Why am i handsome again

Chapter 44 The Dog Comes in and Kills (Recommendation Period Seek Collection Recommendation List)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "How am I so handsome? Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)"!In the winter, the pigs raised in the dormitory refused to get up. Don’t mention the two pigs in the dormitory, but the three in Bai Xuewei’s dormitory. When nothing happened, they refused to get up. Baichun had to give them on the phone last night. With breakfast, she was willing to let Bai Xuewei go downstairs.

Fortunately, Bai Chun knew these unspoken college rules, so he went upstairs directly with the buns. As soon as he entered the door, Bai Xuewei had been dressed up, another female chivalrous beauty that had never been seen before, and the three girls who were still sleeping were shrunk. In the bed, she secretly looked at Bai Chun.

"Leave the buns here, get up and exercise in the morning."

Bai Chun was amused for a while, and ate something casually with Bai Xuewei, took off the ancient sword beside Bai Xuewei's bed and took people out, leaving only the blame from the three people behind.

"Sister Bai Xue is too interesting! Brother-in-law came over and didn't drag me up!"

"Yes! I haven't put my makeup on and my hair hasn't been combed. How can I meet people!"

"Hateful! The traitor Bai Xue came back and dragged it out to sell the brothel!"

"What if Sister Bai Xue doesn't come back tonight? They are together. Sister Bai Xue walked differently yesterday!"

"...Traitor! Traitor!"


The School of Media is not a specialized art school, but it also has some corresponding majors. A well-known celebrity can be produced in a few years. Therefore, the environment in Goose Province is good, and there is a small and medium-sized film and television city. Therefore, the School of Media Most of the students have a star dream.

Bai Xuewei seemed to have watched a lot of martial arts dramas when she was a child. She especially liked a female fighter named "Golden Swallow" in the 780s. She learned the basic skills well, and she didn't know where she learned a few practice swordsmanship.

Just like martial arts routines, not to mention the beauty, the practice effect is very good, the actual combat is seldom and unnecessary, and Bai Chun does not choose, but concentrates on the practice. After being corrected by Bai Xuewei at the beginning, he became more and more proficient.

"I haven't seen you so serious when I'm with me!" Bai Xuewei taught for a while, sniffing the breath of Bai Chun's body at close range, the little daughter became habitual and couldn't help acting like a baby.

The two people have been together for too short a time. I didn't even know it in detail before. It was only two days from the day before yesterday to now.

Bai Chun didn’t know much about his girlfriend. At this time, seeing her shy and lovely, he burst into laughter, hugged the waist of the chivalrous woman in front of him, sat on the garden bench next to him, and recalled the changes in swordsmanship with his left hand. Playing with her little hand with her right hand and chatting, it feels uncomfortable like never before.

When she was with Yunna in the past, she cared about Bai Chun, but her character was a little girl doted by her family. In the relationship between the two people, she played more and more foolishly together.

Bai Xuewei was intimate, and she felt as gentle and considerate as a big sister next door, which made Bai Chun feel very comfortable.

There are Wudang Yumai in Goose Province, and there are also two or three martial arts hometowns. The locals are naturally close to martial arts. Bai Chun and San Shugong at home, apart from military sports, followed his old Tai Chi practice. For these martial arts routines Some understanding, getting started quickly.

If you have something to learn, you will use it sooner or later.

After chatting for a while, Bai Chun continued to practice. Bai Xuewei felt fresh and assumed the posture of a master. The two of them fused together exactly, but also enjoyed themselves.

I have to say that everything seems difficult, but when I really understand it, I find it simple. Bai Chun has only been practicing for a whole morning, and he has a good understanding of swordsmanship and has a lot of insights.

Just when the two were happily rejoicing with each other, they saw Xiao Qiu Linlin and the others dressed up appropriately, and inadvertently saw that they were still practicing swords here, and they immediately surrounded them as if they had caught a sect traitor.

After catching Bai Xuewei and whispering, she had to go to the house to have a look, threatening to ate Bai Chun's meal yesterday, and show her cooking skills on Saturday today, and by the way learn about the base of the dorm sisters.

Such a noise is all afternoon, and I still have to stay at night. Bai Chun didn't like the noise, so he told Bai Xuewei, letting their bedroom mess around, and went to the study to do a live broadcast.17 Pen Fun Pavilion www.17sctxs.com

These two days have been a period of peak popularity for Bai Chun. P station is almost highly recommended. As soon as it went online, it was recommended on the cover of the district.

Bai Chun was not surprised by this. He just went online while chatting with fans for a while while checking out other peer anchors under the prompt of the barrage.

Whether it is station P or other stations, there have been a large number of small anchors following the trend, after all, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.

The live broadcast rooms also have labels such as "rhythm percussion, violent ear picking, and gesture music", which are very bluffing.

But Bai Chun clicked on a few at random and found that it was not the case at all.

Knowing is easy and doing is hard, not knowing how to do it can do well.

Like "rhythmic percussion", it seems that you just need to turn on the music and tap in the tune. But first, the wood block should be thick and the sound should not be too crisp. It is better to be thicker.

Bai Chun does this, but usually does not practice much.

But these new-born calves dared to pick up a thin wooden board without knowing where they were coming from. The music obviously couldn't keep up and even dared to play, so Bai Chun didn't know what to say.

Even Xuantutu who has been "authorized" has been practicing for the past few days and feels that he is not proficient enough to dare to perform. These guys are crazy, right?

It feels like some small restaurants, like pig food, dare to open a shop to cheat money, and don't know where the courage comes from.

"Xuan Tutu will show you a small TV!"

"Xuantutu gives you a reward of rhythm storm!"

In the past few days, Xuan Tutu has been checking Baichun's room, giving rewards as soon as he performs, watching and learning, Bai Chun has become used to it.

Xuan Tutu: "Congratulations, I have finally signed the contract, and I will be a colleague in the future. Forget the opportunity, will you participate in the May 1st Pearl Comic? If you come, gather together for a meal."

May Day Man Exhibition?

Bai Chun shook his head: "I will go home then, there is no time to go."

"It's a pity! I also want to worship you as a teacher, and exchange more experience. By the way, I tell you a little secret, it is best to buy a big Brahma rod, and then cut it short by yourself, and pick the ear spoon. You have to sharpen it yourself, don't just buy a small head..." Xuan Tutu is indeed an old driver in the asmr district, and many of the experiences are not what Bai Chun thought of before.

This is why Bai Chun likes to chat with her in black.

But this kind of communication seems to be close to others.

In the bedroom, four people huddled under the covers and watched the live broadcast on the mobile phone in the middle. Jingjing curled her lips and couldn't help but said: "This woman obviously wants to seduce Bai Chun. Look at the clothes she wears. A meal, Bai Chun is almost the same!"

"Brother-in-law is too good! We have all tried live broadcasts, but we can't make it out at all. But you see, brother-in-law just now, his eyes are so gentle, too warm and so healing! It's normal that she likes brother-in-law..." Xiao Qiu admired a little.

"Sister Xue, you have to be careful. Brother-in-law is such a good person, you must not be caught by others!"

Bai Xuewei was amused, she couldn't help but think of the joy she had been with Bai Chun these past two days, bit her lip, and she just wanted to go to the study immediately.

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