Dad knew that this was Sun Mingbo's blind spot.

Then patiently explained to Sun Mingbo: "Xiaobo, even if your design is reasonable, you can't use this drawing, the planning and design of the entire industrial park, architectural design, need professional and qualified units, not to mention that the entire design needs a geological report, which needs to be reported by various departments before the start of the project, and the drawings can only start after passing the review."

"Ah, that's right, that's too troublesome, when will the first phase of the project be completed? I still have to go to college after the college entrance examination." Sun Mingbo said a little depressed.

He has placed an order for the necessary equipment such as mechanical equipment, CNC machine tools, production and installation robots needed for the first phase of the project to Dr. Li's company, and is working overtime to manufacture.

The entire industrial park plans to build 1,000 large and small factories, with a total investment of 500 billion yuan, of which 6 factories will be built in the first phase of the project to meet the needs of early production.

If the project of these six factories cannot be completed, how to install production equipment, and how to improve the circulation and improvement equipment technology of chicken and egg laying.

Sun Mingbo has already planned to use three months to build a plant, and then a week to install and debug equipment, you can directly produce first-level equipment, and then first-level equipment to produce second-level equipment, and so on.

The production of the entire industrial park is completely controlled by artificial intelligence to achieve unmanned production.

But now that time is not enough, Sun Mingbo thought for a while: "Dad, you think this will work, you find a qualified design unit, I will hand over the planning and architectural design drawings to them, they only need to sign and seal, as for the geological exploration report, it is good to carry it out at the same time."

Sun Haisheng thought for a while: "Your grandfather has the son of an old comrade-in-arms, who is the general manager of a large construction company, which was established by the former project and changed careers, and can hand over the project to them. You don't have to say that you can start 6 factories, even if you start 60 factories at the same time, you can take care of their business.

Sun Mingbo thought about it, 60 factories were built in three months, and this year, excluding holidays and weather conditions, 180 factories were built in almost a year, and 1,000 factories needed to be built for nearly six years.

This is not good, the original because of the problem of funds is considered to be slowly constructed, but now the funds are not a problem, the first phase of the project can start at the same time 150 plants, the second phase of the project to depend on the financial situation and then decide, how many factories to build.

Sun Mingbo thought of this: "The first phase of the project starts 60 factories is too little, at least 150 factories must be started at the same time, and 1,000 factories are planned to be completed within two years." Hearing

this, my parents were surprised and dumbfounded.

It is said that it will develop slowly and accumulate slowly, but this, my eldest son, how big is your heart? Do you have so much money?

Don't look at Sun Haisheng, who holds the title of chairman of a running company, running up and down for an elite company, and is busy working non-stop, but he doesn't know much about the company's operation and sales revenue.

He didn't want to ask, he was a little disappointed when he asked, he had worked hard for more than ten years, and he couldn't catch up with his son's results in a month.

He knew the capital income in the early stage, and he didn't take the initiative to ask all the time when necessary.

My son can do whatever he wants.

Seeing the surprised look of his parents, Sun Mingbo was a little proud: "According to the current sales momentum, there is no problem for our elite company's sales revenue to reach 200 billion by the end of the year, and I want to make the elite company a Fortune 500 company within two years."

Looking at her parents, she continued: "The entire industrial park not only has to produce, high-quality CNC machine tools and various robots and all supporting parts and raw materials, but also to produce various functional drinks and functional beverage mother liquor, in addition, but also to produce a variety of high-tech, high-quality chips, well, that's all." Mom

and Dad looked at Sun Mingbo, not knowing what to say.

They know Sun Mingbo's character, don't look at him as naughty since he was a child, but once he decides something, he will do everything possible to complete it.

Although sometimes the mouth is a little poor, he usually behaves more casually.

But he is strong on the inside, and he has his pride.

Sun Haisheng came back to his senses at this time, and his eyes lit up a little.

It would be great to be able to produce high-tech, high-quality chips, and you will not be afraid of others getting stuck in your neck in the future.

He happily asked: "What level of chips can be produced? How can you solve the problem with your lithography machine?"

At present, the chips used in the world's mainstream high-end mobile phones are 14 nanometers, and the world's most advanced mobile phones use 10 nanometer chips.

The most advanced domestic mobile phones use 16-nanometer chips, and most mobile phone manufacturers use 20-nanometer chips.

That's it, most of the mobile phones in China are still facing the situation of no rice in the pot.

As for industrial and military chips, you can't buy them at this level, no matter how much you spend.

We rely heavily on imports in the field of chips, and last year the import volume of various chips reached more than 300 billion pieces, and the import value was more than 200 billion US dollars, far higher than other commodities.

From design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, plus the equipment and materials required for the production of chips, many technologies have not yet been mastered by us and are monopolized by foreign countries.

At present, only a small amount of 28-nanometer chips can be produced in China, and there is a huge gap between China and the world.

Technology needs to be accumulated overnight, and it is expected to be in the second echelon in 10 years and the first echelon in 20 years.

Sun Mingboer doesn't want to wait so long, in the future, all kinds of equipment he produces will need a large number of chips, which can't be imported.

Sun Mingbo looked at his father's expectant gaze: "Dad, don't worry, 10 nanometers is the norm, 7 nanometers is a small amount, and 5 nanometers should be developed." In

fact, Sun Mingbo has reservations, he can exchange a full set of production equipment less than 1 nanometer from the system, and it is not necessary now, just exchange a set of 5 nanometer production equipment.

"As for the lithography machine and the full set of equipment for the production of chips, including the raw materials used for chips, after our CNC machine tool production line is made, all this is not a problem. Sun Mingbo replied, as if everything could be solved.

Sun Mingbo's answer Sun Haisheng didn't believe it at all, he was an expert in chips, and no one in China knew more about chips than him, and he didn't want to fool him.

Sun Haisheng opened his mouth to continue asking, but in the end he didn't ask any more.

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