Why am i handsome again

Chapter 82 Ear Cleaning Activity?

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "How am I so handsome? Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)"!Being bullied by colleagues during working hours should be regarded as workplace harassment, right?

Unfortunately, the website doesn't care about these things, just like countless real companies, as long as you get the performance, no one cares if your path is too wild, as long as it is not too excessive.

Like the current Xuantutu, he undoubtedly wants to do things, or if he is young, he just teases himself.

Bai Chun also has a good relationship with this, and can even be said to be the only Xuan Tutu who can talk to among the platform colleagues.

This is an intellectual elder sister who is three or four years older than herself and twenty-three or four years old. She has a very soft and caring temperament. Every time Bai Chun talks with her, her speech and tone always make Bai Chun very comfortable.

During the live broadcast on weekdays, the dress is very simple and beautiful. It is not as procrastinated as all kinds of COS clothes. It is dressed in workplace and hot dance styles. It is very eye-catching and often makes some innocent jokes. At station P Here, it has the reputation of "wearing the most and driving the hardest".

Such Xuantutu, in the eyes of some people who are full of bright, perfect, and holy as gods, is naturally not good, and is suspected of being coquettish, and every day there is a rhythm to scold her gys and teach bad children.

But Bai Chun had no prejudice against her.

How could there be so much spotlessness in the adult world?

In the workplace, in order to have a good relationship with their boss, it is normal for men to smoke, drink, and flatter, and for women to dress up and say good things. They are all ways to survive. Just keep the bottom line. There is no need to go online.

Children only feel that they learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, and are not afraid to travel all over the world;

Great talents know how difficult life is. Those who keep others' three views all day long have problems with their own three views.

The girl dresses better. What's wrong, I don't want to learn from the parents of bear children. Anime characters have to dye black hair and wear school uniforms?

Therefore, Bai Chun has always liked to have sex with Xuan Tutu. He is usually molested twice, and is used to it. He has the right to give the other party benefits.

But today, what does it mean to use a stalk of the LOL circle to tease yourself?

Don't be seen by a bear kid who is surfing the Internet. Parents will beat themselves up again.

Bai Chun pretended not to hear it, slapped haha, forced over the topic, and randomly selected a hero and said: "What's the matter? Be serious! Go to work, there are many children at station P, don't teach bad children."

Xuan Tutu heard Bai Chun's suggestion, but couldn't help but give Bai Chun a blank look: "Teach a bad child? If you forget the machine, aren't you just a freshman?"

Bai Chun smiled and said: "Now sophomore. You are not two or three years older than me? How do you say that you are so old?"

"Oh, there's no way. As soon as I enter society, I don't even talk about seeing high school students. Even if I see college students, they will feel that they are still children, but they are already old..."

Thinking of stepping into society in a previous life, and doing monotonous work for several years, the youthful years easily passed away, Bai Chun also felt for a while: "Yes, I now see seniors in high school and think they are children, alas, they are old and old. Well, I would like to thank Chang Xin for the gift. I also thank you for your genuine support for telling the truth, so that I can support my family. Otherwise, when I spend money in my life, I really don’t know what to do. I may go to the rich woman with the bucket someday. ^...Well, thanks to Jingmei for the gift. It is said that she was able to earn money to buy the computer by working for her sister Jingmei. So long has passed..."

Both of them are lonely people, used to talking to themselves, and sometimes forget that there is a chatting person by their side when chatting.

Ruthless years, not only refers to the time wheel of the magic soldiers on the sword pavilion of the Red Mansion.Beauty Nest Novel www.mnowoxs.com

Bai Chun recalled his experience over the past year. From a low-key handsome B to such a well-known handsome B now, it only took nearly a year to get a little achievement.

If it weren't for the parents and younger siblings in Li, it was indeed because of his own sake that his life had improved. Bai Chun would almost doubt his grades, so he was discouraged and went to the Jingmei Beauty Salon to join the proprietress.

While chatting with Xuan Tutu on the black, while clicking on the backstage with his mobile phone, he looked at this month’s gifts, and after calculating the income he was about to earn, Bai Chun finally got a bit of comfort: “It’s okay. How much money is saved? I can buy a house in Xuzhou, and I can barely live like a person..."

When I just thought of this, I heard Xuan Tutu said: "Forget the machine, today we were chatting in the anchor group and said that you almost attracted 80% of the rich women at station P. Everyone said that when you attend the platform annual meeting, I want you to treat and kill you!"

Bai Chun couldn't help but laugh: "Let's pull it down, who doesn't know that men are a disadvantaged group in this industry? I say that I am very popular now, but you also know that the bulk of the income must depend on the signing fee. My current salary is before the platform estimates. I can’t get in at 100, and it’s even more incomparable with the live broadcast platforms of Xianyu and Shangding. People signed contracts for tens of millions of millions. What am I?"

The two of them are in the dark, they are always relaxed and they talk about whatever they want.

Xuan Tutu felt for a while, and did not hide what he said: "How come? I also know a few friends in the circle, they don't know how much they envy you."

"Envy me being handsome?"

"...Don't make trouble, brother!"

Xuan Tutu was a little helpless and sighed: "It is said that the popularity and the high signing fee are actually flowers. Just like the Tibetan mastiffs fried in previous years, a dog can fry up to 20 million. It's for outsiders.

In addition to these, the real income must be shared with the guild behind it. It’s about working for people, and it’s restricted everywhere. It’s nothing more than senior wage earners. Except for the top ones in the industry, which one is not a lot of troubles and can be like you. If you want to go abroad to Rua Lion, go there for half a month and take the little brother and sister to eat delicious food everywhere?

If you want to take a day of sick leave, you are afraid that your popularity will fall and your income will be unstable.

If I don’t have a guild to do it myself, it’s more stressful. I don’t work any day, I’m afraid that my popularity will dissipate and I won’t get paid next month. Do you think everyone is like you?

Forget the machine, you are free now, let alone outside station, I am too envious, if I can be like you, then I... Then my parents at home don't know how happy they are..."

Feeling emotional for a while, Xuan Tutu's tone was crying, as if thinking of something unhappy.

Bai Chun said silently: "...If you want to start a little bit, life has not been easy from ancient times to the present. It is rare for you to have such a career as a woman's family, and it is enough to support your family. For women, you must focus on your career. Yes, men are unreliable! What a stupid woman is that to point to a man for a lifetime?"


In the list of jumbled barrage, Bai Chun seemed to see a familiar name with an ellipsis, but he didn’t see it clearly. When he wanted to pull it back and take a closer look, the jumbled barrage had disappeared. Pure momentarily stunned.

Is it an illusion?

While Bai Chun was in a daze, Xuan Tutu's words regained his sanity:

"It's just your little ghost meeting to coax people. I'm fine, but I heard that several platforms are going to engage in'ear cleaning activities' recently. Have you heard that?"

PS: Thank you for your 500 rewards from the lord of the legendary Rain City.

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