Why am i handsome again

Chapter 91: I Miss You

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "How am I so handsome? Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)"!I am a roommate of Yunna. Before Bai Chun saw him, his emotions were a little strange. It was obvious that when Bai Chun saw him, he would think of this relationship, but when I met again today, Bai Chun obviously let go Everything, with a natural look, purely treating oneself as an ordinary friend, there is no longer the relationship of Yunna.

"Brother-in-law" has been called a lot. Tang Tian has always admired Bai Chun and was close to Bai Chun. She felt that Bai Chunyunna was the perfect image of her first love in her heart. She always felt that even if she encountered many things, her former lover, It will always be a special existence in each other's hearts.

However, Yun Na took the initiative to leave; now, Bai Chun seemed to have really let go.

The goodness of the past is only left in the memory of two people. If Bai Chun doesn't even care about this memory, what is the difference between whether this relationship exists or not?

An enviable and yearning love comes to an end before my eyes.

Tang Tian was happy for Bai Chun again, and a little sad.

Feeling sad, Tang Tian picked up the phone and sent out a WeChat angrily.

"I don’t want such a perfect boyfriend. I really don’t know what you were thinking about Sister Na! A boyfriend who truly loves yourself, loves yourself, and can be trusted for a lifetime, you think it’s so easy to find! You know! What do you sing all day long, "Happier than me" is happier than me. If I get into trouble, I just broke up. Now my brother-in-law is almost completely forgetting you. Sister Na, are you satisfied! It's just that my brother-in-law was so kind to you before. At the beginning, you had to keep your brother-in-law attentive! Hypocritical! Let's break up when you break up, and give your brother-in-law to an outsider. If you gave me your brother-in-law, will your brother-in-law be so autistic now?"


Once again, Yunna, who was reading a book in the store, was disturbed and a little lost after receiving an angry message from the little sister from the past.

She didn't blame Tang Tian's longing for Bai Chun in his words. Who doesn't like a man like Bai Chun?


Forget about yourself completely?

Yun Na felt a pain in her heart, and she was so sad that she wanted to cry.

All day long, I lied to myself that the two had broken up, and I could only wish each other happiness. Bai Chun had better forget about himself so that he could have a new life.

I moved myself.

I thought that Bai Chun would always remember him. Even after the two broke up, they went to find Bai Chun by himself. The two of them still had an unforgettable relationship. Although Yun Na was sad at the time, there was no hint of hypocrisy in her heart.

Forget me, although I am your first girlfriend, but you don't forget me, how to start a new life!

Compared with the separation of the body, women seem to be more emotional, and they also value the involvement of feelings.

But from Tang Tian, ​​knowing Bai Chun's changes today, Yun Na only felt as if she had completely lost something, and she was completely empty.

The once beautiful, the once unforgettable, will eventually disappear in the memory a little bit with the passing of time?

In my heart, I suddenly regretted it. If I persisted a little bit, or told Bai Chun about the difficulties, and the two people worked out a solution together, no matter what the result would be, at least Bai Chun would definitely not forget himself now.

Was he really wrong at the beginning?


at night.

"Not bad. Your women's clothes are beautiful and there are many styles."

In the live broadcast room, Bai Chun looked at Xuan Tutu's sword and Sansuwen clothes, feeling envy, and feeling more and more chilly.

Even Liu Lili, who is very good at matching clothes, finds it difficult to choose a suitable formal dress for herself. Fortunately, she knows that the website has a strong two-dimensional style, and Bai Chun will have another Guzheng performance when it comes time. Liu Lili chose two piano performances. From time to time, the clothes that are often worn that are half ancient and half the present are barely suitable.

I can only say that it is too difficult for men to buy clothes.

In the Lianmai video, Xuan Tutu smiled happily: "Do you think it is good too? Then I will take this dress with me at the annual meeting."

Bai Chun glanced again, and thought for a while and said: "Good-looking is good-looking, but I remember that the pink dress you wore last time seemed better than this, I don't know why."

"Then bring them all!" Xuan Tutu waved his small hand and said happily, "It's been a long time since I haven't been free. This time I went to have fun and relax. I heard from Xixi that there is a beef noodle shop in Jing'an Temple that is very delicious. The bamboo shoots inside the noodles are very crisp, so let's go together!"

Bai Chunzheng was about to answer, when he heard a soft sound of opening the door, he said a few words and turned off the live broadcast.

Except for himself, Yunna and Bai Xuewei are the ones who have the key to the house.Chase yo literature www.zhuiyo.com

When she walked out of the study, she saw Yunna carrying a bag of small tomatoes that she liked to eat. She was looking at herself at the gate, and she seemed to be emotional.

"I...I miss you..." Yun Na opened her mouth and said this sentence still with a crying voice.

Many times I drove the car hesitantly and walked by the road beside this building, but I seldom had the courage or impulse to walk up to this building.

What did you break up with Bai Chun?

No, I want Bai Chun to forget himself and start a new life.

But today, she came after all. The reason was ridiculous, but it was the first time that she wanted Bai Chun not to forget her.


In this door last year, the faces of human faces were red.

I don't know where to go, but Taohua still smiles at the spring breeze.

It is said that clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as good as they are, but if people's hearts change, how can people be as good as they are?

Bai Chun gave a hum, walked over, took the fruit bag, felt thirsty, and took a small tomato that had been washed.

Not as sweet as before, but it's okay to quench your thirst.

"It's delicious, thanks."

Hearing Bai Chun thanking her, Yun Na finally couldn't help feeling sad, hugged Bai Chun tightly, felt the breath on Bai Chun's body, and cried.

Bai Chun let her hold, but did not move.

Saying that they have forgotten completely, how could it be possible? It can only be said that the two of them have reached the point where they are today, and Bai Chun has let go or doesn't care.

We all broke up. Does the reason for breaking up still matter?

I felt relieved, but it was my first love after all, and was different from other women, with more fetters and caring for some time and time.

At this time, the other party needs a hug from her, so give it to her, and do good deeds.

The beauty of the past seems to have really gone far. Bai Chun hugged Yunna, just like the countless hugs before, but without the sweet, warm and content feeling that was at the beginning. In Bai Chun’s mind, his thoughts turned, even I thought of the scene when I was holding Bai Xuewei in this room.

Yunna, is not the first girlfriend who liked her first love all the time;

He wasn't Bai Chun who liked the other party all the time.

Then I don't want so much, now I have wine and I am drunk now.


The next morning.

Bai Chun lay his arms under his head, lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling wanderingly.

After washing, Yunna went back to the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed. Looking at Bai Chun's face in a daze, she stretched out her hand to caress her face, then leaned over and pressed her face to her side, feeling each other's temperature for a long time.

Bai Chun didn't ask when she was leaving, she was going to leave anyway, and it was boring to ask.

Yunna didn’t say whether she would come back. She decided to make it half a year ago. The warmth on her face was enough to satisfy herself for a long time. Maybe she was really a bad woman. After separation, she only thought about her emotional satisfaction. Never thought that the other party would be bothered by this.

After this night, Yunna felt a lot of security.

Kissing Baichun's forehead, Yun Na with red eyes, took out a stack of money from her bag, put it on the bedside table, and pursed her lips: "Take it to eat meat, don't make yourself hungry and thin!"

Bai Chun was directly grinned by her, and she raised her eyebrows just to anger the dead woman: "Okay! Don't be hungry and thin, and then use the money you gave to find a little girlfriend. What do you think?"

PS: Thank you LELTSKING and Love Book Talisman for your 100 rewards. In the new week, I will go to Sanjiang, and I would like to recommend collection.

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