Venomous Snake (3)

Busy days passed.

Even though Kirsi was healthy enough to be able to eat on her own, I continued to feed her.

When I entered the room with a bowl of food, she looked at me quietly and waited until I pulled a chair next to me.

‘Why don’t you try it yourself today?’ Even though I thought of saying that, when I saw her actions, those thoughts naturally melted away.

Clearly, if I could speak up, Kirsty wouldn’t be as grumpy with me as before.

She will take the bowl without saying a word and eat alone.

Knowing that, it was even more difficult to open my mouth.

It was not through the story that the matter was decided, but all the decision-making power was given to me, so I became more careful with every word and every action.

I decided to do this a little bit longer. Until I get a little bit healthier.

Because twins have something to say. These are the facts that have been hidden from those who need to rest.

About Shalon Payne.

Come forward and talk about Judy.

about war.

Kirsey, who occasionally wanders around the castle to find me, may have noticed what was going on, but he probably didn’t know exactly because I had ordered the twins to keep the facts secret.

After taking Kirsi, I came to see Asena.

There was no need for me to feed Asena.

When she brought her food bowl, she naturally received the bowl.

She and I did not have any other conversations.

They just exchanged glances.

Asena put the spoon in her mouth with her slender arms and looked at me.

I could feel many emotions in her eyes.

I knew he wasn’t looking at me without thinking.

I did not avoid her eyes, expressing various emotions, to understand her intentions even a little, and Asena looked into my eyes as if she would not let go of me.

No matter how friendly you are, if you make eye contact for a long time without saying a word, it will be awkward.

So did we, but at the same time we felt comfortable.

It was as if they were having a long, silent conversation.

We stayed like this the whole time she ate.

It was only when she opened the last spoon that Asena’s behavior changed a little.

Slows the rate at which food is consumed. You start to look at me more deeply.

When I finished eating, I knew I was being late.

“…I have work to do, brother.”

After saying that, she nodded and finished her meal.

The day passed like this today.





The next day we had an unexpected guest.

She enters our square with a few escorts.

Me and Helen, Thane, and countless attendants and Judy waited for them to enter.

Just by looking at the breath of the horses, their wide eyes, and the drooling saliva, we could tell how hard our guests were running.

The carriage was also not a high-end carriage, as it was a cart that could be used for trading or loading…

She jumps from behind before the wagon even stops in place.

It was an act that could get hurt as much as there were many moving horses, but she didn’t care.

It was the first time I had seen her urgent action like this. Obviously, what happened to me had a huge impact on those around me.

Daisy’s expression collapsed as soon as she saw me.

Without a word, she runs to me at a quick pace and hugs me.


“Ahh…! Kayden…!”

Our family servants, or members of the Hexter family who escorted Daisy, would have seen our meeting as a dramatic reunion… but I could tell that Daisy was not the only one feeling.

I feel sorry for my trembling body. The guilt I feel through the power she puts on my body. At the same time, the relief of being grateful that I am alive.

In order to release many complex emotions, it was right to move.

“Daisy, let’s move on, we.”


After she pulled away from me, I closed my eyes and nodded.

A tear fell from her closed eyes.

The moment she took her hand and turned her body, Daisy stiffened.


Daisy’s eyes were fixed on Judy.

She stiffened for a moment, then loosened the hand I was holding and put her hands politely around her waist.

Then, he bowed his back and said a greeting of deep gratitude.

“…Thank you, no…thank you…Thank you so much for saving Kayden…”

Judy was drawn into our conversation by Daisy’s guidance.

She grabs Daisy by the shoulders and lifts her up, speaking quietly.

“…Come in and talk… Me too…”

Judy shut her mouth and spoke slowly.

“…I have something to tell you too.”


Obviously, at first, I too felt a variety of emotions.

Sharon Payne’s attack was unexpected, and it’s all their fault.

After hearing that the fact that I had been ambushed was quickly spread by House Benthrack, I thought, where the hell was House Hexter?

When I was struggling to live, I wondered why they wouldn’t have sent help because they were a day away from me when I came back to the Pryster estate and took a break by myself.

Of course, they are bound by an arranged marriage, and unlike Daisy, even if they do not have a very deep connection with the Hexter family itself.

Doubts keep coming up.

In fact, the answer was readily available.

They said they found a body that was supposed to be mine. They thought they were dead, so they didn’t send troops.

