Weight of Vengeance (5)

“…you say you’re no longer a Priest?”

All attention was focused on me.

I was trying to accept the situation.

It’s Shalon Payne. I didn’t know that she, who I thought was missing, would come out of this place.

I groaned in disbelief.

“How did you get here…”

“Well? Isn’t that a pretty rude question to ask the person who kicked me out of the academy?”

Her personality has also changed a lot. Haha, it could be that the way we were serving at the time was unnatural. Rather, this is her original appearance.

“…I mean, why are you stealing without going back to your family…! I was the one who kicked you out of the academy, but it was you who ran away from that homecoming…!”

There were a lot of questionable things about Shalon’s actions. However, since I had studied with her, I didn’t bother to delve deeper. She disappeared, thinking that it was better to run away than to go home and announce her favours.

“…ah…you don’t know.”

Sharon chuckles. And then whispered quietly.

“I can’t go back to my family. At least… externally.”

“…what does that mean?”

“Your orders aren’t the only punishment I’ve been given. your brother Asena. Do you know what that bitch gave me?”


Asena. At that name, I stiffened my body.

Shalon swallowed his anger as his eyes trembled as if recalling the situation.

“… he gave me a letter. A letter to bring to my father. The letter said to cut off my throat.”


“Well, I knew you gave me a choice, but I did. It was an order to do one of the two, whether to turn around or run away.”

– tick.

She pulled something out of her arms and threw it at me.

A postcard fluttered down from the tree to me.

The postcard that fell at my feet clearly had the orders that Sharon had spoken. In Asena’s handwriting.


“So I had no choice but to run away. Okay?”


Sharon said in a remorseful voice.

“You and I have something in common. What they have in common is that they were abandoned by Asena, and that they were kicked out of the family because of her.”

She stretches her legs and puts the hood back on. It was as if the conversation was over.

“…but if there is a difference between you and me… is it that I am still loved by my family? Externally, I am no longer Payne, but look.”

She opened her arms and pointed to her gang. Only then could the reason for this size be explained. These were not thieves, but Paine’s soldiers.

“You, the eldest son of the former Priest, are the escorts for the flying flies. As only Payne’s second daughter, I have the power to step on you. Whoops.”

I clenched my sword strongly.

said shalon.

“Regret only against Asena who tried to kill me. He doesn’t care who left you anyway.”

Then he looks back at his army.

“Kill them all. goods are looted. Leave no survivors. Especially that man named Kayden.”

For a moment, all of this felt unreal. The fear and tension disappeared all at once.

There was only one thing I was worried about when Sharlon Payne was sentenced to death.

Asena and Kirsi.

if it were like this

If it had ended like this


In fact, in the face of death, anything becomes trivial.

It was them again and again.

After thinking about the promise he had made to Daisy and the promise he had made to Judy, in the end they were twins.

People fleeing to Honbi Baeksan and the soldiers of Pain who rush to them are mixed. In the first sum, three soldiers suffer. It becomes a battle that cannot be won.

I whispered involuntarily.

“…kids shouldn’t cry too much.”

Then, he raised his sword.


Asena and Kirsey were resting in Cayden’s room. Their mood was still bottoming out, but not to the bottom.

The day before, they had been contemplating the letter that contained the news of Kaden.

They didn’t talk to each other, but they were imagining what Kaden felt in the letter.

The more he wanted to see him, the better it was than nothing at all.

Although the root cause has not been solved at all, it is living through it.

Kirsi asked Asena quietly as she read the letter while lying on Cayden’s bed.

“…unni, when did you say the next letter is coming?”

It was evening. They were resting after the day’s work. That’s why he didn’t digest any kind of work now that he left.

Asena responded by tapping the desk with her finger.

“….night. Or at dawn. After all the work, when the person next to you sends a letter, Benthrak sends it to us based on that.”


Realizing that there was still a lot of time until the next letter, Kirsi sighed. The waiting time was very difficult.

– Kwok!

At that moment, the weapon holder in Cayden’s room shattered with a strange sound.

It was one of the untouched pieces of furniture that turned all over his room.

It was as if the shiny thing was showing Kaden’s hard work. But it’s broken.

Asena and Kirsi looked at the weapon holder without saying anything.

What kind of shock did you get while flipping the room yesterday? ‘ thought Kirsi.

I tried not to take it too seriously.

– Tick Tick.

‘Asena-sama, Kirsi-sama. It’s Helen.’

At that moment, Helen knocks on the door.

“come in.”

Kirsey said. She turned her eyes to the letter again.

Helen opened the door and entered, Kirsi said.

“Helen, I don’t care if it’s a snack.”

“Kirsi, that’s not it.”

When Kirsi rolled her eyes and looked at Helen, Helen smiled and waved a letter.

“The news you have been waiting for all day has arrived.”

Kirsi’s heart was pounding.

