Why am i handsome again

Chapter 42 Drag Out to Sell Brothel!

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "How am I so handsome? Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)"!Perhaps because of the more experience, Bai Chun is tired of the polite greetings, and even the boring interpersonal communication is even more thoughtless. Perhaps just like this unconsciously named "Bai Wangji", he doesn't want to waste time on these tricks. on.

But it's not a true Buddhist and Taoist mentality. In trouble, it's not about having no contention or desire, but just wanting to slap the opponent to death, and the heart is actually very irritable.

The cousin who signed the contract with Xianyu pretends to be x in front of Bai Chun. Bai Chun is too lazy to get used to them, so he just lets him go, and then pulls black.

This is certainly offensive, but Bai Chun doesn't want to change his character.

There is no need to worry about the future. The other side sees you not because you are friendly and friendly, but because you can make money for the other side. When you work together in the future, it is great that the other side changes the contract contact person. Both parties will forget the unpleasantness.

Society is very realistic.

However, it seems that several platforms have raped each other. Tonight, I saw the potential shown by Bai Chun. Several websites sent Bai Chun satisfied conditions.

The salted fish directly pulled black and didn't look at it.

There are a large number of online and offline recommendations in the contract of Shang Ding. These are all drawing cakes, but the signing fee is good, the contract time requires two years, and the gift sharing is also good. In the industry, it can be called a "conscience", but Bai Chun is not satisfaction.

This is a somewhat reasonable time. After all, it takes time to make money by one person pushing the red, because it conflicts with Bai Chun's "one-year contract" requirement, and he took the initiative to increase the signing fee to 5 million.

Although this 5 million is restricted and paid monthly, it is possible that in the end, it may still be a few months' worth of salary, but it is not too small.

It's a pity that time is crippled, and there are still a few contract traps. Obviously, he still wants to be yin, Bai Chun is not ready to agree.

On the contrary, it is the contract of station p. In Bai Chun's opinion, although strict, it is more sincere.

One year contract, 4 million signing fee, more than 60 hours of live broadcast time per month, and recommended places are guaranteed, and even the "no black platform" treaty that Bai Chun is tired of has been cancelled. The gift sharing is actually with the first-line up anchor. Same, nothing special.

Think about it, too, if you are hacked by yourself, others will call you. If you block other people’s mouths, you are not black?

A sincere contract, sincere almost thought that the capitalists would not exploit people.

But after thinking about it, I understood.

Station p has never been able to live broadcast. This is its weakness. The top executives have always coveted the traffic of top anchors. Unfortunately, the anchors can't compete with those professional ones. The previous life was even willing to spend 50 million to sign up for a short-legged female anchor every year, which scared everyone in the industry .

50 million a year may be hype, but it is enough to explain some problems.

Lol is the handle area for live broadcasts. It has matured and cannot quickly seize traffic.Now it’s the asmr division of the face value. It’s the time when the crowds are competing. The 4 million one-year signing of Bai Chun does not seem to be a loss at station p. If you can put a label as the leader of asmr on station p at this time, you will be worth the ticket. Price.

After all, salted fish asmr sells meat and sells vip videos, it is not to be afraid; it is harder to get hurt, no one Bai Chun can fight like this, p station is really not sure.

As for the cat eggplant, it is not worth mentioning, it can not be on the table.

Bai Chun: "I will find a lawyer tomorrow to see the contract. If there is no trap, I can sign it."

Bargaining is boring, Bai Chun is so anxious to make this immediate amount of money, it really won't work a year later... I don't think he cares about this small amount of money a year later.

Ah P: "Okay, we will cooperate more in the future and contact us at any time."

After saving the contract to the USB flash drive, Bai Chun searched the law firm's information again. Seeing that it was too late, he turned off the computer and was about to fall asleep, and suddenly remembered that he had just had a girlfriend.

Shaking his head and smiling, Bai Chun walked out of the study, and when he entered the bedroom, he saw the light turned on. Bai Xuewei was lying on the bed, holding the quilt with both hands, looking expectantly at the door.