I thought I was dead, and the Hexsters couldn’t afford it because of the plague and famine, so they could.

In the end, what I needed to survive was an understandable reason.

He nodded and said, ‘Yeah, if that’s the case.’ I needed something that could be said.

And today, seeing Daisy with an extremely sinful expression as she exits the carriage, I can tell without hearing that she wants to help me.

Based on the fact that I had read through the original novel of the worldview, I knew that the Hexter family plague was not a simple problem, and I knew that Daisy was not a traitor to anyone, so the core inside me was quickly released.

So, the problem wasn’t me.

it was grandma

She didn’t say much on the subject, but her displeasure was quickly discerned by her darkening complexion and closed lips when the story of the Hectors came up.

You can tell just by looking at the fact that Daisy didn’t show up when he said that he came today.

When I asked to go to greet them, I said, ‘Why?’ He refused with a natural tone.

So, I thought we should talk only with ourselves, putting off meeting with the grandmother for a while.

Refreshments and tea were prepared in the conference room with a small round table.

As Judy said she had something to say, she too follows us and sits down.

Daisy’s expression grew darker and darker. As everyone sat down and took a breath, she asked.

“…it seems like everyone already hates me…”

It wasn’t difficult to guess who the ‘everyone’ she was talking about was.

It must have been Grandma, Asena, and Kirsi.

Even though they entered the Freister estate, they couldn’t even see their noses, so the silent pressure Daisy felt would have been indescribable.


I stopped talking for a while. It’s time to talk slowly about the twins’ health, and it wasn’t wrong to say that Grandma was angry.

Daisy took a deep breath and suppressed the tears as well. Knowing that it was time to have a conversation, she forced her to hold back her tears.

Here, too, her firmness could be seen at a glance. After all, she was not an easily swayed personality.

“Kayden, this may sound like an excuse… but I really wanted to help… I really do.”

“…okay. Trust me, talk slowly.”

“…Father…Father was very against it…Youngji’s situation is not good so I can’t help…

She grabbed my hand and pulled it to my chest, then looked into my eyes and conveyed my heart.

“Even if I scream…even if I get angry, my father said no…so I even looked for mercenaries, but everyone refused…”


“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I really wanted to help…I never doubted that you were alive…You were supposed to come back…”

I squeezed her hand tightly and calmed her down once more.

Since I was not already angry, it was over as soon as I received the apology.

After hearing all the stories through her mouth, not a single negative emotion was left behind.

could understand

“…it’s okay, Daisy. This is how I am alive. I understand everything. Anyway, you wanted to help me.”

But her expression did not clear up.

“…I was really wrong…I’m sorry I couldn’t be of any help…I’m ashamed…”

“… First, have a little tea. I’m really fine, so don’t worry too much.”

Her eyes, looking at me, slowly began to point towards the floor.

The depth of water that filled his face only deepened.

She bowed her head like that and couldn’t let go of my hand for a while, whispered.

“……How will we become?”


I realized why her expression was so unresolved.

But unlike her, I feel that our marriage will not be broken so easily, so I feel quite different from her.

Seeing that Daisy afraid that my relationship would be ruined put a smile on my face. Instead, I was able to see her mind more clearly.

Now she doesn’t know that I’m Pryster’s lieutenant. Rather, you will only know that I have been banished from the Frysters.

Could this also have contributed to Earl Hexter’s decision not to send me support to some extent?

In any case, at a time when Pryster helped but the fact that she was an exile didn’t change, it was a good thing for me that she was afraid of breaking up with me.

So I said to reassure her.

“Do not worry. Everything will be fine-”

“- That’s the word…!”

At that moment, a voice from the other side intervened.

It was Judy.

“…de… Daisy, I have a promise before I save Kaden’s life…”

Unlike Daisy, Judy’s voice was not strong. Outside, she is proud of herself, but she was timid in public meetings, as it was in her and me in the past, and even now.

He’s tall and can use his sword well, but he’s also afraid of things like this.

Daisy raises her head, surprised by the voice of the being she had forgotten, to face Judy.

Shortly thereafter, she bowed her head again and thanked her.

“Oh, Judy. Thanks again-”

“You promised that if you rescue K and Kaden, you will allow me and Ho, to marry…!”

The two voices are mixed in the middle.

But as if they had listened carefully to each other, Daisy’s body stiffened immediately afterward.


Daisy, who had been frozen for a while, asked in a whisper.

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