Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 3:Why Am I A Girl?!

My name is Jeff King and I am 18 years old today. Well, I should have been if not for that matter. What matter you ask? Well let's go back to early this morning...

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm goes off as another day begins for me. My name is Jeff King and I am a simple dishwasher at Klepstein Family Restaurant. Today happens to be my 18th birthday, and everything would have been running smoothly if not for this one major problem.. Breasts? Smooth thighs and an apple bottom?! I've clearly become a girl! And a gorgeous one at that if we are to just go off of my body type. Jumping out of my bed, I tripped on my pants on the floor before madly sprinting into the bathroom that's attached to my bedroom in my two story house. Skidding to a stop in front of the bathroom mirror, a slow gasp of air escaped my lungs as I saw myself in the mirror. Cold silver eyes, and slightly arched heroic eyebrows, long silver hair down to my waist, and a C cup bust roughly. Standing at just under 5 feet tall, I was a veritable bombshell of country destroying proportions. At that moment, I heard a voice in my head announcing something.

[Ding! Congratulations to Jeff King on successfully completing the genetic overwrite! You are now in possession of a perfect body with eternal youth and life, photographic memory, and instant mastery of anything that you wish to pick up and learn. In addition to these superhuman powers, you have an unparalleled luck and intelligence. That is all for this message. Please enjoy your new life to the fullest, and no, there is no system or status window! Good bye and good luck!]

Stunned into complete and total disbelief and shock, I found that I was unable to move from my position in the bathroom for a few minutes. This is bad, like really bad! How do I explain this to mom and dad? That I have somehow become a 15 year old or so silver haired peerless beauty? Little did I know that at this time, my parents were both staring at me in disbelief at my bedroom door and had seen the whole series of events. Feeling a gentle hand I my shoulders, I spun around only to see my mom looking at me with a tearful face full of joy. She then hugged me, and said, "I get to have a beautiful daughter? God is good to this family after all! No more useless son who works as a dishwasher! Honey, we'll do our best to give you the best future possible, but you must also work hard do you understand?" My jaw dropped at my mom's words as I realized that she had already understood what was happening without me explaining anything to her. I decided at that moment, that I would cast off the remaining vestiges of my male pride and embrace my new identity. From now on, my name is Raven King and my legend is only just beginning!

Clearing his throat behind us, my dad whispered in my mom's ear who looked at me and face palmed. Then she had me go sit on my bed as she ran out of the room. Returning a couple minutes later, in her hands were a few different bras. Feeling my face blushing crimson, I shakily grabbed onto them and followed my mom into the bathroom in order to try them on. Turned out that I was right and I am a C cup just like my mom. Grabbing more clothes from her room and having me try them on, she eventually had a decent outfit picked out for me, and it was decided that we were immediately going to the mall to shop for new clothes and undergarments for me. I agreed full of embarassment. Grabbing her purse, my mom grabbed onto my hand with a big grin on her face before saying, "Come on Raven, let's get going! There just happens to be a big sale on at the mall today and we mustn't miss any good deals okay?" Laughing at my mom's enthusiasm, I agreed with her and rushed out the door to her car and got into the passenger side. Let's go to the mall!

The mall we are heading to isn't a big and fancy place like you would usually expect when you think of a mall, but don't let it's lack of decoration and size fool you; the place is full of high end stores. Arriving in the mall parking lot less than 10 minutes later, my mom yelled at me to hurry as she began to madly sprint towards the door. Blushing in embarassment at her dramatic attitude and clear desire to make it in time for the sales, I hurried after her in my small little pair of leather boots. Reaching the inside of the mall, it was packed wall to wall with throngs of men being dragged by women and a large amount of teenage girls excitedly running around like their very lives depended on making it to the stores of their choice. Mall cops stood off to the side at the walls, looking like they were close to dying from being over worked and underpaid. One guard was on his knees panting, as he explained away something to his superior. Poor guy, it must have been hard for you huh? Anyway, I almost lost my mom there for a moment, let's press onto wherever she is leading me to.

Standing outside of a store with hordes of teenage girls lining up to enter, was my mom of course. Confused by the amount of girls who seemed desperate to enter, I turned to my mom and whispered my question in her ear. "Mom what is this store, and why do the girls look like they are ready to kill each other over pieces of clothes from here?" My mom sighed before looking at me with pity in her eyes and said, "Honey this place is a paradise for young women. This is the clothing store most sought after in the world, and is called Le Fleur. It is a French owned company, and all of their designs are absolutely to die for. In fact many women your dear mom's age buy clothing from this store as well. Every woman wants to look young after all right?" Nodding my head in agreement with my mom's statement, I found myself in awe at the girls who were ready to tear each other apart for these clothes. Realizing that I had to get in the middle of this mess with my mom, and come out unscathed, I sighed before grabbing my mom and telling her to stick close to me. Suddenly the staff member guarding the door gestured for us to enter, and all of the girls squealed in delight before beginning to stampede into the store. Darting through the chaos with my mom close to my side, I finally made it to a section that had clothing in my size and rapidly began to grab a shirt, before dashing over to grab undies and a bra. Finally finishing with pants and a purse in my hands, my mom stopped me before saying, "Honey, that's only one outfit, and you forgot about makeup and shoes!" Sighing in defeat, I darted back to the aisles with my size only to find them picked almost clean. Luckily I managed to find enough clothing for one more outfit, however the makeup were all cleared out completely, leaving nothing behind for anyone. Shaking my head in dissapointment, I finally made it to the counter for checkout, and placed my things on the belt. My mom hurried over with her credit card and purchased everything. Walking close to my mom's side again, we hurriedly left this hellish store. Le Fleur? More like Le Heill! After finding a small store dedicated to makeup, we grabbed what we needed and mom led me to the food court in order to refresh our energy reserves before leaving. After finishing a good plate of mall chinese food, mom and I finally left the mall.

Setting up my account name as TheRealRaven, I began to look up singing training videos on Viewtube in order to begin my practice for singing. Once I found one, I began to follow the instructions in the video and was shocked speechless as I was able to instantly master what was shown to me! The skill is real! I really do have instant mastery! This is great news! This means that when I make my debut on Viewtube, then I will gain many followers at once! Excited and full of enthusiasm, I began to look up popular anime songs with female singers and started to practice singing them. Once I had about half a dozen memorized, I opened up a recording for Viewtube, and titled my first video, "Newbie At Singing, Looking For Advice", ha ha ha this will be good! Laughing inside at how shameless my title was, I began to record. Fifteen minutes later I finished my first recording with a popular anime song thrown in for good measure as it was supposed to be a video where I seek advice from others after all. Getting up and stretching, I jumped up and down with excitement as I waited patiently for the first of my viewers to roll in. I believe I can do it! I will become rich and famous! Next on my list of things to do is to make a video where I simply talk to everybody and get to know them. I am so excited, that I can barely contain my enthusiasm. This will be so much fun, I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to my first video and I am looking forward to talking to everyone when I am able to do livestreams when my account has enough followers!

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