The class meeting for English 1 is held in a classroom in the school building.

An Yi came a little late.

Because when he arrived, all the people in the class had already arrived, and Bai Yuqi was also speaking on the podium.

When An Yi pushed the door, he just interrupted her speech.

"Yo, I thought you little guy wouldn't be here today!" Bai Yuqi didn't get angry when he saw him, and stopped talking and teased.

She is wearing a plain skirt today, and the upper body is the kind of white professional shirt that teachers often wear, the high-waisted skirt is very thin at the waist, her long hair is coiled up, and the makeup on her white melon seed face is exquisite, and she has a kind of intellectual and mature sexy temperament.

An Yi ignored her ridicule and glanced at the classroom casually.


! Good guy

! Sure enough, I've entered the country of my daughter!

There were two obviously unsociable boys sitting in the corner, oh yes, also his roommates.

But this roommate is ridiculous, he still doesn't know the names of these two people.

While observing the class at An Yi.

The rest of the class was watching him.

I have to say that An Yi's appearance is still quite good.

The facial features are angular, the shoulder width is still very long, and the standard hanger is standard.

Almost the first time I saw him, all the girls in the audience had their eyes lit up and began to talk to their roommates next to them.

"Hey, look at this, it's so handsome, isn't it

??" "Ban Cao, absolute Ban Cao

!" "Stupid you? What kind of class flowers and grass do you have now?"

"I decided, I knocked this look, he must not have a girlfriend

!" "Hehe, I want to be beautiful, this kind of boy definitely has no shortage of girlfriends!"


......". Seeing that the class was a little messy, Bai Yuqi clapped his hands and made everyone quiet, his heart moved, and he looked at An Yi and said: "Just now, I'm going to let you introduce yourself next, since you are late, classmate, then you should be the first to go on stage!"

An Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and briefly introduced his name on the stage, from a small city in the north.

Then he was ready to step down.

"You wait, this, this is gone?" Bai Yuqi was stunned for a moment, looking at him a little crying and laughing.

An Yi glanced up at her: "Do you want anything

?" "What are your hobbies?future plans or something, or motto or something, don't you want to talk about it?"


"It's all nonsense, so I won't talk about it."


" "Poof!" Everyone in the audience couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw that his attitude towards the head teacher was so casual.

Bai Yuqi glared at him: "Okay, okay, you go down, next!" An

Yi indifferently found a vacant seat and sat down.

As the rest of the class introduced themselves, he began to take a closer look at the class.

In terms of the overall number of people, it is about forty.

Including himself, there are men, and the rest are women.

"Well, the quality is okay!" There are still beautiful girls in the class, and there is more than one, but compared to Zhou Xiaomo and Zhang Ziqi, there is still a little gap.

And it's no wonder.

After all, in terms of face alone, these two are already a minority of the minority, even in terms of probability, it is unlikely that there will be similar to them in a small class of dozens of people.


I'm afraid that the world is going to be beautiful and rotten on the street.

Among the girls in the class, there are two of the most beautiful, and their appearance levels are about the same.

One is named Wang Ziqing, white-skinned and beautiful with long legs, wearing shorts and short sleeves, and the hem of the short sleeves is tied up, revealing the snow-white of the small navel, the small waist is very thin, and she is also very enthusiastic, and her speech is lively and playful.

And the truth is just as he expected, after Wang Ziqing playfully introduced himself, he blinked without waiting for Bai Yuqi to speak, and took the initiative to mention: "It seems that no one in our class has said that they want to be the class president, right?" Then let me start with it, if I become the class president, not to mention that it will guarantee that you will not fail the course in the future, but it will definitely make your college life very interesting, after all, I am a local, what is fun and delicious here, I know, I can also do it for the class autumn outing or something, oh yes, I also know a lot of beautiful seniors and handsome seniors, I can also help you introduce them if necessary!".

I have to say that her last sentence is quite popular, not to mention a group of girls in the class, coupled with her charming little face, even the two roommates who are easy applauded with some excitement.

The other is called Shen Bingbing, as his name suggests, he is indeed quite icey, and the set of templates used in Anyi when introducing himself are like gold, and the whole person is like an iceberg beauty, with long black hair, although her facial features are exquisite, she is expressionless from beginning to end, and she is a difficult person to get along with at first glance.

"Oh, these two people, Wang Hongyu and Zhang Fan?" When the two boys introduced themselves, An Yi's eyes flickered a few times, and he finally knew the names of the two roommates.

After all the students were introduced, Bai Yuqi returned to the stage and began to announce his candidacy for the class committee.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to say it, our school doesn't train in the first year, and we will train again in the sophomore year, so this class committee election is an official election, not only the class president, but also the deputy class leader, the secretary of the Youth League, the life committee, the organization committee, and the Xi committee and the art committee must be elected, so interested students can come to the stage

!". When Bai Yuqi was the squad leader, if he didn't look at An Yi several times, he probably expected a boy to be the squad leader, but unfortunately, An Yi completely ignored it.

When she finished speaking, the class immediately began to discuss it.

At this moment, Wang Ziqing, who said that he wanted to be the class president at the beginning, suddenly half-squatted to An Yi's side, raised his head and whispered, "Classmate An, aren't you going to run for class president?"

An Yi was startled by her sudden approach, especially when she was half-squatting, much lower than An Yi, and when An Yi lowered her head, she could vaguely see the snow-white furrow on her neckline.

Fortunately, in an instant, Wang Ziqing got up and sat beside him with a pair of long legs.

An Yi was a little curious: "Why are you asking me this?"

Wang Ziqing blinked his eyes and said a little playfully: "I see that you have a good relationship with Sister Bai, if you compete for the squad leader, I'm afraid I won't be able to compete with you

!" ...... "

is really a good person!"

Just based on the simple interaction between him and Bai Yuqi just now, it can be inferred that he has an unusual relationship with Bai Yuqi.

An Yi couldn't help but glance at her more, thought for a while, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in being the squad leader, you just go up and run for election." "

Oh, yes, that's good!" Wang Ziqing grinned twice.

She had been observing An Yi since she started arguing with Bai Yuqi.

Especially in the middle, Bai Yuqi said that when she was running for squad president, she always looked at An Yi, and she understood what was going on.

So when there was some chaos in the class, she deliberately ran over and asked.

"An Yi, it's convenient to say, why aren't you interested in being the class president?" Seeing that someone seemed to have come to the stage to canvass for himself, Wang Ziqing did not panic at all, and looked at An Yi with interest, with some curiosity in his big eyes.

When she observed it just now, she could actually see that as long as An Yi was willing, Bai Yuqi would probably stand up for him.

With her support, it is almost easy to be a class leader, easily get two credits, and have a good relationship with teachers of various subjects, which has a lot of benefits, so why is An Yi not interested?

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