some talk about One Piece. Everyone's topic is different, but they still talk vigorously.

Joice sat on the sofa chair, holding a cup of banana milk, watching the lively scene of the students talking, and was in a very good mood.

During this period, Song Qingcheng texted Yu Tingchuan.

Knowing that Joice was with her, Yu Tingchuan only replied: "I will notify the Mu family."

In a very simple sentence, Song Qingcheng read full of trust.

A little boy wearing glasses looked at Song Qingcheng and saw her looking at her mobile phone. He curiously asked, "Auntie, are you Joice's mother?"

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