Sun Mingbo muttered silently: "Enter the subspace

training ground of the system!" As a result, he immediately disappeared from the room, and the system teleported him to the subspace training ground.

Sun Mingbo felt a little dizzy, but quickly got used to it, and he looked around and found that he was already in the subspace training ground.

The silence around Sun Mingbo made Sun Mingbo feel a little cool, and the lights shone down from the tall transparent dome, illuminating the entire training ground.

Sun Mingbo took a deep breath, and the fresh air filled his lungs, making him feel refreshed.

Sun Mingbo's eyes fell on the 400-meter plastic runway, and the red color was bright and moving, as if telling endless passion and challenge.

Imagining himself running on this runway, the feeling of speeding through the wind thrilled him.

Turning his head, Sun Mingbo saw the green football training ground area, the grass was verdant, like a beautiful canvas waiting for him to write his football dream.

When I close my eyes and recall the scene of playing football on the grass when I was a child, my heart is filled with warmth and happiness.

I saw the three-iron throwing area again, and the colorful flags fluttered on the towering poles.

The high jump area and the long jump area are respectively placed with high jump poles and automatic measuring brackets, and Sun Mingbo can feel the feeling of flying, as if he has taken off into the air and spread his wings.

In the training ground, dozens of high-speed motion data acquisition cameras are set up in various areas, and the tiny lenses move flexibly without missing any subtle changes in action.

Sun Mingbo admires that these advanced equipment can capture every movement of the trainer, and the holographic dynamics of the trainer are projected on the large screen next to each venue, and the trainer can play back and understand his own technical movements, which is full of science and technology.

On one side of the training ground, there are a variety of high-tech training equipment, acquisition and scanning equipment, medical testing equipment and fatigue recovery equipment in the auxiliary facilities area, which can put the changes in the trainer's physical parameters on the big screen in time and calculate the training intensity and endurable intensity of the trainer.

These devices have a unique appearance and complete functions, and Sun Mingbo can't help but sigh and secretly think that science and technology are indeed the primary productive forces.

Approaching a device and observing how it works, my heart is filled with curiosity and awe of technology.

Sun Mingbo couldn't help but think of his father, who owned his own technology company and has been committed to promoting the development of technology.

A nameless sense of pride welled up in Sun Mingbo's heart, and he longed to bring these advanced devices to his family, so that they could also feel the power of technology.

"Wow, the equipment here is so advanced!" Sun Mingbo thought excitedly.

It is worthy of the system, not to mention that these facilities have not been used in their daily training, or they have never been seen.

The United States, a major track and field country, does not necessarily have these training technology equipment.

Sun Mingbo stood in the middle of the training ground, feeling the shock and excitement brought to him by this scientific and technological training ground.

Rich, rich, going to heaven, look at these advanced equipment, Sun Mingbo was a little excited, and wanted to immediately copy these advanced equipment and hand it over to his father's company to produce.

No, it's not the right time.

Sun Mingbo quickly realized that now was not the time.

One is the timeliness of copying, to digest and absorb these technologies, it is not achieved overnight, you need to know when to digest and learn to complete, this process

, and can not predict when to complete the time is very precious for yourself, can not waste a minute and a second.

The training and learning tasks in front of him have already left him with no skills, and this is not the time to act.

In addition, Sun Mingbo faced another dilemma: how could he explain to his father the origin of these devices and technologies, and

he could not imagine how he could openly tell his father that he had a mysterious system that had access to unprecedented technology.

Do you explain that you have a system? Having a system, secrets, secrets, secrets, important things three times.

You must know that if you don't keep it secret, you will lose the country, and if you don't keep it secret, you will be sliced and studied, and for your own life, you must keep it secret.

The third is that these black technology sports equipment, medical equipment, recovery equipment, even if there are technical drawings, the current domestic manufacturing technology, equipment can not meet the requirements.

Foreign countries also carry out technical blockade of domestic high-tech production equipment test instruments, it is estimated that there are a lot of technologies, foreign countries can not meet the requirements, must be their own research and development, the amount of funds, the sea has gone.

And many parts are also world-leading, such as sensors on equipment, robotic arm exoskeletons, etc.

Can't be impulsive, impulse is the devil, the most important thing at present is to complete the system task, these black technology equipment, wait until you have the conditions in the future.

So, Sun Mingbo made up his mind to temporarily put aside the idea of these devices and concentrate on completing the system tasks.

He knows that it will take a long road to produce these equipment, and what he has to do is to accumulate enough capacity and resources for himself to be able to realize his dreams in the future.

System: "The sports auxiliary training equipment, medical testing auxiliary equipment and recovery equipment in this system are intended to provide the host for scientific training and improve the host's sports technology level, and all the equipment and technology of the training ground can be copied by the host. "

The host must have the corresponding basic knowledge, such as high-speed motion scanning camera capture system, the host must have basic knowledge of optics, materials science, electronics, digital programming, mechanical design and manufacturing, etc., before copying, according to the technical complexity of the manufacturing equipment, pay 1000 to 1000000 points. "

It's so expensive, what should I do if I don't have enough points? These black technology equipment can't be counted on at present.

It seems that after completing the task, let's go abroad to have a look, tinker with some foreign equipment that my father's factory urgently needs, and put it in the system subspace training ground to bring it back to my father.

"The host can bring external items and goods into the training ground for use and storage, and the stored goods are paid points according to their weight, and one point is paid for each kilogram of goods for 5 days, and 10 points for each additional day after 5 days. "

It seems that the storage space of the training ground of this system is also not commonly used.

What Sun Mingbo didn't know was that the system was a secondary space training ground, which also needed energy to open, close, and maintain.

The system consumes the main energy when the host enters and leaves, the subspace training ground opens and closes.

The host trains in the subspace training ground, and the energy consumed is the secondary energy of the secondary space training ground.

The subspace training ground will always be open when storing goods, and the main energy and secondary energy will also be consumed.

So where does the main energy required by the system itself come from, of course, from the host, one is that the host is learning in a simulated classroom, and the brain will produce energy, and the overflow part will be absorbed by the system.

The second is that the host trains in the subspace training ground, and the energy spillover part of the body will also be absorbed by the system.

As for the secondary energy required for the subspace training ground opened up by the system, it is to use the subspace to absorb the energy in the universe.

The source of the energy does not cause harm to the host's body, and there is certainly no need for these systems to tell the host.

Don't think about it, the main thing now is to train.

It is necessary to make full use of the equipment and resources here, and constantly improve their capabilities to complete the system tasks.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Sun Mingbo couldn't wait to start training.

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