“uh..? Did you say that your sister is coming late at night?”

Then, expectations began to rise. What does it contain today?

“Isn’t good good good? The news has arrived.”

Helen answered.

“…I’ll see you first, Kirsi.”

Asena, who was nearby, grabbed the letter first. Kirsi was dissatisfied, but knowing that his turn would come again, he endured a little more.

Asena was pretending to be okay, but only Kirsi could see that there was a glimmer of anticipation on her face, who had been bored the whole time.

With a slightly urgent hand, Asena opened the envelope. What came out was a small postcard.

The size of the letter that came the day before was very different.

Kirsi is a little disappointed at the beginning.

It would have been nice if there was more content.

Kirsey stood up.

If it was such a small letter anyway, I thought it would be okay to look at it together.

She stood right behind Asena. Then Asena slowly opened the postcard.

Before I even read it, I knew it was a short article. It was only two lines.

The top, escorted by Cayden, is attacked by thieves.

Including Cayden, the top all-power deaths are estimated.

The twins’ faces hardened at once.



The time between the two seemed to increase indefinitely.

Asena felt her heart turn pale. A cold pressure pressed against his chest. My heart read the text and responded, but my head couldn’t accept it.

Kirsi’s hair turned white. It was the first time I had seen such an incomprehensible arrangement of words.

Neither of them moved first.

They stood still, like people waiting for their dreams to wake up.

so long

Postcards run down between Asena’s fingers.

– Tuk.


As postcards fall on the table and make a sound, the twins’ spirits come back.

“……Oppa…is dead…?”

Helen took a deep breath and covered her hand with her mouth.

Kirsi, who had not yet fully accepted those words, felt nothing. There could be no more unrealistic death.

was their brother. I learned the sword harder than anyone else. It was their support and the reason for their life. Then, the end of his life was announced on a single postcard like this.

He couldn’t believe he was no longer in the world. It didn’t make sense that I would never see his face again.

Gradually, the terrible word of death begins to make sense. At the same time, you feel your head getting hot and the floor turning off. I couldn’t breathe, so I was getting dizzy, and tears welled up in my eyes.


Asena’s dazed eyes swept the postcards off the table again.

attacked by thieves.

This part was the most incredible. not an accident. not sick either. Cayden lost his life to a thief. Because of people’s greed, his treasure had ended his Asrai life.

Your benefactor, your love. He thought he would be invincible.

He sacrificed his life to protect goods that were worth a few pennies.

Whatever merchandise he was escorting, it would be less than the price of the chair she was sitting on.

It was only because of that value that he died.

“…Oppa… are you going?”

Silently Asena asks unanswered questions in the air.

And, sullenly, one fact strikes.

not. He didn’t risk his life trying to protect a commodity that cost only a few pennies.

It was not ruined by man’s greed.

it was because of himself.

Since he had banished him from Freister, he had to travel on foot.

That’s why I had to escort and move.

Because he was not a Priest, he did not receive proper treatment, and because he was not a Priest, he met a thief.

he himself drove him to death.

Until just a few days ago, I remembered myself.

He wrote frantically throughout the kingdom, promoting Cayden as no longer a Priest.

The result is this.

Unprotected by his name, he gave his name to a thief.

That terrible fact hit Asena directly.

…if he had been a Priest, this problem wouldn’t have happened.

With his own hands, he killed him.

Indulging in anger, he drove him to death.

In return for caring for him for the rest of his life, he stabbed a knife in his chest.

Asena recalled her last moments with Kayden.

The day I spit out only hateful words.

The day I said I would hate you for the rest of my life.

And indeed, as she had promised, he couldn’t escape her anger.

what was he thinking Would you resent yourself?

“No… no… no brother…”

A single tear flowed down from her dazed eyes.

“I…how do I hate you…”

But he must have heard it. His declaration spread everywhere. The news that Caden isn’t Pryster must have been heard everywhere he went. It must have felt like his own anger.

Everything was a lie. Since deep love is firmly underlying, the various emotions that follow are only temporary manifestations. His love for him never wavered.

But he can’t hear it anymore.

It has become an indescribable word.

At the last meeting with him, Asena cursed him, and he passed away.

He is not enough even if he gives everything he has. Then he died lonely outside his hometown.

She couldn’t believe that fighting like that would be her last memory with him.

Just before going crazy, she dismisses this fact as a lie. No matter how realistic it was, she could not believe this information. don’t believe it

Asena, who is still wandering, unable to fully accept this fact, calms Kirsi, who is equally confused.

“….It is a lie.”


“It is a lie. It’s a lie…don’t worry. Helen. Send a letter to Benthrac. come pick us up And get ready to go to House Benthrak.”

She rose from her seat with her trembling legs, decorating the postcard.

“……My brother…”

Asena suppresses the tears that are about to burst.

“…it must be no. It has to be no.”

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