Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 27:Preparing For An Interplaner Trip

So, I have decided to go to the wormhole to the other world and find Vesperia and in so doing find Princess Krystal. However, before I go it is best if I prepare myself for a trip into a vastly superior world, in regards to technology anyway. Obviously first off I'll be needing razors and shaving cream. Next up would be make up. Finally, survival gear like a hunting knife, 30 yards of rope and a tent, preserved food, etc. I have no idea what to expect on the other side, nor how long I'll be there. Maybe some samples of precious metals and gemstones? We'll just have to go with the flow on this one. Whatever feels right will be done. The basics are decided, now to move forward with the plan!

The first thing on my list of things to do is to go and visit my master Maya and let her know about the whole alien virus meteor thing in 100 years. Let's get going to the dojo! Getting up and getting dressed, I head down stairs, and notice mom and dad have long since left for work. Getting into my baby, I started driving to the dojo. Before long I was there and found a place to park. Seeing Kevin guarding the entrance to the dojo, I gave him a warm smile to which he started shouting in excitement. "Everyone! Raven is here! Inform Grandmaster Maya at once!" Suddenly a commotion broke out as I headed in through the double doors. All of the disciples were huddled together near the entrance, and when I walked in, some of them broke into tears, and I was assaulted by a swarm of hugs and tears all around. Tearing up myself, I hugged everyone back, before Maya came rushing over and began to make her way through the crowd. Once my master was before me, I ended up breaking down, as the pressure of an entire world's fate seemed to be lifted off of me slightly. I have a great and mighty immortal master to help me with the future!

Gesturing to me to follow her to the grand hall and into her office, shortly it was just the two of us and she began to speak. "Raven, I am so glad to see you, but it seems that something greatly weighs on your mind. Please tell your master, and I shall help you if I am able." Sitting up straight and clearing my throat, I began to tell my master of my vision from the figure and their tale about 100 years from now. Once I finished, her face turned grave, and she nodded before standing up and saying to me in a calm steady voice, "This is quite serious. I am very glad that you have decided to confide in me. I am certain that you are not lying to me, and I am aware that extraterrestrial beings exist. In fact, I have dealings with some from the planet known as Varmuda, and the nation of Vesperia there of. I must convene with the Council of Immortals, and it seems that my dear grandfather must come out of his closed doors cultivation as this is a matter of utmost importance." However, as she said that a young man spoke up with a faint asian accent appearing out of thin air. "There is no need my dear Maya, as I have already heard the whole story first hand. This is a most grave matter indeed, and you are correct in that we must contact the Council of Immortals immediately. This concerns the fate of our world after all. I also approve of you seeking aid from Vesperia. Such a thing will certainly advance our society rapidly, especially if their magic and the System of theirs are implemented in our world of Earth. Young Raven, I am aware that you have joined the Long Clan, and must implore that in place of my granddaughter that you go to Vesperia to seek aid." Smiling in excitement and immense relief, I nodded before adding, "No problem, I was just going to suggest that. In fact, as it so happens, I happen to be on a first name basis with the Princess of Vesperia and know the location of a wormhole that leads to the planet of Varmuda. I need to know what I should bring with me for such a trip."

Smiling in satsisfaction at my words, my master and her grandfather looked at each other thoughtfully before nodding. My master then began to elaborate on what to expect in Varmuda, and Vesperia. "That world is a scifi/fantasy world with many races straight out of scifi and fantasy novels. Their technology far outstrips are by thousands of years so don't go expecting to trade tech for tech. To top it off, they have a System there which allows people to grow stronger through leveling up and proficincies in skills. The max level of a race leads to the evolution of that person to a higher race, for example Human to High Human to Lesser God to Minor God to God to God King/Queen and finally from God King/Queen to God Emperor/Empress. After this final stage, all races become what is know as Transcendental Beings and can freely move through the cosmos without needing food, water, or air indefinitely for all of eternity. They become a true god as it were. However, there is one thing that this world is lacking and that is resources. As the population of immortals increases over there, the more resources they burn through and the less there are for the other people in the world. So, if you are going to trade with those people, precious jems and natural gases are a good start as well as food sources like seeds for planting and some samples of Earth's cuisines will be a good start. All in all, these are the things that I can tell you about the world and of what I can reccommend that you do going forward. Now it is up to you if you listen to my advice. Now go my disciple, you have much to do as the fate of the entire world is on your shoulders. Do not fail us, and don't worry for we have your back child."

Well that went much better than expected! My master and her grandfather gave me a large backpack loaded with precious gems like rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and even weirdly geodes. Apparently geodes are used in that world for charging spiritual energy, in other words spiritual batteries. Bowing deeply and thanking them for their help and generosity, I decided my next step. Before I even think about going through that wormhole, I need to go to Japan and meet with my boy the CEO in order to see his research and learn more of what he knows and what to expect going to Vesperia and the vaster world of that planet. I need to let my parents know that I need a passport so that I can make a trip to Japan, and I need to let them know that I actually plan to go there in the first place.

Now that that is settled, its time to contact Yusuke and let him know that I will be going to Japan to meet with him. Picking up my phone, I dialed out and after only two rings he picked up. "Hello Raven! I am so glad that you called! We have just made a break through in our research for connecting the real world with the game world and have had a major success. The thing is, well I will tell you when you get here as it is sensitive top secret information. I mean, you are coming to Japan soon right?" Laughing at the guys enthusiasm, I nodded my head before remembering that I am on the phone and said, "Yes sir. That is exactly why I have called you. I need to set up arrangements for a place to stay when I get to Japan, and I was hoping that you could help me. Also, I have other things to discuss with you when I have arrived. Things of a delicate and very important manner in fact. So, I would make sure that the people that you have around you when you arrive are people that you would trust with your life, because this is some top secret information that I am about to divulge to you. Anyway, I plan to leave for Japan tomorrow morning on the first flight, so can you make arrangements for me around that time schedule? If so that would be greatly appreciated." Getting more excited by the minute, Yusuke cheerfully agreed to my requests before saying that he would set everything up now.

Now that I have everything planned out, and some resources with which I may trade for the local currency in the other world, I am ready to go to Japan and meet with Yusuke, gain his support and learn what he has for me, and then make my way to Vesperia! With all of that in mind, I got onto my Viewtube account and made a video recording letting all of my fans know that I was going to Japan to further my career as an idol and meet with Yusuke. Lastly, I updated my novel with one chapter and smiled contentedly. Grabbing an energy drink, I savoured the flavor as I packed some clothes for the journey and some snacks and energy drinks as well. Who knows, maybe the Princess will end up liking energy drinks? Either way, I am ready to go. All of my things are packed, and I have already told my family. Let's give Mei a quick call to let her know that I will be gone for several months and not to worry. Other than that, everything is in order, now to press forward and save the world!

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