Why am i handsome again

Chapter 11 Unscrupulous

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "How am I so handsome? Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)"!After a night of greed...

Bai Chun wanted to cry a little, and the physique of a magician that had been treasured for nearly 20 years was lost...

However, at the same time, the red part of the red and blue balls that have been empty is also directly full, meeting the upgrade requirements.

Blue represents beauty and red represents body.

"Upgrading physical fitness, reaching level 1 full of energy!"

"Energetic at the first level,

Level 2 Dragon and Tiger,

Three-level Baijia Huizong,

Four levels of perception are subtle,

Five-level fighting Liger,

Six levels of movement take static and take movement,

Seven grades will not give birth to all diseases,

Eighth-level fairy wind bone,

Nine level dead but not stiff,

Tenth grade is not rot."

In the morning light, Bai Chun was lying on the bed, hugging her little girlfriend, feeling the abundant energy in her body, and had the urge to call Yunna up and fight her.

Think about it or forget it. After sleeping, I will have a PK in the Imperial City. If this thing is done, I feel like a brute.

Only he could see the red and blue balls in his heart, Bai Chun didn't even know if it existed, and when he reached out and touched it, everything went as usual.

"what happened?"

I don't know when Yun Na has already woken up, grabbing Bai Chun's hand and putting it on her heart: "Humph, big bad guy!"

"You scold me when you get up?" Bai Chun raised his eyebrows.

After the closest relationship occurred, Yun Na felt confident: "Just scold you! Big bad guy!"

"Hehe, I will tell you the beginning of the story today. The protagonist of the story is called Qin Mengyun..."

How could Bai Chun bear the insult of "Big Bad Boy" and drag her directly to the bathroom.


Everything changed overnight.

The two people who were only close at first became conjoined babies.

In different classes, ten minutes after class, they all run over to look for Bai Chun. How many people hold Bai Chun's arms in front of them, not caring about the eyes of the girls around them.

"Ahem!" Pang Dalong and two of them sat over.

Bai Chun felt helpless for a while: "Fat Long Sao Jie has no girlfriend yet, and they are all good people. If you have time, you can introduce them to them, so they will always look for me!"

"Okay, then Baichun, call me my dear!"


The two single dogs suddenly got a toothache. This is from taking dog food!

It's more than the two of them. The classmates who have been listening with their ears around, regardless of men and women, are suffering from pain.

It hasn't been three months since school started, and most of them are still single dogs. There are also a few high school children who just broke up and closed up. At this moment, when I saw this scene, I almost slapped the table angrily.

For boys, Yunna, a well-known beauty in the school who just killed the Quartet at the freshman party, has long been the goddess in many people's hearts. At this time, seeing her actively teasing Bai Chun, it is obvious that the school’s "cohabitation" news is true. Yes, I just want to get a bottle of ad calcium milk...

For girls, it is equally sad.8090 Chinese www.8090zw.com

Unlike those colleges of engineering and monks, the school of finance and economics has a fairly balanced male to female ratio. There are no ugly girls at the age of eighteen or ninety years old, but most of the boys are stupid and stunned. There are very few boys who can see.

Finally came out of Baichun, such a spirited little cabbage. All the girls in the class worked hard to protect them, for fear of being snatched away by those out-of-work and previous seniors, thinking about digesting them internally. Defending, it was still conquered by Yunna!

Is your chest puffed up?!

Bai Chun looked at the surrounding atmosphere, and didn't like the crookedness. The little waist in his arms was shot at the moment: "Don't make trouble, I'm serious, it's all my brothers, and I have proper attention."


The two single dogs immediately felt warm, and they were so touched that they wanted to kiss each other.


"Alright! I always remember! Big bad guy, don't want to coax people!"

Mouthful of dog food, the eyes of the two Pangda dragons trembled. They turned around for brotherhood, for fear that they would look forward to kiss Bai Chun and use their chastity to separate the dog and the man and woman.

Not far away, Luo Cheng clenched his fists under the table, watching Bai Chun gritted his teeth.

This kind of anger but nowhere to vent, even after drinking in the evening, it still did not disappear. After drinking with some of the "brothers" of the student union and returning to the dormitory, Bai Chun was actually in the dormitory. Simply use Jiu Jin to vent: "Bai Chun, come out!"

Bai Chun glanced at him: "Don't beep after drinking, this is not your home, don't go crazy!"

The attitude of ignorance made Luo Cheng angry even more. He wanted to be extremely chic after entering the school and easily entered the student union. He and the department leaders talked and laughed, and were valued everywhere. How could he ever experience such contempt?

In the past, Bai Chunzhen dared not give him face, and things were too big to deal with. Now when Jiu Jin came up, he didn't care at all: "You tm give me out! I today..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Bai Chunteng get up and walked over in two steps. Without listening to his cruel words, he just kicked over. There was a sudden pain in his waist, and he was kicked into the wide open corridor. Fell to the ground.

The surroundings were suddenly silent, and the noise in the dorms nearby disappeared instantly.

Bai Chun walked to the door: "Before you wake up, find a place to sleep by yourself!"

"!!! You tm!!!"

Sitting on the ground, after regaining consciousness for a while, feeling the strangeness of the surrounding dormitories, Luo Cheng's brain became hot once he got up, and he was about to hit Bai Chun.

Ever since I was young, how has I been wronged??

My parents have never hit me like this, why are you hitting me?

Even if you get drunk after school starts, make trouble in the dormitory, throw up in a few dorms, or even pee in the corner, no one will say anything, and honestly clean up the mess and coax yourself to sleep??

How come you are here, Bai Chun, dare to save my face?!

Luo Cheng, who was subjected to such insults for the first time, was both angry and clear-headed.

"I can't give in, or I'll lose face, and my classmates will definitely not watch. Then I will be dragged to the bed by them and I will put a couple of cruel words..."

The so-called drunk brain is bullshit. In fact, anyone who has drunk knows that as long as you are not drunk, your brain doesn't care much except that it is actually capable of thinking.

Luo Cheng is like that now.

But how could Bai Chun get used to his bear kid temperament? In this life, Bai Chun wants to do whatever he wants and live without any restriction!

Luo Cheng had a drink and didn't care about little things.

Bai Chun lives a lifetime, and there are more things he doesn't care about!

Xinshou grabbed his waving wrist and threw him to the ground directly. Bai Chun looked down at the face that had pitted him before stepping directly on it.

At this time, a few students from the surrounding dormitory had already come out, and wanted to come to support them.

Bai Chun glanced at them:

"Nothing to do with you!

Plus, Fat Dragon!

Help me get a basin of water!"

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