Seeing Bai Chun coming in, Bai Xuewei immediately became happy, no longer self-confident and generous, showing her daughter's shyness.

"Are you here? I've set the pillows for you..." Bai Xuewei said sweetly.Eighteen Novels www.18wxw.com

Bai Chun did not speak, took off his clothes and turned off the light. As soon as he lay in the bed, he felt Bai Xuewei dig into her arms and hugged her arm tightly.

"You are tired too, go to sleep." Bai Chun touched her face and sighed.

It’s not good to be handsome. My girlfriend keeps on eating two eggs in the morning, so I don’t need to make up for the big one and the small one.


The next day, when she talked about a law firm, Bai Xuewei said that there was one near her school, which had a good reputation and professionalism.

Bai Chun went to show the contract to the lawyer, and after an hour's time, he said that there was no problem. Bai Chun called the p station right now.

The signing information was sent as soon as possible. Bai Chun filled in the personal information, and received the contract document after a while, printed it out at the lawyer, and sent it out while taking advantage of the nearby courier shop.

Station p wanted to show its sincerity, and before receiving the contract, he signed the contracted contract fee of 1.6 million to the Baichun card, and sent the rest on average every month.

This kind of large transfer, for each other's social status, there is no risk at station p, it is just a good sign.

Really something is going on, so let's find out by letter from the lawyer.

Bai Chun knew this, but after seeing that the bank card had so much money, he still breathed a sigh of relief. The hardest time has passed. Even if there is any trouble in the family, he doesn't have to risk the pain of going to the rich woman. Up.

I wanted to let my parents go home and relax, but there was nothing wrong, presumably they would not agree. Thinking about it this way, the catastrophe during May 1st turned out to be a good thing, at most Bai Dad and sister suffered a little.

Dad Bai deserved it, and asked the nurse to change the needle to a thicker one.

The little girl will have to suffer a bit, but she will be very happy if she buys more snacks and canned food when the time comes, and she will even be willing to stay in the hospital for two more days.

More than 1 million, although it is not enough to buy a house that I don't know to whom to sell, it is enough to let Bai Chun breathe a sigh of relief.

Life is too difficult.

Entering the Media College, looking for a bench in the garden, Bai Chun took Bai Xuewei and sat there, feeling calm.

With this money, the family can get rid of hardship and distress, at least two more toys for the younger brother and younger sister, right?

With this money, this relationship that is not hateful and willing to continue will continue, right?

Bai Xuewei leaned on Bai Chun's shoulders, feeling happy. The boyfriend she likes has a bright future. The more she looks, the more she likes it. Even if two people sit here quietly, she is very happy.

For so long, Bai Xuewei has also learned about Bai Chun's personality, knowing that Bai Chun likes to be quiet, but she is a lively temperament. She blinked her eyes and said: "Happy in my heart, Bai Chun, let me do a dance for you!"

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and played a piece of soft music, and started a dance.

While dancing and singing, it seemed like it was an anime dance or something, very lively and joyful. Bai Chun didn't know the dance and could feel her joy. Seeing her graceful posture, her expression was happy, and her heart was also happy.

Seeing Bai Chun watch carefully, Bai Xuewei became happier.

This relationship started out ridiculously. If it weren’t for Yunna to leave, if it wasn’t for Yunna to see her thoughts, and finally even tell her Bai Chun’s character, Bai Xuewei didn’t know if she would confess it or whether she would take it. Feeling bored in a relationship, or being a bad woman, grabbing a sister’s boyfriend.

But love is selfish.

After being with Bai Chun, Bai Xuewei just wanted to fill Bai Chun's heart with her own good, so that Bai Chun was the only one in her heart.

"Wow, our beautiful Snow Baie will also be happy for herself? At the slumber meeting two days ago, she also said that she did not want to find a boyfriend, sisters, catch this traitor and drag it out to sell the brothel!"

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